Owned by Pugs

Thursday, June 6, 2013



Believe it or not, Cupid thinks she is helping. But she is definitely not helping. Not only can I not see the picture of the puzzle on the box, but Cupid also thinks that she is little enough to lay down and take a nap in the box. It is a square box and it is barely big enough for her to sit in. So after she tries to lay in it, she has busted all the sides out of the box. Add in the fact, that the pieces stick to her paws when she walks all over my work and I'm not sure if I will ever get this puzzle done. But, doing a puzzle without her "help" just wouldn't be the same.

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The essence of “cat!”  When you read the newspaper, does she lie down on the part of the page with the article you are reading?  Thanks for the laugh first thing in the morning.



I love cats. I’m sure I’ve mentioned this before but I had a cat named Henry when I was growing up. He was so funny. I grew up thinking it was normal that cats fetch. He would bring his toy to you and you would throw it and he would go get it and bring it back to you. (As if you guys needed a clarification on what fetching was.) He loved boxes too. He would sit in anything.

Cupid you look like you are saying “And you are taking my picture because….?” Big smooches to you sweet QP!



It’s all because all the labels say Chicken. What’s a girl to do?? They may even be secretly scented!! LOL. Have a wonderful day. Enjoy the weather, we are suffering with temps around 50 and rain here in Wisconsin. :-(



good one Beth

Sue VDB and Annie Fannie


What is it with cats and boxes/sacks?  It doesn’t make any difference the size they want it.  You may be a pain puzzle wise, but you sure are cute.



OBP, are you in the path of this Florida storm?  Stay safe!!

Corrine - OBP


Thanks for thinking of us Sleighbelle.  We are on the East Coast of FL so we managed to stay away from most of the storm. We had a good soaking Wednesday night into Thursday.  But other than that things went well. I hope everyone else in the storm’s path can say the same.

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