Owned by Pugs

Monday, March 24, 2008

In Cahoots

Henry & the Peanut Shell

The pine trees behind our house is home to many squirrels.  The squirrels don’t really bother me and they provide great entertainment for the cat, but I think Benjamin, Henry & Luna enjoy the squirrels the most.

One of our neighbors keeps the squirrels well fed by providing shelled peanuts for them.  The squirrels of course love this and they take a peanut up the tree and diligently chew on the shell until they can get the peanut out.  After they eat the peanut, they drop the peanut shell from high up in the tree and it sails to the ground.  Well, it seems that a lot of the peanut shells make their way into our backyard.  Which to Benjamin, Henry & Luna is like treats falling from the sky.

They eagerly round up all the shells and they love to chew on them.  I, however, don’t want them to have the peanut shells.  So, I am constantly scanning the yard to make sure the squirrels haven’t left any presents for the pugs in the yard.  Which is no easy task.  Luckily, the squirrels seem to get fed in the early morning hours or in the evenings so those are the times that I really have to look out for.

I tell ya, I have some lucky pugs.  Even the squirrels give them treats!

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I never thougt of squirrels as intelligent, but they must be smart to know that pugs deserve all the treats in the world!



this will be my pug Buddha’s first spring and I cant wait.The first time he was introduced to snow was unforgetable.He pounced and shoved his gorgeous face in it.Their personalities are amazing.He is my child…and acts like one to.I wouldnt have it any other way.He never leaves my side.are there any activities you can suggest for summer time fun.



Did you say, “Pennies from Heaven?”  Oh no, that was “Peanuts from Heaven”(or so it seems)!

Carla End


Other than playtime in the park, or romps on the beach…depending on where you live, of course, I can’t think of any activities to suggest, but I will remind you that Pugs get hot VERY fast and easily.  Just be sure to have plenty of cool water around and if they don’t stop to go to a bowl, take them to the water (or vice versa) and try to make them drink.  Sometimes they are like kids that don’t want to stop playing long enough to catch their breath or have a drink.  Some folks have found it helpful to put a cooling collar around their pug’s neck.  Hope you have lots of fun play days this spring and summer.

Biscuit and Rascal’s Mommy



LOL! There’s Henry with his prize! It’s like an Easter shell hunt in your backyard everyday!! LOL!
Happy Spring!



One of our neighbours throws bread crusts out for the birds.  These are starlings, and they try to take whole pieces of bread and fly away before another bird can steal it.  But the bread pieces often are too heavy and get dropped after a short distance, usually right over our fence.  Ruby LOVES when the birds are over there, and will go sit by the fence and wait to catch whatever they drop.

Best time yet was the day they put take-out leftovers for the birds.  Might as well have been gold, how happy Ruby was to get a french fry from the sky LOLOL!



LOL! Too funny! I could picture it now - “Mommy - Mommy - there are french fries falling from the ski!!! SEEEE wishes do come true!”

Corrine - OBP


DancesInGarden - A french fry!  OMG.  Benny would spend all his time staring at the sky if that ever happened to him.  Lucky Ruby!

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