Sunday, October 18, 2015
Higher Tide Hank
So, we have seen Henry being a daredevil when he was walking on the edge of the river when the river was low. We witnessed him hanging out on the edge when the tide was high. Well, we visited the river shortly after Hurricane Joaquin was out at sea. This hurricane, while impacting many others north of us, barely impacted Florida. It did bring us some high tides, though. Locally, our Halifax River was splashing over the edges of the retention wall. Here, we have Henry risking life and limb and getting a few splashes of water on his paws. Seriously, this boy does make your heart skip a beat!
#HoldOnHank #AwayFromTheEdgeBoy #HenryStrong #HigherTideHank
Oh my gosh, Henry! Next thing we know you’ll be on a tightrope somewhere!