Owned by Pugs

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Hypo vs Hyper

We have been noticing some behavior changes with Cupid, so we took her to the vet to have her checked out. The vet recommended having blood work done and we agreed. A few days later we got the results and found out that Cupid has Hyperthyroidism.

The treatment is a special prescription diet. When I heard that I groaned because Cupid has become quite the picky kitty in her old age. So far, though, she has eaten her new food. She's not loving it, but she is at least eating it.

Cupid's thyroid diagnosis comes right on the heels of Benny's thyroid issues. Although, I think Cupid thinks she has outdone Benny once again. Her thyroid is working too hard, and Benny's thyroid is not working hard enough.

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Cupid is very fortunate to be loved by you and to be a member of your household where all of her needs will always be met. She’s not worried about her thyroid because she sees how well Benny is doing.



Oh QP. You are so beautiful. I absolutely love cats but can’t have one b/c my husband is allergic. *harumph* But growing up I had a cat and he was wonderful. This is what I noticed about this picture. Cupid’s little paw. I can just hear the soft little pads walking across the floor so quietly. Her gorgeous colors and how soft she looks. I would love to pick her up and smooch smooch smooch her!!! It’s like I’m ‘special’ around cats. I can’t leave them alone. My parents say they called me the Manassa Mauler when I was little b/c I was always touching their faces and just mauling them and the cat! I think he was a boxer.

Anyway! I hope she feels better and continues to eat her new food. And I hope Benny continues to do well too.

Pug Hugs from Bella & me.



Cupid is such a pretty kitty I miss not having one I had two for almost 18 years but with nine doggies in the house I don’t think it is fair to a kitty the doggies think they are toys

Sue VDB and Annie


The good news is Cupid does not have to take meds.  If she is like most cats, getting a pill down the throat of a cat is an adventure all of its own.

Minnie, who has been very healthy all of her life, is suddenly going downhill.  In addition to her back and leg problems, she has been diagnosed with kidney disease.  Saturay night Annie alert me to the fact there was something wrong with Minnie.  I found her behind the sofa (her usual resting place) with her head under the sofa and her hind legs trashing.  By the time I was able to get to her she was limp.  Her little head was stuck in the reclinig mechanism.  I got her out and she began to pant very heavily and was completely disoriented.  I held her trying to determine if she had a seizure or perhaps her legs gave out and as she fell her head became stuck.

Off to the emergency vet, late at night of course, and by the time we arrived she had quit panting but was still disoriented. They couldn’t determine either, but wanted to keep her overnight on IV and observation.  She had no more problems and was as perky as she could be the next day.  The emergency clinic gives you very little information because they want to do extensive tests, but ther blood work I authorized revealed kidney problems, but again they don’t tell you how bad.  They wanted to do more tests, but because Minnie was going to the vet Monday for acupuncture and I had him determine what she needed.

Mission Med Vet faxed a copy of their report to Dr. Rowe and he said her kidney function was at 25% capacity.  He placed her on IV fluids Monday, and she is still on IV this morning.  He wants to completely flush her kidneys, and then can determine if the problem is because of the meds she has been on or if this is a chronic condition where she will have to go in once a week to have her kidneys flushed and subocue treatment at home every day.

I am determined not to put her through too much because of the back/leg and kidney problems.  If her quality of life is totally dependent on acupuncture and kidney flushing, that doesn’t sound like much of a life.  I am sure St. Francis will guide me and help Minnie and me.

Annie had her first doggie daycare session yesterday.  She will go in from 1-3/4/5 pm every Tuesday and Friday.  When the gal checked her in yesterday she said she though Annie was barely a year old.  So now I have estimates of 1-3 years. I believe the lower end is more accurate.  She receiveed a good report card.

Last night was also her first obedience class in the same facility.  During oreintation I held her on my lap and she fell sound asleep, snoring softly.  I think I hit on the right solution for exercise since I am not capable of doing much physical activity with her.  I was also very proud of her.  She quickly mastered “watch me” and “sit”; however, she also quickly determined that the “watch me” command was a waste of her time and sat immediately, but she has to be able to do the “watch me” command next week.

Long I know, but just had to tell you what’s going on in the VDB household.

mary castagnoli


Glad to hear Cupid is gamely eating her special food.  Maybe she knows what a Special Kitty she truly is and likes to show it.

