Owned by Pugs

Friday, January 30, 2009

Guard Pugs

Benjamin & Henry

In the evenings, Benjamin & Henry like to bask in the sun on the sofa and keep watch out the front door.  Benny is almost always perched on the back of the sofa and Henry makes himself comfortable on the arm rest.  Luna gets in on the action too, but she actually sits in front of the door, like you would expect a guard dog to do.  No extra comfort for her when she is on duty.

The evenings are usually pretty busy in the neighborhood.  A lot of people walking dogs, jogging or riding bikes.  There is most definitely a lot more foot traffic and interesting things for the pugs to bark at.  I think a huge draw for the pugs though is that they can find the rays from the setting sun in the front of the house.  In the mornings they spend their time out back and in the evenings they shift to the front of the house.  They are like sunflowers, they always point towards the sun.

While I was snapping pictures the other day, I got a short video of the guard pugs in action.  I just love how big Henry’s eyes are in the clip.

Guard Pugs from obp on Vimeo.

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Such good lil’ watch dogs!!  Too cute…Happy weekend to all!



Mean and viscious - NOT.  Little Benny looks more on guard duty than Henry, who is making sure he is comfortable. 

You’re right, Henry’s eyes are huge, maybe he has seen a ghost.

sue s


Heres the plan, I’ll watch from this vantage point at the top-you suprise them when they try and sit down! Love these pics! Friday’s are pretty good, these make Fridays special! Happy week-end to all! P.S.Don’t forget the puppy bowl this week-end-my girls will watch that while I watch super bowl!



Doing Now - you mean you can actually hear the raindrops above 4 snoring pugs?  I know how loud Romeo can snore, I can’t imagine 4 little puggies snoring - how funny.



Adorable, as usual.  After supper, when we head back upstairs for the evening, Biscuit almost always stays downstairs for a while, standing in the chair that lets him see out the front window.  We also says he’s taking his watch as guard pug. lol Of course, if he hears anything that sounds remotely like we are opening a food bag, he’s up the stairs like a shot. Even a guard pug has to have priorities. wink

Sue, what is the puppy bowl?  Probably on a channel we don’t get:  we don’t have cable :-(

Have a great weekend OBP-land.

Ivy M. Andrews


I too have found pugs to be very attentive watch dogs. In warmer weather I open the front door so they can see what’s going on in the neighborhood. They love it! Even the squirrels take off when they bark. The mailman just shakes his head and grins.

Karen B


Henry looks like he’s watching a scary movie!!  Too cute, pugs are great watchdogs.  Not very intimidating, but they will sure bark up a storm!

Have a great weekend all!



Sleighbelle loves to sit on the mat at the front door.  I have a full glass storm door, so she can see everything.  There are a couple of crazy neighborhood cats that will walk right up to the door and go nose to nose (through the glass, of course) and this sends Sleighbelle into orbit!  She is up on her hind legs, pawing at the glass and those cats are just laughing at her!  She doesn’t want to “get them”, she just figures she could play with them.  Also, she probably doesn’t understand why they are out in the wild and she is inside!



Do you think my pugs would like it if I opened the window blinds so they could see out? Right now the area of the house they live in does really have any windows and I worry that they get bored during the day. I have the TV turned on for them but do you think that your pugs particularly enjoy the window?



Nevis, if any of your pugs are like the pugs I’ve had and have, definitely give them a window to look out.  They are curious creatures and to be able to see what’s going on outside should make them happier.

Karen B


Nevis, C.J. and Toeby love to have a window to look out!  If they can’t be outside, they at least can watch the birds and cats roam the neighborhood.  I’d recommend an open blind for your puggies!



My Hooie likes high places like the backs of couches and the kitchen tables!  He is very much like a cat in that respect.

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