Owned by Pugs

Thursday, February 28, 2013

Fur Update


Another week has passed and Benjamin is just starting to get a little bit of hair growth in his shaved spots. For the curious, Benjamin does have a thyroid condition that he gets medicine for, so we are aware that this will contribute to the amount of time it takes for his fur to fill in.

At this rate, I'm thinking it is going to be months before Benny's fur is completely grown back. On the bright side, summer is coming and maybe this little bald patch will help keep him a tad bit cooler in the FL heat. We'll just have to make sure he doesn't get sunburned!


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Benjamin is such a handsome handsome boy with those wrinkles and that award winning smile. It was literally like a sunray exploded from the screen when this pic popped up.

Benny, might I suggest SPF 15??? *giggle*



Oh mi goodness!  Benny has one of the biggest, cutest puggy smiles I’ve ever seen!  I just want to smooch him up!



A ‘pug-pay’, a little make-up gum and it will stick just fine.  Who would know? grin  Sweet Benny won’t get sunburned either.



Benny you look so handsome and happy. Big smooches to you Baby Benny!

Pug Hugs to everyone from Bella & me.



Benny fur or not you are one handsome dude

Jennifer Moulton


2 thoughts Benjamin
  1.  Manic Panic those spots purple, red or green.  Whatever your favorite color is, maybe orange!!!  Then you can live out your punk puppy dreams!!!
  2.  Ask the humans to shave you from head to toe and go naked!  It’s a bit of a retro-hippy/military-buzz-cut look, but I think you could pull it off!

It’s all about the charm and you sure have it!!!



Benny, your smile in the first pic is priceless. And in the second one, Benny, looks like someone left the back door open.

Great comments, Heather.  And Jennifer, I think you’re on to something, perhaps the Ravens’ colors?  He’d be all set for the next football season.



He sure is one good looking pug!  And he doesn’t care a bit about the fur-less spot! 

Now Jennifer!  Fabulous ideas!  Now that you mention it, I do think it reminds me of a military buzz!

Southern Fried Pugs


Hey Benny, Tallulah also has a thyroid issues and hair loss (although not due to shaving). Her vet suggested 1.5 mgs of melatonin would help. Ask your vet about that, too!

And due to her hair loss, she does wear doggy sunscreen in the summer. She actually did get sunburned one year! So doggy sunscreen is a real thing. We got ours in a local pet supply store, but we’re sure you can find it online.

Mary M.


I just LOVE Baby Benny’s smile- it always makes me smile, too!

Steve Lindhurst


What did they do to the poor guy?  That looks like a big old hole in his back!  Was it some kind of spinal tap or what?  It looks like it hurt like crazy!  Poor guy!  I am thinking about, and praying for you.

Sue VDB and Annie Fannie


If it’s any consolation, Annie was spayed in April, 2012 and none of the hair has grown back from the large patch they shaved.  She does not have a thyroid condition, she just has a very bald tummy up to her chest.

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