Owned by Pugs

Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Happy Gotcha Day, Luna!


8 years ago today we adopted Luna. She was two when we adopted her, so today we are celebrating her double digit milestone.

Luna is the most loyal dog I have ever met. All dogs are faithful companions, but Luna will endure anything to be with her peeps. If we are outside hanging by the pool on a summer day, Luna with be right beside us panting away. Whereas, Benny will give up on us and go in the house and wait for us to come back inside. Leave the house to get the mail? Luna will wait by the door the entire time. Get caught up talking to a neighbor while getting the mail? Luna will still be waiting by the door. Wherever her people are, that is where Luna wants to be.

And I feel the same way. Wherever I am that is where I want Luna to be. It may seem silly, but I have learned a lot about life from Luna.

Happy Gotcha Day, sweet Luna!

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such a sweetheart!

sue wooding


Happy Gottcha day sweet Luna hope you get lots of special goodies you are a very special girl

Mr Harrypug UK


Happy Birthday Darling! Hope you get that pony you wanted or was it an iPad ?



That is such a sweet story.  And a perfect example of why we love our pugs so much.

Mary M


Happy Gotcha Day, sweet Looney!! Where would all of us OBP’ers be if you had never gotten gotten??



Happy Gotcha Day lovely Luna!!!  We are all grateful for the life lessons Luna and all your pugs have taught us!!



Happy Gotcha Day Miss Luna!!!  Wishing you a happy 10 b-day and wishes for many more xo Enjoy your cake!



♫ Happy Birthday to you ♫
♫ Happy Birthday to you ♫
♫ Happy Birthday dear Luna ♫
♫ Happy Birthday to you ♫ 

There!  Now we’ve all sung to you!

For me, the most memorable posts ever here at OBP were the ones done several years ago for each pug’s special day.  Luna’s was so moving, and after reading it, I’ve tried to pattern myself after Luna.  She’s my role model, and I love her!

Sue VDB and Annie Fannie


Luna lets you know all the time how much she loves you and how appreciative she is you rescued her from a life of abuse/neglect.  Babies like her teach us so much.

Happy Gotcha Day sweet Luna.  You truly are a sweetheart.



Luna is such a sweetie. Happy Gotcha Day babygirl! Hope you get lots of prezzies!

xoxo   Patty

brenda in texas


Happy Gotcha Day Luna. You are a precious little girl and you bring so much happiness to so many people everyday.

Sue States


happy Gotcha Day Ms.Luna-love the story your mom shared-Daisey & Solsie both follow me around-I call them my pup-tails. Hope you have a most wonderful day! Pug hugs from pastor sue & the Colorado 2



Love you Looney!!!!!  We’re better for knowing such a sweet girl; Happy gotcha Day!!!!

pug mama


Happy Gotcha Day Luna smile  You are such a special puggy girl, something we should all aspire to!

Luna herself


Hi All!  Luna here!  Thanks for all the puggy wishes.  smile
I am 10 and I want a Big Mac with no bun!  Hahahaha!  Mom’s telling the truth.  I love my peeps!  And I love all of you out there in OBP land.  smile
Thanks for singing me the song.  I am glad I got a chance to read it because since the doc says my “hearing is dull” I may have never known that there was a birthday song just for me.  (My hearing is dull?  Or was it that my listening is non-existent.  LOL!)
~Love, Looney



Rescue dogs are some of the most loyal companions you can have in your life. Happy Gotcha Day Luna. You got one of the best homes possible.

Steve Lindhurst


You’re beautiful, Baby Luna.



Luna, you are an angel right here on earth. Sweet Girl!



Oh Looney Tunes. You definitely have a piece of my heart. Happy Gotcha day to you! I agree with Heather, we are all better people for knowing you and your loyalty. Tell your Mama you need your big mac with no bun! You deserve it!!



you still my precious doll I love you babe.

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