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Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Here I Come to Save the Day!


I love to watch Baby Benny gallop!

Despite Benny looking spry and chipper in this photo, I don't think his thyroid meds have started to kick in. We haven't really noticed much difference in his energy level yet. It probably is too early for his "energy" pills to be effective, but I am very anxious for them to get into Benny's system and work their magic.

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Minnie and Mack


He’s ready for take off, his ears are in position!

Drools and licks,
Minnie and Mack



oh my look at him go hooray for Benny.



Super Benny to save the day!!  No harness??  You must have been in a hurry!!
Such a cute pix of Benny, carefree and enjoying his romp!
Thniking of all of you, hope all is well.

Sue VDB and Annie


What a great action shot of Baby Benny.

When is Benny due for his next bloodwork?  Maybe he needs a stronger dose of his meds.

mary castagnoli


You are lookin’ Mighty Fine, Benjamin.  Yes!  You are!!



I love this picture! He is so cute. Love those ears. I hope his meds kick in soon. Hugs Baby Benny!

Huckle ~ How did Georgie do last night? I hope good.

Pug Hugs to all from Bella & me



Looks like Benny is ready for action hope the meds kick in soon for him
Huckle how is Georgie doing any better?



“That means that Mighty Pug is on the way!”

(Does anyone else remember this from Mighty Mouse?)

mary castagnoli


MARTHA:  I actually had a crush on Mighty Mouse.  (Must’ve been the tights!)  Today, however, even w/out tights, Benny makes my heart flip-flop!



” Wait up, wait for me!”

Hellen Norton


Run Benny run! Really are full of happiness as you go!



Hey, GG, gobsmacked with this one! Not a care in his way as he ambles along.  He’s even on the right side of the sidewalk.

It does take a little while for the thyroid med to kick in, and I’m not sure you’re going to see mega change at least I didn’t with Georgie..  He should feel better soon.

Georgie is doing ok and I think I’ll try massaging him as the vet recommended.  He stumbled today but nothing major.  I guess it’s a guessing game as to how soon the meds will affect him.  I do appreciate your asking about him.

OBP is the greatest!

sue states


I remember Mighty mouse-OOOPS!Love seeing Benny going like a jet-ah yea-Benny & the jets(on his feet). Pug Hugs from Colorado

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