Owned by Pugs

Wednesday, December 23, 2015

Home For The Holiday


I saw on FaceBook that there was to be a full moon on Christmas night this year. Since I am nobody's fool, I did a fact check since FB is notorious for sharing misinformation. (We shared a 2 moon tale we saw on FB before.) This, one, however, is true! There will, indeed, be a full moon on Christmas night. Essentially, Luna will come home for the holiday. Brother Ben will be near to the heart, as well, as we gaze to the sky to see Looney girl's glow. Solsey by day and Luna and Benny by night. Christmas, while not the same without them all, will be better this year than last as Henry is truly rebounding and is in better shape than he was 365 days ago. So, when you look up in the dark night and see the glowing ball of light, blow that girl a kissy and let her know team OBP is thinking about her and others that have crossed the rainbow bridge. For now, Merry Christmas Eve.

Christmast Full Moon

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If the clouds don’t hide beautiful Luna, I will go outside to talk to her, Solsey and Ben.  Merry Christmas at the Rainbow Bridge sweet babies. You are so missed here on Earth.

Christie Sachde


Henry has made such strides this past year…he is truly amazing…as are his peeps:) Looking forward to the visit from Luna:) Merry Christmas to all in OBP land!!!

Joyce Joy


Here’s to Looney Luna!  And of course to the rest of the OBP family…blowing you kisses from Minnesota. Wow…hard to believe, the last time there was a full moon on Christmas Eve…I had just graduated from high school, trying to make my dreams come true smile
Merry Christmas Everyone…hope the year 2016 is fantastic for you all.

Mary M


It will be so wonderful to see Looney shining down on Christmas night!

Gerry Denise and Pugs 2


Merry Christmas Henry! Your doing great! We will look at the moon and blow Luna girl a kiss and think of Benny and Solsey.



Great picture of Luna!

Love all precious puggers.

Susan States


Luna shone through the clouds here in Colorado-Merry Christmas Eve little girl, know you along with so many our beloved fur babies are never forgotten. Pug hugs from pastor sue & the Colorado 3




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