Owned by Pugs

Friday, September 21, 2012

Halloween Ideas

Benjamin and Henry

One of the things we talk about almost every evening when outside with the pugs is "What are Benjamin, Henry and Luna going to be for Halloween this year?"

For some reason, our well of ideas has run dry. What do you think? Do you have any suggestions on what the pugs should be this year for Halloween?

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um you know ideas are running low,how about just special care packages it’s a thought as they are such special packages.Lots of hugs and kisses to you guys enjoy the weekend.



You never seem empty of ideas!

How about bread, pb, n jelly?!

Hmmm I think I’m just hungry, you can ignore lol

Love you boys!!!!



What about the three little puggies?
Or the three blind pugs!
Puggy Love, Muffles and Lala

Leslie Goddard


An ambitious idea, but a cute one: the three musketeers. Little hats with great big ostrich feathers? Or, even better, what about 3 candy bars: Snickers, Milky Way and Three Musketeers!



I did a great costume thing with my three pugs!  I dressed them up as the three little pigs and I dressed up as a wolf!  It was cute!

Huckle, + Abby, Gracie, Georgie


Remember the show Baywatch?  You have the life vests and Henry or Benny could be a lifeguard, the other a ‘swimmer’ and Luna could be outfitted in a red swimsuit!?
Since that show has been off so long, you might have to have a sign telling it.



Have you done hershey kisses before?  Huckle, Baywatch is a good idea and I think everyone knows what that red swimsuit means!  But, the question is, “Can you get the pugs to run in slow mo????”



I can’t think of anything but love all the suggestions. Lovin’ the baywatch idea. I think people will know.

Still praying for Looney Tunes. I pray she has a good weekend. Praying for you and your family Corrine! I hope you feel our love and support!

Pug Hugs from a snoring Bella & me!

Mr Harry pug uk


Dallas has just arrived here again! How about JR,Bobby and Sue Ellen?



A King, a Prince and a Princess of course. That’s my idea for Halloween costumes for Henry, Benny and Luna Love.

Wishing everyone a safe and enjoyable weekend.



I don’t have any ideas but I like all the ideas I am sure you will come up with something great
Happy weekend everyone

Huckle, + Abby, Gracie, Georgie


Sleighbelle - I like the slow mo comment.  So funny.

Gina, I heartily second your wishes for Luna, Corrine and all.  We are all wishing and praying so hard.

Have a good weekend, kids.

sue states


I was thinking the three pugketeers-or winken, bliken & nod-would they stay in a wagon decked out as a wooden shoe? or how about rub a dub dub 3 pugs in a tub? Hope little Luna is doing better. pug hugs from pastor sue & the Colorado 2



How about Puggie Klaus!  3 little red santa suits

Darci and Abbey the Pug


How ‘bout a doctor, nurse, and a patient? Seems to be an on going theme with pugs. They are totally worth it, though!!! We’ve had a few trips to the vet this year.

Manny-Pug's Mama


Ketchup, Mustard, and Mayo or Relish

This one would take some sewing skills but what about s’mores one could be the graham cracker, the chocolate bar, and the marshmallow.



3 peas in a pot

mary castagnoli


What about Super Heroes?  Superman for Ben, Bat Man for Henry and Wonder Woman for Luna.  Cupid could even be Cat Woman!!!

Still praying for good news and good health for La Luna.



I love the Superhero idea—I was going to do that with our three dogs, but instead am going with Peter Pan, Captain Hook and Tinkerbell!

mary castagnoli


LEAH:  Who’s going to wear the crocodile suit???  Kidding - But too bad you don’t have a dachshund (or do you??)  They can fill out a crocodile really well.  Pirates are always good at Halloween.



A baseball, a basketball, and a football.
The three stooges.
The three wise men.
The three witches from Macbeth.
Two frogs and a princess.
See no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil, and you could wear a sign around your neck that says post no evil.
Little Bo Peep and her two sheep.
A lemon, a lime, and an orange.
Captain James Tiberius Kirk, Spock, and Lieutenant Nyota Uhura.
A baseball, a baseball bat, and a glove.
Ta-ta all!

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