Owned by Pugs

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Hot, Hot, Hot

Luna and Henry

It’s not officially summer yet, but as far as the pugs are concerned summer is here in full force.  It’s been so hot that Henry has been begging for ice cubes again whenever I take a sip of water and if it gets any hotter we might have to consider getting some blocks of ice for the pugs to lick.  Walks are pretty much restricted to early morning hours before work, which I always have a very hard time working in, or to the evenings at dusk or on really hot days after it is dark.  The pugs don’t seem to mind the change in their walk schedule as much as they mind the mixup in their sunning time.  Henry loves to lay in the yard and bask in the sun and Luna and Benny love to lay on the lounge chairs around the pool.  All three of them have found that it is just too hot for that!

I have been on door patrol a lot lately because the pugs haven’t fully accepted that it is summer.  The pugs go out, sit outside for not even a minute and then they come back in.  They cool off in the air conditioned house and then they want to go back out again.  Its like they haven’t yet come to terms with the fact that they need to find their old favorite indoor sleeping spots from last summer.

We could also use some rain.  There has been rain all around us, but it just keeps missing us.  Yesterday, it thundered and looked like it was going to pour down rain any minute, but we never got more than a sprinkle.  Luna might have to put back on her rain coat grin

What’s the weather like where you are?

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In Michigan?  Hot, humid, and recovering from horrible weekend storms.  Feels like we may as well be in Florida!  Early/late walks and AC are the norm here, too.



Very hot in central Texas. We need rain also. Luke and Genevieve go outside just long enough to take care of their business.
Then it’s right back to the a/c.



I’m in Fort Worth and we seldom have a real “Spring”.  We go from Winter to Summer; blink and you miss Spring.  It is in the upper 90’s and very humid.  We need rain too.  It rained a very little on Monday, but I was hoping for much more.  Last Summer was one of the wettest on record and we were all so spoiled. I don’t think that is going to happen this year.

Sleighbelle hates the hot, but she loves to be outside, so sometimes she tries to stay out there longer than she should.  So then I’m on the porch bribing her with a treat if she will come in the house.  I think she knows that if she stands there looking at me long enough, I’ll pull out the ole “come get a treat” routine!

Birdy (my rescue/special needs pug) can no longer stand or walk, so she does not go outside anymore.  Her health seems to be fine except for that.  I can see that her back leg area is loosing muscle (not that she ever had much).  But she is still happy and sweet and just accepts her lot in life.  She has taught me many things about being grateful for what you have and not crying about what you don’t. Who knew I could learn so much from my pugs?



In Kansas (northeast corner)it has been rainy and slightly cooler…  It’s cloudy and breezy right now.  Keep your fingers crossed that the rain moves out by Friday - we have a big Cancer walk Friday evening through Sat. morning…



I, too, am from northeast Kansas (Kansas City) and we have had lots of rain again with some severe storms.  I enjoy some of the wet weather but I can’t really get out to plant anything because it is too muddy.  Romeo hates going out in the rain, so sometimes I have to let him out in the garage if it lasts too long.  Depending on which way the wind is blowing he will go out on the deck and do his business.  Not the best situations but easy to clean up.



We’re in Boston, and it’s been hitting almost 100 degrees for the last few days.  We need some relief!



We are in SW Florida… Lee County… and have been experiencing typical summer weather. HOT & HUMID! Our walks are restricted to early morning (before 7am) and late evening (after 8pm). Otherwise, it’s a quick trip outdoors to potty and back to the a/c. (we did have wicked rains & winds Sunday and Monday)



I’m in Windsor, Ontario near Michigan.  It’s cooled off a little from the weekend, but it’s coming back.  If it’s not humid and hot, it’s storming like crazy, knocking down trees and power lines.  The poor puggies want out, but I will only walk then at night.  If they go outside during the day, I have frozen treats for them and a little kiddie pool set up.



All of you can certainly take the rain we’re getting here in Iowa! Its been storming nearly every day for several weeks, and tornados have been damaging small towns all over the state. I spent last night watching sand bagging efforts all over town in hopes of keeping the flood waters back. When the clouds do part, its lower 80’s, which is perfect for me, and the puggies are happy to go outside and not have to have their feet wiped on the way in!

Karen B


Central California here!  Upper 80’s, low 90’s, breezy and beautiful!  I swam with Toeby and my granddaughter Camryn yesterday all afternoon and it was wonderful!  Unfortunately, C.J. still can’t join us cuz his leg is still bandaged and healing.  (He’s doing well but still no pathology report.  The docs can’t figure out what his “lesion” was!)
Anyway, California is having a huge drought and we need RAIN!  Maybe you all could send some water our way…



We are in Vancouver, BC and it has been wet and miserable. It has been sitting at 10-13 degrees each day (46-52ish). I had to turn the furnace back up!
The dogs don’t mind whatsoever, just me!
It usually gets hotter here in July and August so I am hoping we get a somewhat decent summer!



