Owned by Pugs

Thursday, May 31, 2012

Henry’s Tantrum


Henry wanted to go one way on a recent walk and his brother, sister and humans wanted to go another way. Since Henry was out voted, we went the way the majority wanted to go. Henry wasn't too happy with that, so he decided to just lay down and refuse to walk.

Walking three pugs at once isn't easy when they all have an opinion on which way they want to go. How did I end up with such opinionated pugs? I thought dogs were just supposed to be happy to get out for a walk.

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that’s the way to do it just lay and protest lol.

Minnie and Mack


LOL….Mack will do that.  We always thought it was because he was hot and tired!!!!  When he stops and lays down, we goes into his stroller.

We understand about walking 3 dogs, better with 4 hands than 2.

Drools and licks,
Minnie, Mack and foster Mario



They are our kids huh?  In more ways than one!  xoxo Henry…behave yourself.  smile

Jenna Moulton


He must have been wearing his naughty britches!



I’ve found over the years the smarter the dog the more stubborn they are. They definitely have their own ideas on how the household should be run. smile

Sue VDB and Annie


Corrine, do you honestly believe you are the boss?  Seriously?  Dogs, and especially pugs, are very opioniated.

mary castagnoli


Worst dog to walk on a leash:  my dachshund, Shotzie.  She could really dig in those squatty, mole-digging feet of hers.  In addition to curling her upper lip at me - she really made her feelings known.
Several years ago I was reading BONFIRE of the VANITIES.  In it, a man who lived in a NY hi-rise and was having an affair would take his doxie out for “a walk” so he could call his mistress from a pay phone.  The excerpt where the doxie didn’t want to go (it was raining) and he had to drag him down the sidewalk - totally cracked me up.
I would sometimes get even with Schotzie and make her play dress up with me - putting a large dolly dress on her, putting my mother’s lipstick on her (curling) black lips and painting her toenails bright red!  I was an only child - but we behaved more like siblings than a girl and her doggy.
So - HENRY!  Pout away - but just think of all the possible adventures in bush sniffing you might be missing out on.



It is definitely a Pug thing; they are very demanding about what they want, when they want it.  Got to love their personalities; they are too smart for their own good sometimes.  You’re too funny, Henry!



“I thought dogs were just supposed to be happy to get out for a walk.” ... Pugs don’t know they are dogs ... at least mine don’t! So don’t feel bad Henry - everyone is entitled to their opinion even if no one really cares what it is. Next time maybe you can convince everyone to go your way!!!



Ok, I’ll play devil’s advocate:  Maybe the cool, soft green grass was too much for Henry to resist and he wanted to have it tickle his tummy???  Yeah, I don’t believe it either.



It’s true about all of the Pugs being stubborn but how can we resist them? Everyday is a new adventure with any dog. I’m not sure if the OBP is keeping me in stitches or if it’s everyone’s comments, either way keep it coming.

Sue VDB and Annie


Well, I missed the whole point of this.  This is Owned
By Pugs afterall, and Henry is proving the point.

mary castagnoli


I don’t know which is more irritating - Bella being stubborn with a mutinous look on her face or Bella being stubborn with a happy smile - saying “Don’t worry - be happy - In the Moment, don’t ‘cha know??!!”  HANK definitely speaks to the latter in the above picture - almost like he’s waiting for the picnic to begin!



Oh Henry ~ This just shows us that pugs really are thinking ALL THE TIME! I mean, think about what went through his mind. They are going that way but I want to go this way so I’m going to sit here and not going anywhere!

I love dogs ~ Especially pugs.

Pug Hugs to all from Bella & me

Lucy and Pen's Mommy


I feel ya’ Corinne. Lucy never wants to go the same way as everyone else in our group and she never wants to walk as far either. And if you try to coax her along she just plants her butt and refuses to move. Can’t tell you how many times we’ve had to carry her home. Now that I think about it, she doesn’t really want to go for a walk, she just wants to wander around a little smelling the “P-Mail” then go back inside to the air-conditioning. I’m sure Pen would love it if we would just leave her at home-actually, that might make Lucy happy too!

Sue VDB and Annie


Just had a huge scare with Annie and want to share with you from the vet.

I had a full bottle of NovoLog insulin (fast acting) with the cap still on, on the table.  The phone rang and I got up to answer it, forgetting to push the chair under the table When I got back, the insulin was gone and I found it on the floor, the cap was off, the top of the bottle was almost completely removed and there was only a small amount of insulin left. 

Knowing it was Annie, I immnediately called the vet and he did a consult and told me if she swallowed it like that without it being injected, her digestive system would absorb it and there would be no low blood sugar, but to check her mouth to make sure there were no cuts from the metal cap, which would cause some of the insulin to be absorbed.

He told me to watch her carefully, and since I know the signs of low blood sugar, I know what to expect… weakness.  He also told me to be on the safe side give her something to eat.  She thought she was in dog heaven when she ate several of her Wellness treats, which usually she only gets a couple a day.

I thought this was important to pass on in case any of you take insulin for diabetes and have a dog who might be interested in chewing on the cap. Only my Annie is such a pug.




pugs are very stubborn doggies I know my gang want things there way and for the most part they usually win
Sue hope all is alright with Annie I can see why you would be so scared
Corrine have you heard how Monroe is doing?



Oh Sue! How scary. I hope she is ok! What a silly pug!!! Please keep us updated on how she is doing. Annie, Annie, Annie!

mary castagnoli


Lordie!  The Vigilence Required when Raising a Puppy!!  What a scare, SUE!  Hope ANNIE is totally OK (and also doesn’t think she got treats for raiding the table.)
I was really relieved when Bella outgrew her baby-dog’s interest in putting everything she came across into her mouth.
Good warning for everyone.



Henry seems to be saying “I AM NOT WALKING ANOTHER STEP” wink
Pug hugs and kisses to you Henry from Georgia.

Hellen Norton


Henry Dakato is with you! She not only lays down but when she does get up she has managed to work her way out of her harness!  Every human she goes by has to stop and talk to her. She comes home more rotten than when she started out!



Henry, you just

Jenna - “naughty britches” - I love it.

It’s also a Boxer thing. Cooper1 used to just stop about a mile or so from home.  He would NOT move.  So we had to get the car - a 75# Boxer cannot be carried.  The pugs haven’t realized yet that not moving is an option.  I hope they don’t see Henry’s picture.  BTW, I love this picture.  So Henry!

Sue VDB- my heart was in my throat when I read your post.  Glad Annie is okay and it could be that some of the insulin got into the rug and not Annie.  St. Francis gets a nod for this one.



I love the title of today’s post!  Leave it to Henry to stage a passive tantrum!  He’s such a cutie-pie about it! 

I’m very happy that Miss Annie Fannie is alright after her table-raiding incident.  And they say cats are curious?  I say pugs are the most curious!  Sue, I hope that the remainder of your day was smooth and peaceful.  I’m sure you could use it after the worries of this morning!

Sue VDB and Annie


Yes, I already thanked St. Francis.  All in all she has not quite been herself, but she still was ornery.  She began going after anything she thought she could chew, which included a sack of papers that has been there for some time and she never bothered.

She begins trainig classes June 19th.  If she keeps up her behavior I may break down for one-on-one classes earlier. 

She is certainly keeping me very busy the last 3-4 days.

I sure do like the new vets.  The vet called me back to check how Annie was doing.  They previously checked back when I had Minnie in for her back legs.  I think I will really like them for my babies.

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