Owned by Pugs

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

How is it…

Benjamin, Henry, Luna & Sol getting ready for a walk

When we had 20 inches of rain dumped on us and were forced to cease all non-essential outdoor activities, I started thinking about dogs and their energy levels. The pugs go out for a couple of short walks a day and a long walk almost every evening. I like this schedule for a couple of reasons. One being that walking with the pugs is something we all enjoy and the most important reason being that regular exercise keeps the pugs on their best behavior. When the pugs are well exercised they spend much of the day sleeping while I am working. When they haven't been out for their walks they spend a lot of time during the day barking and getting into things.

So, when we didn't take the pugs out for a walk for over a week, they were pretty much bouncing off the walls. They were bored and were searching for something to do to occupy themselves. And when they come up with ways to entertain themselves it is almost never a form of entertainment approved by me.

As soon as the rain subsided and we saw a break in the clouds we took the pugs out for a walk. They were excited and they were keeping a record setting pace. Even Sol was trucking along faster than normal. It isn't uncommon for the pugs to be strong out of the gates, but they usually slow to a much more reasonable pace as the walk goes on. But, on this occasion, the pugs had over a mile under their harnesses and there was no slowing down in sight. Even Sol was still trotting along. Even on the home stretch the pugs were still keeping an excellent pace and after we arrived home they ran around the driveway for a few minutes.

After seeing how the pugs stored all of their energy from the week, I got a little jealous. If I miss a week of cardio at the gym, I certainly don't hop right back on the treadmill and run harder, faster and longer than I normally do. Nope, I feel the wrath for everyday that I missed!

It is kinda like the times that I take Benny on a run with me. Benny is actually a very good exercise buddy and he loves to go on a run with one of his peeps. The only problem is that he is a little annoying with how good of shape he is in. He doesn't go out running on a regular basis, but he can do a mile easily. It comes to him effortlessly. And if I wasn't sucking wind, it would be cute when he turns his little head and looks back at me while jogging along to see if I am going to be able to keep up.

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This post just served to remind me of how out of shape I am…granted I finished a half marathon last month, but to say I crawled, breathlessly, across the finish line wouldn’t be too far from the truth. 

Benny, would you have room in your schedule to train me in your ways?  Seems like you have the fitness thing down!

Send some of your stored energy this way OBP pugs…Your RI fan can use some!

sue s


It never ceases to amaze me the energey after 4:00pm that Beauty has! I was hoping as she gets older she’d mellow-but it doesn’t sound like it after reading this!!



Whoever says Pugs are couch potatoes are totally wrong!  My last Pug was a runner and had amazing energy even when he was older; my new baby who is 3 definitely benefits from her long walks.  If she doesn’t get them, she drives me crazy by staring at me.  I know she’s thinking “what are we going to do now?”  Good for you, Benny for being a running Pug!  Glad you all are finally able to get out and get some walks in.



Glad your rain finally let up—20 inches!!

It’s so true, if we don’t give them something constructive to do with their energy, they will find something on their own to do…..



I’m very envious.  I used to take BoPeep for long walks and we thoroughly enjoyed it.  When I first got Romeo he went for some walks.  Now that I can no longer do that he has become a serious couch potato.  Good for Benny, Henry and Luna, and a big yay for Sol.

Karen B


I’ve just recently started walking C.J. and Toeby more often and they do seem to behave better!



Hilarious Corrine, I love this post, especially the part about you sucking wind and Benny wondering if you’ll be able to keep up with him. I often want to take my Lucy on a run, but I get nervous about her being able to cool herself. She’s very energetic. Are pugs usually okay to run a mile?

Darci and Abbey the Pug


I’m glad to hear we aren’t the only running pair.  Abbey usually goes on a run with me everyday in the spring and fall (sometimes in the summer, when it’s nice).  We go anywhere from two to three miles.  Sometimes I drop her off because I don’t want to take her any farther.  She seems to love it.  I like the looks we get as we go by people.  I’m not sure what they are thinking, but I assume it has something to do with such a little dog running ahead of me…  She is definitely faster than me, but she is one fit pug!

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