Owned by Pugs

Friday, July 30, 2010

How She Rolls

I took Jennifer's fun idea to make a stop motion video, combined it with Heather's catchy title and voilá! Here is another look at Luna's adventures in rolling.

How She Rolls from obp on Vimeo.

Have a great weekend!

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Great video!  Luna you are wonderful smile  Happy Friday!



HA!  That’s AWESOME!  I wish I knew how to make things like this!  Luna’s a STAR!



I love our OBP community!!!  But WHY oh WHY are the videos not working for me lately?!?!?!  I wanna see Miss Luna roll….I just get the Vimeo logo with those triangles that make me dizzy…Miss Luna, I will keep trying until I get to see your fabulousness!!!  You’re so great, Corrine!!

Happy weekend my friends!!!  Snorts and pug love!

Corrine - OBP


Heather - Try this link to view the video directly on Vimeo to see if that works



Jennifer, thanks for the idea, and Corrine, thanks for making it happen.

Luna, you are just too funny for words baby girl. 

Pug Mama, how is Abby?  Still sending up those prayers.

OBP family, enjoy your weekend.



Thanks Corrine, but it didn’t work either :-( :-(

Corrine - OBP


Heather - On Vimeo, underneath the video and off to the right a bit there is a small link that says “Switch to HTML 5 Player”  If you want, try that and see if that works.  It could be an issue with Flash.



That is so funny and the music is perfect! Sweet sweet Luna! My pug loves smells too. Not so much in the grass but everything else. He rubs on the dryer vent outside when the dryer is going b/c he smells the dryer sheets. One year for my birthday I got a dozen votive candles and they were in this egg carton type thing and he rubbed and rubbed on that. Too funny!

Pug Hugs! ~Gina and Pip.



heehee too funny, lovin how she rolls!!!
Have a good weekend everyone.
Monday is a civic holiday here in Canada… is it for you guys too??
Alot of businesses, like the malls, will be open, but banks, post offices, etc will be closed.
So if you have it off, enjoy the long weekend!!!
pug hugs to all!



This is so funny and so sweet and so Luna!!!

Karen B


Short and sweet!  Great meeting of the minds, ladies!  Awesome job, Corrine!

Happy weekend to all!  I intend to enjoy the heat and sun and the pool!  Pat, enjoy your holiday!  Unfortunately, it’s not a holiday for us…Oh, well!



Luna you are so precious loved the video Corrine you are so talented I have trouble just putting pictures of my gang on the computer usually have to have my brother help me Pat enjoy your three day weekend we don’t have monday as a holiday enjoy the weekend obp family

PugMomma please let us know how you make out at the vets it sounds like this vet is really good I will be thinking of you and Abby saying a prayer and thinking good thoughts extra hug to Abby and you



I feel like I’m the only one not at the party!  LOL Still didn’t work Corrine, but thanks for the tips.  I think it must be work…I’ll try at home.  One way or another I *will* see this cutie pie doin’ her thang!

Enjoy your long weekend Pat.

Thinking of Abby Pug Mama!

Karen B


OMG Heather!  I can’t imagine you being left out!  You’re one of our chief “contributors”!  lol

Please try at home, it’s worth it!  Luna is just too cute!



Heather, don’t despair.  When you finally get to see it, it will be worth the wait, because it is just too funny and precious.



Heather, do you know whether one of us forwarding it to you would work and get around the problem you are having?  I could try, if you want.  Corrine is so clever and creative and you’d love this.

Pug Hug,
Huckle & the Swamp Pugs



To Heather:  The video wasnt working for me either, I had to update my flash player to the new version, then it worked great for me, I was able to see the video! Im not sure if this will help, hopefully it will!



Aw, I love you guys…thanks for makin’ me feel all warm and fuzzy (I need it this week!!!  Is it time to go home to the boys yet?!?!?!)...

Karen B, you’re so sweet grin

SueVDB, I *know* I am just going to love it…the pictures are to die for so I can only imagine…our sweet lil’ looney!

Huckle, you’re so sweet to offer…I think it’s an issue with the “player”, if you will, and something about the work laptop.  Although I’m not sure why it used to work and now it doesn’t…Hmmmm, OK now I’m confusing myself.  lol

First thing when I get home…well second to pug lovin’...I am getting back on OBP to see Luna!!!

XOXOXOXOX to all of you!!!  You made my day!

Elizabeth A Stratton


Aw, what a talented little girl is Luna.  Rock and Rolling is a good thing!

Elizabeth & Mini Cooper in NY~

Patty V


Aw, very cute! You are so clever!



OK my darlings, I *finally* got to see Luna rollin’ and Ben squeakin’...and now I’m staying up all hours of the night…watching puggas!



Heather, told you it would be worth it. Yay.

Hellen Norton


Heather…Glad you got it working. I LOVE AND ENJOY all the puggie pictures but can’t help loving to watch little Luna.
PS really enjoyed the swimmng one.

pug mama


Luna, you are quite the little roller:-) 

Hello OBP, I have not been able to post, so I am sorry I haven’t been able to give more updates.  I am now using the computer that I was on for a couple weeks when I was recovering from foot surgery, and it had goofed up my computer at home because I told both of them to “remember my personal information”.  Anyways, I digress. 

About the Abby:  She has been back to the vet 3 times, today to the emergency vet clinic.  She went to a vet on friday, that although he was nice, didn’t know her history very well, and was pretty dismissive, insisting she couldn’t possibly have pneumonia.  Well, today at the emergency clinic, they did another chest xray, and she definitely DOES have pneumonia so she is now on the right med.  She is just still not herself, but today, when she woke up she was clearly having greenish yellowish goobers coming out of her nose in addition to everything else, I knew it was time to have her seen very soon. 

I am praying that getting a pneumonia settled down will help my little angel.  I have also brought her back to my mom’s house, because mom’s central a/c can keep things a lot cooler than my simple little window a/c.  Keep praying for my baby girl, I am still hopeful that she is going to come out of this and get back to her baseline.  Thank you so much for your care and concern for us, it means the world to me <3



Pug Mama, I am so very sorry you had a dismissive vet.  There are vets and then there are VETS.  With Abby now on the right meds, hopefully she will make a quick turnaround. St. Francis please help Pug Mama’s sweet little Abby. 

You are a good mama, and you have a good attitude.  Hang in there sweetie.



Pug mama - not that this helps in your current situation, but I always wonder why we seem to have to be insistent on further medical tests or procedures when we deal with doctors (human or animal), but it seems we do.  I am so happy for you that you didn’t let it slide but kept following your intuition.  We know our babies even if “they” think we don’t have the proper training.  That aside - Good for you!  We’ll continue to keep Abby and you in our prayers as she continues to recuperate.  Your world must seem a whole lot lighter this Monday.

Sue VDB’s words, “You are a good mama, and you have a good attitude” expresses what we all have seen. 

Bless you and Pug Hugs,
Huckle & the Swamp Pugs



You have all inspired me to focus on providing more informative and resource type link building posts in the
future,so stay tuned for more soon.

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