Owned by Pugs

Monday, January 2, 2012

High Treat Alert


With both G-Ma and Santa visiting last week, the pugs have been on high treat alert. Not a bag was crinkled without at least one pug inspecting it for treats.

I sure am glad that it is pug weather here in FL, the pugs and I have some serious walking to do to make up for all those extra holiday treats.

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Corrine, glad to see you and the pugs back.  Hope you had a fantastic time.

Luna, you are on high alert.  It is so nice to see your sweet little face this morning.  Welcome back.

Pug mama, still thinking about you. OBP fans Happy 2012.

Minnie and Mack


We missed you guys during your break.  Hope your 2012 is great!

Drools and licks,
Minnie and Mack



I am with you Corrine my gang and I need to do some walking also to many treats over the holidays
Luna you look adorable as ever
Heather how was Baxters birthday?
Pug Mama still thinking of you how are you doing?



So glad to see the OBP gang back! Luna, just as sweet as ever. I must do some walking as well!

Pug Mama ~ How are you? Still thinking of you.

Heather ~ Yes…how was Baxter’s birthday. I keep forgetting to give you my email address. Here it is. Actually, I can’t type my email address here. very strange. Going to try this. it’s mikeyrocks and it’s hotmail. give that a whirl. hmmmm

Happy New Year everyone!!!

sue states


Luna is VERY ALERT! Hope her eyes don’t pop put! Happy late B’Day to Baxter and Pug Mama, hope your doing better. Happy New Year to all with pug hugs from the colorado 4



What a beautiful picture of Luna’s beautiful face!  I think that expression definately is intent on the possibility of something yummy!

I hope all my OBP friends had a wonderful holiday, and have a very happy, healthy New Year!



Gina, what a brilliant idea.  I’ve tried several times to give Pug Mama, or any OBPer my email address and I am not allowed, so svandeberghe, and it’s a gmail.



Wow Corrine, the pics of your gang and especially Luna are stunning.  She’s quite a little model.

Pant, pant…glad you’re back.  I need….my…. fix!

I sure hope your vacation was all you wanted it to be.  I’m sure the pugs enjoyed having you around all day but I hope you missed the OBPers..



Wow, what a lovely picture of Luna. Such a sweet face.

Lilo N me (Aka Gwen)


What a wonderful way to kick off the New Year w Luna’s beautiful bright eyes trained on treats!!

Missed you all. My Lilo became quite the little chunk over the holidays, and I think the last month with uncle Craig moving in. One more human to mooch from. I went to pick her up for a picture and was like whoa nelly!! Unfortunately the weather turned nasty here about the same time. Add to this that she’s been stealing Tux’s high caloric puppy food and chews. I can see this is going to be a battle!!  My little girl has lost her waist so she needs to slim down before we get to the vet later this month. Okay, okay, maybe her mama could use a little work too. I have been off of work for about 10 days and ready to get back. This little Tux, well he’s just a full time job on his own. Lol.

Hugs and puggy kisses to you pug mama. How is
Romeo doing?

Love to all. Lilo n me n Tux



Gwen, Romeo is doing fine.  He finished the prednisone yesterday, so I hope it won’t be too long before he quits begging me for food morning, noon, night, middle of the night and anytime I go to the kitchen.  He
is is only on pain meds as needed, still on the muscle relaxer.  He completed his laser, but still receiving acupuncture.

It has been hard with him begging for food, but I am a tough mama and refuse to give him any more than his regular meals.  If he gains weight, it definitely will not be good for his back or anything as far as that goes.

Hellen Norton


Really missed all the days without my OPB Friends!!

A beautiful picture of sweet Luna…know the whole gan enjoyed GM’s visit!!!

Daughter Karen is going down to Texas to pick up Dakato ine 30th or 31 first of the month. She will go down, meet the wonderful person who is brnging her to the airport and then get back on a plane and bring her to her forever home.

Am almost done crocheting her a new bed (even though I plan on her sleeping with me) and snorting in my ears.

Everyday seems to drag but only a few days really!!!



Hellen, I know the days must be dragging, but it’s getting closer for you to hold and love Dakota in your arms.



oh luna you are still so precious.

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