Owned by Pugs

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Home & Resting


Looney Tunes is back home and resting well. We are so happy to have her home.

We learned a lot with our appointment with the neurologist. Luna will be meds for the next two weeks and we are to keep her activity to a minimum, however, she doesn't have to be on bed rest. Luna can go for a short walk each evening, which should help keep her from bouncing off the walls.

It will be a few days before Luna is a 100% percent but so far she is doing well.

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Oh Luna Sweetie,

    You just take care of yourself.  Lots of puggy hugs and kisses being sent your way..



You know what they say….You cant keep a good girl down!!!

Julie L.


Hooray Luna!!!

mary castagnoli


What a snuggle-bunny.  Glad to hear she is able to walk about a bit.  What are they planning to do for the prolapsed discs?  Is this something that can be handled with cortizone injections?  Seems we’ve had a couple of employees where I work that went this route as surgery wasn’t recommended.  Could she wear a puggy-truss for support?
You guys have really run the gamit with vetinary care.  I’m sending sunny thoughts your way and am happy to see La-Luna home and comfy with her love-mates.



Hello Miss Luna! You have had a busy week, glad to hear all is well and you are on the road to recovery.
Soon you will be your spunky self once again!
Thinking of all of you OBP readers and hope all your puggers are doing well



You look good Luna, black nose and all. If not already, hope you are breathing better soon.  As for those nasty disc problems, you know mom and dad will do whatever ia necessary to keep your comfortable.  Glad you can go for short walks. 

That’s my goofy Romeo as featured picture of the day.



Awww, so nice to see you pretty Little Luna!!  I know you are getting the best care and lovin’ imaginable and I know those two brothers are so excited to have their Sis back home!  Get lots of rest and here’s a big kiss to you!

Sue VDB, so wonderful to see Romeo…look at that precious boy, too cute!  Give him a kiss from me!

pug mama


Aw, Looney Tunes, I am so glad you are home, with not too horrible restrictions thrown your way.  Take it easy girl and I hope your recovery goes smoothly <3



I’m so glad sweet little Luna is home!  And I’m glad her restrictions aren’t impossible ones to keep!!

Sue VDB, hooray for Romeo!!

Karen B.


Hard to see the “Liz Taylor” in the pic but it looks like they widened her nares quite a bit…Hang in there, Luna!  Better breathing is on it’s way!

Sue VDB, Romeo looks like quite the clown in this photo!  Don’t they just crack us up?



So glad Luna is home with mommy daddy and brothers I know you must be so happy Corrine just to have her home again wishing her a speedy recovery she is precious

Sue VDB Romeo is adorable what a cutie he is



Luna looks like she is being a wonderful little patient. So adorable, I do hope she is back to her old self very soon. Sue, Romeo is so cute, looks like adventures of super pug.



Luna, you look amazing for just coming through surgery!  I am so glad that you are home and on the road to better health.

Sue VDB, I laughed out loud at Romeo’s photo!  What was he trying to do? Catch a cheerio mid-toss???  That is a serious tongue, he must give great kisses with that thing!!!



It was mentioned before that the nose would have to be re-colored (or did I read that wrong?) and I was wondering then what that meant.  How do they do that?

Now, Looney, this is enough of the health issues.  Please be safe.  We all love you so.

Karen B.


Huckle, C.J. had the nose done and I was told that they tattooed the color in…otherwise, the tissue would still be pink…

patty v


i’m so glad that luna’s surgery went well, and am hoping she will take it easy for a few weeks. back trouble is no fun at all.

oh my, sue vdb, that romeo is a little cutie!

Patty B.


Luna…you look maahvelous! Rest up and you’ll be your peppy, perky, puppy self in no time!
Romeo…you are just too, too cute!  Love that pix.



Thank you everyone for your comments about my Romeo.  To see more about him, please go to his picture.  It explains the whole picture thing.



Sue VDB - how do we get to the pictures.  I can’t find them.



Karen - Wouldn’t that be something.  A black Pug with a pink nose. Just imagine…

Karen B.


Huck, I’m sure if it were a pug, it would be adorable!!!

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