Owned by Pugs

Monday, August 29, 2011



Lucky for us Irene stayed off the coast and her effects on our weather were pretty minimal. Unfortunately, Irene travelled right up the east coast. We kept a close watch on the storm this weekend to see how Irene would effect G-Ma and G-Pa in Maryland. G-Ma & G-Pa have had quite a week. They had an earthquake and a hurricane! Geez!

I hope everyone in the path of Irene is doing OK. Our thoughts are with you all.

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Irene hit us in the form of high winds and some rain.  We’ve been without power for over 24 hours, allll day and night yesterday with none and still in the dark this morning.  Not fun!  The neighbor’s trampoline came flying through my fence and the other side of the fence also is down.  Also Not Fun considering there are two puggies who are used to their fenced in territory!  Everyone is safe and that’s what matters of course. 

Hope everyone else is OK out there!



Henry on hurricane watch, eh?  Bless his little heart. 

And so glad the storm has passed you all by.  Guess you had a bit of excitement Heather.  Now that would be scary having a trampoline come flying toward you. Did you duck? smile

Elizabeth and Mini Cooper in New York said they had drizzle but no damage as it lost its punch going out to sea.  Are all the rest of you okay?



Hello Everyone!  Glad to hear the storm has passed by and so far everyone is safe.
We received some rain saturday night, and early sunday morning, and alot of warm wind! It is still very windy, but the air temp is much cooler.
Sounds like fence repair is on order this week Heather.
Sending our prayers to all our sick puggies and their families..take care.



Heather, so sorry about your experience.  No fence for Baxter and Mr. Cole has to be very inconvenient, but happy you are safe. Hope power returns soon.  Evidently there are millions without power.

Elizabeth, glad you and yours are safe as well.

Praying for all the others who were in Irene’s path, that they are also safe.



Henry looks like he is keeping close eyes on the weather report glad all are safe I am sure it was not fun for you Heather hope your power comes on soon

Corrine I have a question for you tomorrow I am changing my internet service so I will have a new email I want to be sure I keep getting owned by pugs everyday how do I go about changing my email do I have to sign back up again? thanks for any help



sue, I don’t mean to overstep Corrine, but all you need to do, is in the “What say you?” section above “Your Comment” is change your email.

Hellen Norton


Hope and pray all our friends on the East coast are safe. Henery you are a geat weathe watcher!! We on the west coast are doing great.

When we moved my giant box of crochet and knit patterns were left behind. Even my hooks and kniting needles!! If anyone has the pattern for the crochet full size pug and knows where I can get a new one please let me know. I had made many to donate to Pug rescues and they sold quite well for them. ALSO need the pattern for the Crochet dog sweater that is very easy and has a hat with it. Even has a Santa hat. Only need to know where they are on he web and I will be able to get them.



Thanks Sue I have been having problems with Verizon and decided to switch back to cable the first thing that came to mind was oh no what about getting my blog from owned by pugs thank you again I will try this after it switches tomorrow



I hate dwelling on sad things, but don’t forget about east Africa!
P.S. that’s Henry isn’t it?

pug mama


I’ve got a friend in NYC and a friend in New Hampshire and I haven’t heard how either of them turned out yet, hopefully not too terrible.  Oh Irene….

susan states


Prayers to all who were in Irene’s path! Glad that most are safe! Henry is looking so intent as if he’s ‘praying’ the hurricane to move off the coast-Good job Henry! Pug hugs from the Colorado 5

Anjellica Evans


Irene hit us here hard.. We have been without power since Sunday. Just got it back tonight. YAY! Missed the Puggies.

Here in Maine, our little town was hardest hit.. 90% of the town was without power. Now getting it back slowly.

Hugs to Benny Henry Luna and Cupid. Glad Irene didn’t get you! Hehe.

Karen B.


Yikes!  I am glad that that bad mama is gone and history!  Best wishes and thoughts to all of you affected by the storm…it always amazes me what Mother Nature can do!  Sometimes she is not so kind…



Anjellkica, that’s a big bummer to be without electricity for so long.  Glad it’s back on, and also that you are safe.

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