Owned by Pugs

Friday, May 18, 2007

Got Ear?

Luna chewing on her cow ear

While we were out shopping for the much needed treats for the treat jar, we were sure to bring the pugs back a special chewy, too.  We got them each a cow ear.  Cow ears are much healthier than the pig ears they grew up on and they are not greasy either so they are better for the carpets and furniture.  Here is Luna making a at go at this cow ear.  It is pretty funny how the chewies get shared around here.  Luna never really likes to be the first at a chewy.  She wants one of the boys to get it started for her.  That also helps Benjamin because then he feels like he gets a 2nd one that’s “his,” too.  So, it all works out quite well.  For the most part they are very good about sharing and taking turns.  It makes a mama proud!

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