SUE VDB:  My word - what pet-scares you go through and, it would seem, to competently.  I know it comes with owning pets, but still so scary - like with small children when you have no real way of determining exactly what is wrong.  I, too, would rely on St. Francis and Minnie, herself, to guide you in the best course for her (although I know many cats who tend to hide their sick issues and feelings).  What age kitty is she?

My Bella is being kept quiet in her kennel while I’m at work this week as last Thursday evening she sprained (not tore or broke, thank Heavens!) her right hind leg when a toenail caught in the carpet as she was jumping up on an ottoman.  The vet x-rayed and everything appeared to be in place (I was freaking about an acl tear that would require surgery.)  So she’s taking anti-inflammatories and getting lifted onto chairs, bed, and over stairs, along with back leg massages from me.  She seemed actually delighted to see her old kennel in the living room again.  We just stopped using it during the week as I felt she had to be bored and she’s always been so good about being out during the day.  But think this feels safe and cozy for her - she even goes back inside in the evenings while I’m watching tv before bedtime.  Hope she’s really not just bored with my company!
Anyway - here’s to a safer, gentler week for everyone and their furry babes.



Since Cupid is one, and Benny the other, how about linking them together with an I.V. and no one will have to take meds?

Today is Georgie’s and Gracie’s Gottcha Day.  It is hard to believe we’ve had them for only two years because they are such an integral part of our household.  I thank you all for pointing me to rescue rather than breeder (not that that’s a bad thing, but I can’t imagine missing out of getting these two imps (yes even Georgie with all his medical issues).

Gina, you know the cure for an allergic husband, don’t you - Don’t make me say it!  Great eyesight as well.  I would never have noticed that soft little paw.

My gosh Mary and Sue VDB.  Remind me not to stand near either one of you in a thunderstorm.  But seriously, I am so sorry that you both are having to go through these things with your furbabies. When our babies are sick, everything is wrong.  I will say some special prayers for you and yours as well as take the matter up to the statue of St. Francis we have on our hearth.  (I’m not trying to be flip.) Keep on keeping us informed.  We will be so anxious to know how things are going.

I may be wrong but I think I have read that kidney dysfunction will not present until the function is low.  I’m saying that just in case you feel you should have noticed it early on.

Georgie has not limped nor favored his legs since his last acupuncture treatment.  He is even running up the ramp a friend lent us and seems quite proud of himself.  Today for the first time Abby ran up them (she is a slow study).

Sue VDB, for the “watch me” command, stick a piece of brunschewiger on your nose (just kidding).

Sue VDB and Annie


Mary, Minnie is a 12 year old chi/min pin mix I brought home when my sister died, and I didn’t mention that when I wrote about her. I hope your Bella recovers quickly from her injury.

Happy Gotcha Day Georgie and Gracie.  And, I am so happy that the acupuncture is helping Georgie.  I’ve said before, it is not for everyone/everydog, but it surte has helped my crew. Another thank you prayer to St. Francis.

Oh, and Huckle, I practiced with Annie on the deck and she did the watch me very well, and immediately sat down as well.  My son has a compost barrel and occasionaly he removes some of it and places the cured stuff in a pile.  Annie thinks that’s great stuff.  I used the clicker and said “no”.  She came running and she got a treat.

Hellen Norton


Cupid love cats and you are one beautiful one. Glad your family took you to the vet and you are going to be all right!

Southern Fried Pugs


I am glad you have caught Cupid’s hyperthyroidism quickly. If your regular vet doesn’t mention it, ask them to check her heart. I had to put my senior cat Noir to sleep on Monday night when out of the blue he developed a severe arrythmia that kept stopping his heart for several beats. The ER vet said that it was most likely caused by either a thryoid disorder or heart disease. I had a cat that was hyperthyroid, but Noir had none of the classic symptoms of constant hunger and eating but dramatic weight loss. Noir needed a pacemaker but the closest vet hospital that could implant one was four hours away. The vet didn’t think I could make it in time. He was so terrified about what was happening to his body that I just couldn’t put him through a four hour trip (he hated being in the car anyway) only to likely have him pass away while we were on the way.
I don’t mean to bring you down or scare you, but just wanted to warn you of that possibility. I do not remember my vet mentioning anything at all about my other cat’s heart when he was diagnosed with hyperthyroidism.
Good luck and hopefully, Cupid will not have to take meds.

weight loss pills


Haha!!!! raspberry Lolz. Great treatment as always! Anyway I want to reduce my unnecessary weight. Can you plz.. tell me how weight loss pills work properly?

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