Owned by Pugs

Wednesday, May 28, 2014

How Benny Rolls


The other day I posted a picture of Henry and how he rides in style to the vet. Well, this is how Benny chills in the car when he is going to the vet.

Last week, we took Benjamin to the eye vet for a checkup (more on that to come) and this is how he rode on the way home. His eye exam really tuckered him out.

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Mary M


It looks like baby Benny can sleep just about anywhere!

brenda in texas


He does look plum worn out. Poor baby.



Oh Benny. I hope everything is ok. It’s hard running errands. smile

Sue States


Trips to the vet can be exhausting. Pug hugs from pastor sue & the Colorado 2



Ben, you stilll look pretty good even though you’re getting a bit older now. Must be all the beauty sleep.



I am so glad Benny is such a laid-back traveler.  (Or should I say laid-down traveler!) 

One short drive with our Bennie, and you would marvel at your Benny calm.  All I can guess is that before we got Ben he had an unpleasant car ride, because he is always a bundle of anxiety going anywhere.  He is fairly calm on the way home, though.

I can’t wait to hear how his visit went.



mmm… reminds me of me!!!  I nap well in cars also lol

Steve Lindhurst


Hmmm,  Being that Dolly is my first Pug, and even though I’ve had her for nearly 3 years, and she gets regular checkups and is treated if she falls ill, etc.
Is there something about Pug’s eyes I’m missing?  Two vets I have used have never said anything special about her eyes, and after all the recent activity about eyes I have to ask the inevitable questions. 
  1., Do I have to take her to an “eye vet”?
  2., Where in the world do I find one if I(she)
      needs one?  Not the phone book, not around
      here, anyway.

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