Owned by Pugs

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Is that all you got?


Apparently Henry is not impressed with the distance of this walk. A half a mile? Psssht!

Henry could do 3 or 4 laps around this lake, but he won't. He is too stubborn to walk somewhere he has already been.

He has been this way since he was a pup. We have to be very careful how we plan our walks because if the route requires us to double back at any point, Henry will simply sit down and refuse to walk.

So when we go to this park, we do one lap and then find some side paths to keep Hank interested.

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you tell them sweetie lol,my noah would always take his number two right where the “No Dumping sign was lol and he was blind but,it happened everytime.

mary castagnoli


Henry - a guy who lives by the motto:  “. . . but I’ll take the road less traveled.”
How long is his memory?  You may run out of ground for the little man.

Huckle, + Abby, Gracie, Georgie


You go, Henry (one way or another).  Not declaring any political affiliation, but I saw a picture of a dog doing that on a Romney sign, and that was funny too.  One way or another, these pups give their statements on various subjects. 

Julie, that is so funny too.



Looks like Henry likes to take a new adventure every time he goes out!!  Keep putting one paw infront of the other, and not look back!!!!
You’re too cute for words Hank!!  lol



How funny, it must be a Pug thing! Several years ago I purchased a Little Tykes Wagon for my 2 because they did the same thing and trying to carry them home was a load. I still have the wagon just in case Ruby pulls the same thing one day.
Huckle, I hope Gracie is doing better. Prayers for you both.



I had to chuckle reading this - Henry, you sound just like my CoCo!  She does not like to double back and gets bored very easily so I’m always taking her to different places.  Stubborn puggies!  smile



I wonder if it’s a “pug thing”?  Sometimes because of being short on time or too hot or whatever, I’ve wanted a very short walk.  If I walk down the street and turn around, Bennie resists and balks!  For awhile he would consent to cross the street and return home, but now he’s decided that is also unacceptable!



I absolutely love the idiosyncrasies of our Puggers!  Hank, you are a rebel with a cause lol

Julie, I certainly hope you got a picture of that! 

Sue VDB:  just getting caught up on reading. Congrats to Miss Annie about her costume win and I’m sooo sorry to hear of her stressful time the other day :(. I’m sure you’ve lavished her with love and she’s totally forgotten. 

Huckle, still praying for Gracie.

My boys have minds of their own when it comes to what they will and will not tolerate on walks lol

Adore these puggies!!!!

Hank, kisses sweetie, hope you get a fresh trail lol



Oh Henry, you crack me up. Pugs know what they want and they aren’t giving in!!

Hope everyone had a Happy Halloween. It was another successful fun year for us.

Corrine~I sent a little care package to the gang today! Be on the look out for that!

Pug Hugs to all from Bella & me.

Sue VDB and Annie Fannie


Many funny stories today.  Pugs definitely have a mind of their own and it is almost, if at all, to change their ways. 

Annie, Ben and I have a photo shoot with Amy from Fido Fetch tentatively scheduled for November 11 at a local park.  I’m looking forward to it. Amy is the same photographer who captured Romeo at the Valentine pug party last year, and the photo of Annie at the summer pug picnic. There is a two hour shoot scheduled, so we will see how that goes. 

Huckle how is Gracie doing?  Hope you, somehow, are able to keep her quiet so she will heal.

Heather, Annie is finel and for some reason has become more lovable since her incident. 

Still keeping the NE folks in my prayers.

Hellen Norton


OH HENRY….walks in beautiful places are really great!! You know how to fully enjoy it sweet boy!!

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