Owned by Pugs

Friday, March 16, 2007

Henry’s Vices

Henry beggin'

In general, Henry isn’t much of a beggar.  When we are eating he usually just sits quietly at your feet.  However, there are a few meals that Henry really likes and during those meals he shows a little bit more interest.  One of those meals is Grilled Chicken Salad.  Henry just loves the chicken!  The best part about that meal is that Henry may just get a little bacon bit stuck to his chicken piece and he just loves that!

Another one of Henry’s favorite meals is spaghetti.  And guess what Hank?  You are one lucky pug because guess what we are having for dinner tonight.

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I’ve been enjoying your blog for a while now.  I’m wondering if you can tell me when you adopted Luna, did it take some time for all 3 pugs to get used to each other.  Was there any jealousy issues?

The reason is I’m thinking of adopting another pug.  Right now I’m fostering him and my Molly keeps wanting to hump him which makes him mad.  So there is a bit of jealousy going on between the 2 especially trying to fight for my attention.

Did you experience this? Do they get over this prettry quickly?



Hi!  I have a pug and I am thinking about starting him on homemade meals but I kinda have an idea on what is safe for him.  You mentioned that you serve your pug spaghetti.  Do you just serve him the pasta only or do you do the whole thing with the spaghetti sauce.  Also if when I cook his meals can I add seasoning, chicken boullions or salt for flavor.  Please advice.  Thanks

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