Owned by Pugs

Friday, December 12, 2008

Good Listener

Henry waiting to hear his favorite word

Henry listening intently to every word I say, just waiting for me to ask him if he would like some lunch.  In the 6 years that I have asked Henry that question, his answer has always been YES!  Never once was he still a little full from breakfast or did he ruin his meal by eating to many treats.

Have a good weekend everyone!

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What a good boy Henry is, always listening to his mom, but then, lunch is always the key word, and of course Henry is ready for lunch.

sue s


LUNCH? Well of course I wnat LUNCH!! And pugkin bread for dissert please!!!



I’m with you Henry…I could use some lunch right about now too!!  Have a nice weekend all!!



My husband feeds the pugs dinner every night just before I get home from work.  It never fails - every single night when I walk in the house and go into the kitchen, all three of them sit in front of their food bowls and look up at me as if to say, “We’re starving, mom. Time for supper.” I haven’t figured out yet if Rocky, Adie, and Gully are really devious, really stupid, or just plain hopeful!



Lunch??  oh yes mamma, I would like some lunch, and dessert, maybe an afternoon snack…  mmmm

Have a good weekend OBP, and readers.  12 Shopping days left!!

Karen B


Henry is a pug after my own heart!!  I will never turn down a lunch unless, of course, I’m unconscious!



Henry is such a good boy!!!

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