Owned by Pugs

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Henry’s Idea of Fun

Here is a little video from this weekend’s swimming fun.  Henry just loves to pull anything out of the pool and he has gotten quite brave and now leaps into the water without hesitation.  A few things to note in the video.  Notice when Henry jumps into the pool how Benjamin and Luna bark at him.  You can see Luna watching him very closely from land.  Also, I love how little Luna blocks Henry from getting out of the pool on the first try.  That’s what he gets for showing off!

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That is the coolest!  Love the underwater shots.  If your ever coming to upstate NY bring your lifejackets and take a ride on Pug Boat!!!  LOL



Awwwww…I think it is beyond cool that he loves the pool so much.  I love his little curly Q wiggling while he’s swimming and his little legs pumping along underwater…That was awesome!

Corrine - OBP


Punchy - Sounds like fun!  Add my 3 to the crew of 8 you had last weekend and we would only be one shy of a dozen little deckhands.



I love it!  And, yes, those underwater shots are so cool!

Hey, Punchy, where upstate?  I’m in Queens. grin  Nice to “meet” a fellow NYer.

Eryn with a Y


How cute! Lucy is still a bit iffy about the water, but has outgrown her first life-jacket (of course…) but she will sometimes get on the first step of the pool. The funny thing is, she has to get all the leaves she can reach, and that sometimes means she has to stick her whole head under the water to retrieve them smile At least she isn’t still trying to smell the pool anymore.



Henry doing the pug paddle… too cute



Those little swimming legs are absolutely adorable.



OH MY GOODNESS!! How amazing is that???!!! How amazing is their life???!! Can I please move in with you (with my two pugs of course!)
How awesome! I LOVE those little puggy feet under water!!!
Luna - you are just it! You show those boys whose really boss!
Thank you - this made my week!



That’s SOOooo cool! I loved that video. Thanks!



How cute is that! The underwater video is awesome, and Luna is a riot!



...and his tail looks like a little propeller wagging in the water!

Karen B


Awesome!  Can’t wait to get C.J. and Toeby life jackets.  Looks like it really works.  My guys love to be in the pool but I think it’s scary since they’re not strong swimmers.  I think the jackets will make all the difference!  Love the video, OBP.  Thanks for sharing!



Ok, I finally watched the video and love it!  I don’t know which is funnier—Luna blocking Henry from getting out of the pool (Go Luna) or the fact that Henry never lost his toy!  Go Henry!
And the underwater “pug butt” camera angle is priceless…even underwater, pugs have the best little butts!



That is adorable!! Gus sticks one paw out over the water and leans back so he won’t fall in!!



I just watched your Henry swimming, and your video of pugs zooming around the pool and yard.  LOVE IT!  We have one pug here in Michigan, our own Henry.  I love following the antics of your multi-pug family.  We’ve considered adopting a second pug, but instead have just adopted a collie, since I’ve wanted one for years. Henry is not thrilled yet, and to our surprise he seems to be alpha!  We hope Henry will get over his snittiness, and play with the new dog.  Two dogs is a good number for us, but I figure after this dog, in another 10 years, we will probably switch to all-pugs!  In the meantime, thanks for sharing yours.



Totally ridiculous! Who knew a pug could swim! Surely my pug, the cinder block with legs, would sink to the bottom.

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