Owned by Pugs

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Holiday Photo

Cupid, Benjamin, Henry and Luna

Last weekend we took the annual holiday family photo. As much as I love taking pictures, can I just tell you how much I dread taking this photo?

First, it is always done under a time crunch because we need to get the cards printed and mailed out. Second, it is hard to get Benjamin, Henry and Luna to look at the camera. Throw in the cat and it is pretty much impossible. Thirdly, come Christmas card photo shoot time, Benjamin becomes the most fidgety, lickey pug he could possibly be. In every picture he is either licking his nose, yawning or facing the wrong direction. It has become a yearly tradition for him.

To make things easier this year, we thought we would use the cat perch and give everyone a square (in true Brady Bunch style). This was a tremendous help as it cut down on the amount of wandering. It still didn't guarantee that everyone was looking at the camera, but at least we kept them all in one place. 249 photos later we determined we had a decent shot and we were ready to send the cards to the press.

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Corrine it may have taken 249 shots but it came out beautiful

Julie L.


I love it! What a great idea—cat tower with tinsel garland.  I always put off my pug photos/cards until later than I wish.  Haven’t done them yet.

How innovative!  LOL at the Brady Bunch mention, which is does remind me of them!

Drools and licks,
Minnie, Mack and Mario



This is a great photo!  Love how the pugs are smiling and looking happy, but poor Cupid looks annoyed to the max!



Love love love it! They all look wonderful! I thought it was hard with a 6 year old human, a 4 year old human and a 7 year old pug! I was wrong. This turned out perfect Corrine!

Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays! Do we have any OBP’ers who celebrate something other than Christmas? If so, please share if you want. smile

Big fat pug hugs to everyone from Bella (who is snoring really loud right now) & me.



I love it! Thanks for an awesome idea for next year.

Pug Hugs ~

Lucy and Pen's Mommy


LOL, this is great! Cupid looks like she’s completely PO’d, Benny and Henry look like they’re about to die of thirst and Luna looks ready to jump right off the perch. Add in (your husbands?) hands trying to hold Benny and Cupid in place and this picture perfectly captures how frustrating it is to take a Christmas picture of the pets! I love it!



Cupid looks thrilled and Benny looks “handy”.  The top two are looking to the left, the bottom two toward the right, how’d that happen?



This is priceless!  Looney is saying, ‘peekaboo’. Henry looks like he’s thoroughly enjoying the moment. Love it!

Mary C and Bella


Great composition - what symetry!!!  Definitely says:  MERRY CHRISTMAS in my book!!  Good job to Corrine and her Fur-babies Four!

Things continue hectic in my neck of the woods - so I haven’t been commenting much - but do take a “look in” at OBP most days to see how everyone is doing.

HUCKLE:  Would love to sit in a corner of your house sometime and watch all the “going’s-on”.  Good luck with “STOP THAT” and Georgie (who I hope is doing better again).

HAPPY HOLIDAYS to one and all in OBP-land.

Sue VDB and Annie Fannie


249 photos for one good photo takes a lot of tolerane, but the outcome is priceless, even with Benny Baby being restrained.

QP does look a little peeved at the whole thing, bur that can be a normal look for a cat.



This is a great photo!  It shows different personalities, and shows how happy they all are!  Well, i’m sure the cat is happy also..lol.

Merry Christmas!

Toby’s Mom grin

Jenna Moulton


I’m surprised it only took 249!  This is my kind of blended family!  Smooches Pooches!



I absolutely love it!!!  It’s a great idea, and after “only” 249 shots, you got a winner!



cat pug pug pug!! how sweet

pug mama


Cute!  Cupid has that disgusted cat look, that they get when they are told to do something, tis all…...Loonie looks like she is ready to take flight off that cat tower!!!!



OBP: Thanks for sending all of us a holiday card!



He dean wants something presentable, but the students want something cool and funky. I decided that a black collared t-shirt would look presentable, but I’m stuck at the design of the shirt and slogan.

sue states


What an awesome picture=human hand included. The gang remined me of Hollywood Squares-if they had this group of celebs the show would have been a success. Wishing all a joyous holiday season and wee end. Pug ugs from pastor sue & the colorado2



this is lovely as always they are precious.



i love it a lot.all the animals are so cute

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