Owned by Pugs

Thursday, December 1, 2011

How Far She Has Come


As I read the comments for the From Zero to Twenty blog post, I was somewhat surprised. There were many well wishers and congratulators offering OBP kudos for Luna’s success in her tear production and eye health. It really got me thinking.

I guess we should be more proud of this than we are. When Luna started as a zero, we just sort of expected that in no time she would be fine. That we would just find the right vet, follow the prescribed guidelines and before we knew it, she’d be fine.

So, while that is what we did and this was the end result, we really hadn't taken any time to reflect or evaluate just how amazing this result is or how far she has actually come. And since we just assumed our efforts would pay off, it never even crossed our minds that she was "beyond repair". So, we never then appreciated her progress.

Thinking about how far Luna has come, what popped out first was a memory of her first trip to the dog beach. The boys were so excited,but she was a nervous wreck. The boys ran scampering down the boarded walkway and thumped down the steps leaping down the oversized last step down to the beach itself.

Then there was Luna. She anxiously coursed her way down the boarded path, screeched her brakes at the top of the steps and then reluctantly forged her way down the steps feeling each step as she plopped down them. When she got to the very last step which was a good foot and half from the beach, she took a leap of faith which did not pay off. She immediately face planted into the sand. This caused her whole face (eye balls included) to be covered in sand. She was a mess. She was frantic. She couldn’t see, was covered in sand, completely uncomfortable and at the time she still did not trust us very much.

Anyway, since her eyes were so dry getting the sand off them was a task in and of itself. We did manage to wash away the grit and she ended up having an ok time but it is definitely one of those moments that sticks with a person.

There was also the growth that she had on her eye that needed to be removed. And there was also at least 10 different combinations of eye meds that we tried until we found the (DUH) winning recipe. We kept spreadsheets so that we could track of it all. Now we have the routine memorized. We used to have to go back to the eye vet every 3 months. This visit they told us that they won’t need to see her for another 10-12 months! That is truly incredible.

Thanks to the OBP readers for their support and positive commentary in pointing out some of the things that we simply have taken for granted in the OBP household. Without your kind words, I likely would not have taken the time to reflect and be proud of the improvements little Luna has made.

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Miss Luna.. “You’ve Come A Long Way Baby!”  Such awesome news that your peepers are doing extremely well and a once a year visit to the eye doc to boot!!
smile  Hugs to all, prayers for speedy recovery for our unwell puggies.



The first time I heard of this face plant business, I just howled.  It didn’t strike me until later how problematic an event it was.  And later, when I saw some of the photos of Luna’s eyeballs as her peepers were being treated for dry eye, etc. I would not have thought the dark filmy stuff on Abby’s eyes was so dangerous and would not have gone to a vet with better measuring equipment than our old vet.  Abby owes Miss Looney Tunes a bucket of gratitude for the ‘heads up’and Luna owes you a bucket of gratitude for such stellar care. But how could you have done less.  You just aren’t that kind of person and very firmly have your head screwed on tight in the right way.

Gina, I think I may have confused you asking whether Pip was jumping up on chairs again.  I had been thinking of Romeo and his scare earlier and had gotten the two - Pip and Romeo - mixed up in my mind right then.  Duh!  I realized this in bed last night as I was reviewing the latest OBP happenings in my mind.  I know who Pip is and I know who Romeo is and sometimes I am NOT sure who I am! wink

Hope those two little boys are doing well today and let us have the latest on Pip as you know it.  Did you ever say why you named Pip, pip?  It’s an awfully cute name and brings a little imp to mind.

Huckle &
the Swamp Pugs
(BTW. I won’t be mentioning Cooper for awhile.  He is on my list - and I bet y’all know which list THAT is.)

mary castagnoli


It’s so great to see how full of herself - how confident she is.  And those eyes just sparkle!  Gotta make you feel like a proud pug parent, and so happy for her.  Rock on, La Luna!  Good job, Corrine en famille!



GREAT STORY!!! you have a way with words….as usual!!! YAY for LUNA…....we love the little thing!!!

pug mama


Yeah Luna!!!!  You have come a long way little girl, and you could not be in better hands.  <3 Dem brothers of yours know the way, and have shown you well.

sue states


Oh Ms. Luna-you HAVE come a long way! It shows how with love all things are possible. You had a long road to eye health and overcoming how life treated you in the beginning, then along came this loving, caring family-you were not alone as we all were on this journey with you keeping prayers going for you and then for the many. God bless you little one. Pug hugs to all from the colorado 4



To prove the fruits of your hard and dedicated work, take a close look at Luna.  She has the brightest, most beautiful eyes, and she is full of confidence, along with her sassiness.