I’m in Baton Rouge, LA.  It’s HOT, HUMID and we need rain too!!!



Just an hour north of Boise they got 3 inches of snow this morning and it’s raining and cold here.  This is not typical for the area in June. We may have to get Brandy’s sweaters out of storage.



Hate me I’m in Southern California…It’s been a little gloomy in the mornings (as we say June Gloom) but it burns off and the sun shines and it’s in the 70’s with a slight breeze…sorry - we do get hit for about two weeks with heat and no wind and my pugs are the same way - scratching at the door to get out and then scratching to get back in. They get so upset! and it’s usually only a few weeks - I couldn’t imagine a whole season! The horror! hahaha
We get it again in the winter when the couple of weeks of rain comes or it’s just a little too cold to sit outside in the sun. They are so funny! Especially my older guy Benee who spent 5 years in New York and never had the pleasure of laying out on a balcony in the sun for 350 days out of the year!
Love those pugs they truly do run our lives!
Everyone I hope you get rain where needed - some cool breezes where needed and some pug friendly sun!



We currently have way too much rain.  It has rained almost every day for the last month, with only a day or two of sunshine in between!  We’re wondering when summer is going to finally arrive.  Normally we have pretty hot weather here by now and I would have a tan :(



Hello, from Nova Scotia, Canada. Mr. Skittles & I live in the southwestern tip of NS. Monday temps were 36 celcius (very hot, for us) today it is only 17 which is cooler.
Mr. Skittles enjoys the cool family room in the basement of our home, and we too have gone on walks later in the evening.



Karen, thank you so much for the update on C.J.  Please keep on with the updates.



Just read your post on Birdy…so sorry to hear..My old guy has Degenerative Mylepothy and is starting to loose use of the back legs (still can walk - stand - but getting drag foot). I just bought him a customized cart.http://www.eddieswheels.com/. I have tried it on him once but haven’t had the chance to really take him outside and try it out and his acupuncturist wants me to wait so he doesn’t get used to it and rely on it yet. (we have been keeping the disease at bay.




Thank you for your thoughts on Birdy.  I have thought about the cart too, but while her front legs are better than her back, she really doesn’t have much use of those either.  So, for now, she is lovingly carried around by her mommy, and is always by me on the couch or bed.

I’m sorry for your fella too.  It’s just not fair, these pugs give us such love and comfort and enjoyment and then something terrible like this happens.

Karen B


Sue VDB-Will do!  I’m on pins and needles waiting to find out what this thing is!

Ivy M. Andrews


In northern Ohio it has been in the 90’s and humid since last weekend. Today it got around 80 but there was a cool breeze and little humidity. The dogs would run out, do their business and beat it for the door to get back in the air conditioning. Today they stayed out and played.



I got Benee a counterbalanced cart (it takes the pressure off the front legs as well and why I got it and wanted to start using it)
I am going to work with it this weekend and will let you know how it goes. Check out their website it has some really great videos.
One of Benee’s front paws is getting arthritis…ugh
Yes - it’s completely unfair and I hate it! I am determined to make him as comfortable and full of life as I possibly can.
hugs to Birdy

Corrine - OBP


Danine - I checked out the carts at Eddie’s Wheels and it is amazing what they can do.  Best of luck with training Benee with his cart.  I am sure he will pick it up quick.  It is amazing how quick dogs can adjust to things.

Christina - I’m so sorry to hear about Birdy.  Please know that you have my thoughts.

Karen - Glad to hear that C.J. is on the mend.  I am keeping positive thoughts about the pathology report.  Please keep us updated.

Isn’t it odd how no matter where the locale we never seem to get just the right amount of rain?  Either things are flooding or things are bone dry.  Best of luck to those getting a ton of rain and hopefully that rain will move to some of us that desperately need it.

I know it isn’t summer yet, but a safe summer to all!

Karen B


Speaking of blocks of ice to lick, my boys like ice cubes with peanut butter frozen inside.  Be careful there’s no peanut allergy!  I bought the old fashioned ice cube trays and put a dollop of PB in each then fill with water and freeze.  It’s a nice cool treat when it gets too hot to handle!



OBP - thank you for your kind words! I tried it in the living room and he took off on it but it needs adjusting before I will film it and let him outside smile

Karen B


Just heard from the vet on C.J.‘s pathology!  She said there is no obvious cancer at this point but it is still a really weird “thing”  and they think it’s maybe a reaction to the trauma.  Good news!  However, she said to watch him and if it recurs, they may have to biopsy again.

Thanks all for your good wishes!  Have a great weekend.  Mine will be better now! wink

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