Owned by Pugs

Friday, June 22, 2012



Luna loves to chew. You can usually find her chewing while we make dinner and sometimes during dinner depending on what we are having. She usually takes a little break after we wrap up dinner and then resumes chewing just before we go to bed.

If Henry or Benny chewed as much as Luna does, we would have to stock up on bones a lot more often. But, Luna can chew for hours on end and she barely puts a dent in a bone. She can chew a bone all night and you would never know that she spent hours working on it.

When the boys chew, we frequently take pieces away because they are choking hazards. However, we can give those pieces to Luna and she can chew them for days.

For a little girl that never really gets much out of a bone she sure does love to chew.

Have a great weekend!

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I might not comment for a while, because I’m going to bali tomorrow.
Puggy Love, Muffles and Lala



How sweet Luna is!  Maybe it’s her creative side coming out and it’s kind of like a “craft” that she enjoys.



Is there anything as content as a pug being content?  Love ya Looney!



Luna’s nickname can be Chewy.



Oh Luna! How sweet is that?! You are so adorable. Enjoy your bones sweet baby.

Muffles101 ~ Enjoy Bali. Are you going for business or pleasure? (Sorry, couldn’t resist saying that.)

Have a great weekend everyone!

Pug Hugs to all from Bella & me



Chew away Luney
Muffles enjoy your trip
Today is My Emma’s birthday she is eight and tomorrow is Ollie’s gottcha day he is around nine I odopted him three years ago

Hope everyone has a great weekend

mary castagnoli


I wish BELLA would chew a bone rather than her feet.  But any sort I’ve tried don’t seem to interest her for long.  I would imagine that LUNA tends toward some transcendental meditation while she g-naws!  Sweet girl.

MUFFLES:  Bali sounds like perfection for vacation.  Have a wonder trip!



Looney, you are a chewing princess!  You are dainty even while you chew.  Enjoy precious little lady!



She’s getting her ZEN on!
I love when they are chewing, and are really in the zone, their little eyes are rolled back in their head and nothing will distract them!



oh miss luna you chew so pretty enjoy your weekend and your chewy.

Sue VDB and Annie


Chew, chew, chew.  Luna, you have someone in Kansas City who loves to chew, but she wears them down.  I have to go to Brookside Barkery and Bath today to pick up some more Himalayan chews for Annie.  She loves them and I don’t have to worry about her swallowing them., because she chews them down to the very last bit, and they are totally digestible. 

Annie goes to her second doggie daycare this afternoon, and I really believe it will help. The first session was fantastic.

Minnie is still at the vet, and I am now waiting for the vet to call and give me his diagnosis, and hopefully bring Minnie home today.

Muffles and Lala, enjoy your trip.

Hope everyone in OBPland has a fantastic weekend.

Hellen Norton


I is with you Luna!!! I love a really big steak flavored bone and can chew it for weeks! Chew on my Friend!  DAKATO

mary castagnoli


SUE VDB:  Hopefully your news on MINNIE will be happy news - and, if not, that St. Francis holds you both in his arms and brings you peace.  I’m praying for a happy weekend for you and your fur-babies.

Sue VDB and Annie


Thank you Mary.  I haven’t heard anything yet, but when I do I will post.



Luna - you are such a good and safe chewer!  I wish my CoCo would chew like that without me hovering over her to make sure she doesn’t choke.  All puggies should take their time chewing like little Luna does.



Oh Sue VDB ~ Sending good thoughts your way and sending prayers also.

Sue VDB and Annie


Minnie is home.  While spending the week with Dr. Rowe, she received two additional acupuncture treatments and was kept on IV.  Her kidney function has returned to normal, but still not sure what caused this.  She goes back Monday for acupuncture and a follow up to see how her kidneys are working.

Her back is doing great, and hopefully her kidneys will retain their normal functions.



Sue VDB so glad to hear Minnie is home with you and doing better will keep saying prayers for a speedy recovery

Perry Andrew


Thanks Sandy! I enjoyed this pleasure of photographing Sandy and Justin this weekend. I hope that everyone like it amazingly though. Thanks a lot! smile

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