Thursday, September 19, 2013
Inhaler Update
Luna has been taking her inhaler for a few weeks now and sadly we aren't seeing as great of results as we first were. The first week Luna was on her inhaler she was like a completely different pug. She rarely coughed. However, once we started to taper her off the prednisone, her cough came back with a vengeance. We contacted the vet and decided it was best to step her back up to her usual dose of prednisone. However, this didn't provide much relief. Her cough was pretty much as bad as ever. We got back in touch with the vet late last week and decided to put Luna back on her antibiotics. We think that she might have an upper respiratory infection that is negating the inhaler.
Fingers crossed that the antibiotics will work and that Luna can get back to rarely coughing when we first started the inhaler.
Have your vets checked for a fungal infection in her lungs? I had both a horse and a dog die from this. Not common but it does happen. One symptom is a bad cough. Hope Luna gets better.