Corrine, I’m so glad we could be of service to you!  It’s you who always does for us by writing such a lovely blog!  Between your pugs and hearing about all the other readers pugs, this place makes me happy ♥



I hope you realized what a great job you are doing Corrine. Luna came from something horrible and here she is today in a perfect home getting THE best care possible. She is a sweetheart and definitely deserves the best which is what she found!

Huckle ~ sometimes I truly don’t know who I am either! I forget everything! My sister refers to me as Dory ~ the fish from Finding Nemo that Ellen DeGeneres (love her!) voices! She has short term memory loss and not to make light of that situation but I always forget!

We named Pip in a weird round-about way. I am a HUGE HUGE HUGE Josh Groban fan. If you don’t know who he is, you must google him. He is amazing. Anyway, when we got Pip, I wanted to name him Josh. Well my hubby wasn’t too keen on that idea. Well I started thinking about Josh and his cute curly hair and I said to my husband, “Josh sort of has hobbit hair”. (nothing to do with pugs..I know) And if anyone is familiar with The Lord of the Rings trilogy, you will know that one of the hobbits is super funny and we really liked him b/c we are big Lord of the Rings fans. Anyway, that hobbit’s name is Pippin. And so when I said hobbit, Sean and I looked at each other and both immediately though of Pippin the hobbit and thus, Pip was named!!!!

Weird I know! Pip is at the vet again today. They are drawing blood and having it analyzed today and we will get his numbers again and hopefully his white blood cell count is very low. 1600’s is what we would like. Extra prayers if no one minds while we wait for the results! Thanks all!!

Pug Hugs to all from Gina & Pip



Gina, what a great story on Pip’s name.  Pip has continually been in my prayers and will continue to be there.  Hope you receive the good news you are waiting for.  Hugs

mary castagnoli


GINA:  You bet’cha - PIP is never far from my mind and I will continue to send up prayers for his speedy and complete recovery.  And I think a Hobbit’s name works perfectly for a pug.



I have to agree with everyone Miss Luna has come a long way and its all do to a very loving home and pug parents I really enjoy reading your blog every day Corrine it always puts a smile on my face
Gina hoping Pips blood results are where they should be saying some extra prayers



I feel like I’m being greedy and selfish. Pip’s white blood cell count went back up! This is terrible. But even though it’s very scary the good news is he is having abdominal surgery on Saturday morning. They are going to remove his bladder stones, the nodule on his spleen and biopsy his liver. Please pray they find something that is causing the infection. Pray that it can be removed and pray that he has a quick recovery. The doc says that since has no clinical signs of being sick and b/c he is so spunky, he should come through fine. AGH! What a rollercoaster we’ve been on. Thank you all for supporting me and God Bless!

mary castagnoli


I know we’re all hanging in there with you, GINA/PIP!  This has really been an ordeal for you and your family.  Many prayers and positive thoughts will be reverberating throughout OBP-land - mine among them.



Gina, I would hardly call you greedy and selfish…much more like a very concerned mother who wants her baby to get well. Wow, it really has been a rollercoaster ride.  I fervently pray that whatever has a hold of Pip will be resolved by the surgery.  I am also praying for you to find comfort.  (((Gina and Pip))).

LiloNme(aka Gwen)


Jeepers creepers, where’d you get those peepers, where’d you get those eyes. 
Corrine, thank you for sharing everything with all of us here.  Sometimes we often forget to take time to reflect on where we are now, and where we have come from.  It is definitely a journey.

Gina, we will continue to send prayers up for Pip.  He is definitely most stable now than earlier to have this surgery, and never feel guilty for asking for prayers.  We give them freely.

Whoever said pug juju earlier, i burst out loud laughing.  That is definitely what is needed, some very good pug juju!!!!

How fitting to have Pip named for a hobbit, for he is indeed your “precious”!

Prayers for all in need.  Much love, Lilo n me.



Gina, I bet your heart went to the bottom with his numbers.  It’s scary to face this kind of thing, but we, your support group is here and wanting to listen.  Silly you, feeling you are taking up too much space on OBP.  Nope!  We are anxious with you as you and Pip go through this ordeal.  It’s very good that Pip is spunky.

What an interesting story on Pip’s name.  A little hobbit, eh.  A funny little hobbit, how cute.

Remember we are there with you and hope for a speedy recovery.  Prayers



Gina, that’s a sweet story about how Pip got his name!  I just realized that you and your hubby are both OBP:  Owned By Pip!!  And please know that we all want to hear your updates, and we care and feel for you.  The prayers are continuing!



God bless you little girl.You such a gift and I am so proud that you are finding yourself the courage I know you have,Take care Lunalove

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