Owned by Pugs

Friday, September 28, 2012

Good News


Luna had her second sonogram yesterday and we received very good news. The bump on her bladder that was suspicious has shrunk in size. It isn't completely gone, but it is smaller and less inflamed. Which is fantastic because tumors do not shrink from antibiotics.

We can't say 100% that it isn't cancer since we did not have a biopsy done. But, all signs point to it being cystitis in the bladder wall.

To be on the safe side and to make sure we get rid of all of the suspected infection, Luna will be on clavamox for a bit longer and will have another sonogram in two weeks to take another peak at her bladder to see if the lump has shrunk even more. Hopefully, on the next sonogram there will be no evidence of a bump on her bladder at all.

Thank you everyone for the well wishes and support. It must have worked because we are heading in the right direction.

Have a great weekend.

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this is just great news please give her hugs from us we will be keeping her in our thoughts as always.



Wooohooo! This is such great Friday news! Luna is such a superstar smile
Im sure the next sonogram will show even more shrinking of the lump.
Happy friday all!



Great news,what a relief. Hopefully by the next sonogram it’ll be totally gone. Have a great weekend.

Julie L.


HOORAY Luna & family!!



Just recently joined owned by pugs ( I am owned by my 13 year old Meiling just inherited
from my father) and am thrilled to see Luna doing so well——-she is an inspiration for us all.



Yipee!!  Areas16

Sue VDB and Annie Fannie


Thank you St. Francis.  Please continue to keep Luna in your safety and remove any remaining lumps.

This is so encouraging, and the picture of “our” sweet Luna seems to indicate a healthy girl. 

Corrine, I know this will be a happy weekend.

Love to sll OBPers.



Yaaaaay, Luna!  I wish i could hug you and kiss you right now!!  Though you’ve probably had enough of that from mom and dad!!!!!  I know the next test will be even better…..love you Loony!!
Melissa & Bosco



Woo Hoo!  Go Luna girl!  I’m so happy for you and your family.  Let’s hope the next check up is even better.
xoxoxo   Patty

Huckle, + Abby, Gracie, Georgie


After first reading this, I couldn’t do anything for a few minutes but absorb the greater than wonderful news.  We’ve all been so worried and so scared. Just think how many of us logged on the first day we heard the news. I can only imagine how you and your family feel at this news, Corrine.  We’ll keep the prayer chains going just to be on the safe side.  We will certainly have great weekends with this news, I know, why don’t we all descend on Corrine’s house and party! (Oh, oh, I think I heard her just lock her doors!)

The other day I had let the pugs outside for a potty time and I don’t usually stand and watch them but give them a few moments of privacy.  Either I did not give them enough time or I need to be watching them closer, but Georgie was busy marking Gracie who was busy marking him.  Must be some kind of pug game.  I got out the baby wipes.

Great weekend, kids.



Yippee!!  Doing the friday happy dance!!!  Such great news, thank you St. Francis and all OBP gang, the power of prayer xo
Happy weekend all!!



That is wonderful news!!



So happy to hear that about Ms. Luna!  smile



Great news!!!!  We will continue to keep Luna in our thoughts and prayers!



Yay this is great news I am so happy
Hope everyone has a wonderful weekend



Aww…sweet Luna girl! This is wonderful news.  Lily & Lyla are sending you pug hugs!



YIPPEE YAHOO!!!  This is the way to start a day!  Luna, you are so beautiful, precious and strong!  I will keep the thoughts and prayers going for complete shrinkage!  I just know the next sonogram will show that nasty lump erradicated! 

Huckle, I think that is a fantastic idea…Party at Luna’s house!!!

Praise God!!!

Corrine, might I suggest some extra special bones in celebration?!

mary castagnoli


Great start to the weekend.  Luna and all of you will remain in our prayers - this good news is not taken lightly and I can hear the “Thank You’s” being sent to St. Francis also - they’re drifting on the airwaves.
Please kiss Luna as often as she will allow for all of us - her OBP fans.
Again, it’s just a comfort to be able to read all the comments and feel that we all share these good times as well as the bad . . . because (as Whoopi says) that’s how we OBP-ers roll!!



so glad to hear Luna’s good news update!  here’s hoping the meds continue to improve her situation.  best wishes Luna!



What wonderful news!!!!  I am very happy : ) 

Great start to the weekend!

Jennifer Moulton


Phew, this is great news, I’ve been super worried for Luna! Get better soon sweets so Mama can move on to worrying about the next pug-catstrophe!



Wonderful news! Oh Luna…so happy!!!! God Bless you Corrine and your family!!!! Big smooches to Luna!!!!

Janice, 2 pugs and a Boxer Mix


God is good every day!!  I am claiming for Luna that with the next sonogram the area will be resolved.  Thanks to each of you for the warm welcome.  I look forward to many adventures with our pug families.  Have a great weekend.  And until Monday, Pugs and Kisses to each of you and your babies.  Corrine, I know your heart is full of joy today.

Hellen Norton


WONDERFUL!!! Thank you for letting us know….Have been praying several times a day (evey time I play with my baby Dakota I think of our sweet Luna and ask God to remember her!

NANCY Welcome to our family! Love new folks and would love to learn more about you and your Pug!!!



I agree with you - it doesn’t sound like cancer.  Keep fighting Luna!  Great news



Go Luna!! We all know you can do it! I’m sure next time the lump will shrink.
Puggy Love, Muffles + Lala



Lots of love, thoughts and prayers going Luna’s way.

  She is such a sweetie..God Bless Luna.

Huckle, + Abby, Gracie, Georgie


I have smiled all day with Luna’s news.  Love ya baby girl.

Nancy, we share a name.  And welcome! You came at a good time because of Luna’s good report.  I’m the one who won’t ‘shut up’! We have three pugs and a Boxer.  It seems that people just naturally pick Boxers as companions for their pugs.  I see that a lot.

pug mama


Yay Luna!!!!!!!!  So happy for ya baby girl!  Keep taking that clavamox for momma, ok?  Way to go, so excited for all of you <3



Great news for Luna!
Huckle you crack me up with your comments!
Welcome Nancy and your Meiling.

Steve Lindhurst


I think I will sleep a little bit better tonight, after I give a little prayer of thanks.



Thank you all for the warm welcomes!!! I am delighted to be part of a group of such caring pug lovers! My 13 year old Meiling   had emergency gall bladder surgery last year (she’s doing great) so I really understand everyone’s concern and worry about Luna!  Pugs are very special and I know Luna will do well!

sue states


YEAH!AND THANK YOU LORD for your healing touch on Luna! Praying for continued good news. Welcome Nancy-you will find that this is probably the biggest, loving support group for people smitten by puggies on the planet. We may never meet each other but we come to know each other like family-the OBP family! pug hugs from Pastor Sue & the Colorado 2

Huckle, + Abby, Gracie, Georgie


Janice, I guess I hadn’t realized how new you are to OBP.  Although, if you read my welcome to Nancy, I was answering my welcome to her with a line about pugs and Boxers that should have gone to you.

Some days my “grey matter” just doesn’t work right.



Just had to peek in this weekend to see Miss Luna smiling back at me.

Huckle, you crack me up!

Pastor Sue, I always say ‘pastor sue n the Colorado 2’ out loud, such a great ring to it lol

LOVE YOU LUNA!!!! You too brothers!

sue states


Thanks Heather, I gues when we get Beauty back I’ll have to change it to pastor me & the colorado 3! Pug hugs from me & the girls.

Steve Lindhurst


How about Pastor Suzee and the and the Colorado 3?

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