Owned by Pugs

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

From Zero to Twenty


Last week Luna had her regularly scheduled checkup at the eye vet and it went very well. So well, that Luna's eye vet, who we have seen diligently over the last 5 years, remarked that she has never had a patient who consistently registered 0 on their Schirmer's test go to regularly scoring a 20 (the highest possible score) on their Schirmer's test.

Go Looney! I feel like we have finally gotten Luna's eyes to a manageable state.

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As a fellow eye drop pug momma, I know the dedication this feat calls for…so YAY to BOTH mom and Miss Looney!!!  Just look at those beautiful, moist, glassy black peepers ~ You are splendid Miss Luna and I just adore this picture of you.  Congrats on being the Star patient pretty lady!



Oh what fantastic news!  All of your very hard work is paying off.  I still remember your spreadsheet on Luna’s eye care.  Congratulations to her wonderful pug sitters as well.  I know we all celebrate this huge achievement. 

Looney, you look adorable, and those peepers look wonderful.



Woot!Woot!  Go OBP!!  Such great news, and I too remember the spreadsheet that Sue VDB mentioned. Love the picture of her divine-ness!!

mary castagnoli


Turn around, Bright-Eyes (a pug turn around, that is - sort like “take a bow, Topsie”).  In fact, bows all-around to Corrine and all of La Luna’s care-givers.  Those dark, shining eyes are a reward in and of itself.  All doggies deserve such care (people, too).  This is a great start to the day, for me (and those I work with - as I’ve been a bit of a grumble-mump since Monday for some reason.)
Luna is a Sassy Girl - Way look with ‘dem eyes, lovey!

Jennifer Moulton (Used to be Davis)


Thank goodness she has people who adopted her, loved her, gave her eye drops, fed her fantastic food and did I mention loved her?  This is one lucky pug.  Oh and she is super cute too!

mary castagnoli


. . . And, PAT:  Love your WOOT!WOOT!  I second that emotion, I truly do.



Go Luna, Go Luna!  Those peepers have never looked more refreshed, or moist!  Great job mom and dad!



Fantastic news! Great job pug mama Corrine. I also remember the spread sheet for Luna’s eye drops. Those peepers are beautiful and splendid just like Heather said. Splendid!

Big kisses to you Miss. Looney Tunes.

Pug Hugs to all from Gina & Pip

sue states


Good news yeah Luna! Pug hugs to all from the Colorado. 4



Go Luna!  Go Luna!  Go-go-go Luna!

Great job, Corrine!

Good news always makes us happy!!



way to go Luna and Corrine this is grat news and as always Miss Luna you are beautiful
Cuddles one of my pugs gets two eye drops twice a day I have worked with him so he sits there and lets me put the eye drops in then he gets one of the mini milk bones for a treat it works every time

Helen Norton


Oh Miss Luna I am so happy for you (and your Mommie)!!! Of course to me (and the rest of this gang) You are one of the most beautiful young ladies we have ever met!


If anyone is coming from Houston Texas to Oregon or Wshington states there are two (maybe three) black pugs I want to adopt there. I will happily pay their way!! Of course, the two I was wanting here were adopted to somone else. Do not know why.

Please put my family in your prayers. We are going through a really bad time right now!

Love you all….Grannie Pug

Helen Norton


Yea!!!! Ordered TWO Calenders…one for my Puggie Daughter Karen (She has three ALL ADOPTED and fawns).

Patty B.


The way “eye” see it, you’re doing a great job, Corrine!  Keep up the good work.  And Luna, you keep an eye on your Mommy - she loves you so much!



Hellen ~ you have been in my prayers lately. I will be sure to keep you there. God Bless!



Minnie update - she slept well last night, and this morning it’s as if yesterday didn’t happen at all.  I think something upset her stomach (haven’t got a clue what), and I’m wondering about the vet diagnosis, especially after hearing about the lies being told clients. 

I plan to call tomorrow to request the pet records so I have them in hand for Jim if he is someplace I can easily go or another vet should that be the case.

Hellen, you are in my daily prayers.  I am also praying to St.Francis that your next pug (whoever that might be) will hurry to your arms.  I have St. Francis on speed dial.



Such a stunning portrait of Looney.  Love those eyes and love Looney.

Grannie pug, we daily prayer that your pug (or three) will soon find your home and your love.

Sue VDB, that vet is crackers.  Is he just starting out or an old timer?  Maybe he didn’t really want to be a vet!  Happy little Minnie has improved in one day.



Huckle, the vet that saw Minnie is an older vet, and told me he didn’t know where everything was yet because he is new there, which I already knew as I’ve gone to Welborn for years.  Unfortunately the vet clinic is now corporate, and I think most of us know what corporate means…they push for things, necessary or not. 

I hope Jim calls me soon to tell me where he has landed.

pug mama





Sue VDB ~ Definitely get those records and find your old vet! Huckle is right, that vet sounds crackers. What lies have they told? Did I miss something? Tell me. Glad to hear Minnie is better though. What are these puggies doing to us!!!! smile



Gina, Jim didn’t go into specifics, but did say they push products and procedures that are not needed.  Jim promised to call me when everything is in place.  I hope it is sooner than later.

Diane Nowotny


I know how proud you must be, my Rocko has gone from producing no tears whatsoever when we adopted him, to a 5 during his last check-up.  I am so happy that his doctor really know pugs (owns one and has many, many, pug patients) and knows how to treat them.  We are hoping for more improvement this next year.



Sue VDB - That sounds so silly for that vet to tell you he didn’t know where everything was yet…don’t all pug parts occur and present the same?  (I know that’s n9ot what he meant but I couldn’t resist.)  Plus, if he is more interested in excusing himself instead of providing the best care…...off with his head!

Huckle &
the Swamp Pugs

Lilo n Me (Gwen)


Jeepers, creepers, where’d you get those peepers? Where’d you get those eyes?

Congratulations Corrine and Luna on the great scores and the hard work! Working on a nursing unit that deals with eyes and drops and all that good stuff it may be a labour of love, but it’s sometimes still labour.

Lol Huckle, first thing i thought about not knowing where everything was too!!

Sue, we are glad to hear Minnie is feeling better now. I hope your vet contacts you soon.  Lilo and I both know about having preferred vets, who try holistic approach vs pushing tests, treatments, food, vitamins etc..  I think if we had seen one of our preferred 2 from the clinic in the spring we may have been farther ahead in this UTI situation.  We saw a new grad at the clinic in the spring when Lilo was having urgency, and they took my free catch sample (sacrificed a ladle), and said there were crystals.  Then pushed for an xray to check for stones. 

I think my vet would have looked at the crystals in the urinalysis, and collected a culture.  I have done some reading up about the type of crystals she had in her urine and they are caused by infection, the crystals then get together and make a stone. That’s why it got so bad that she was presenting like a stone when i took her in last month.  Both vets i saw now did a urine culture, no xrays, and we are almost done our second course of antibiotics.  She is back to where she was last spring before the urgency.  Good quality and quantity pees,(sorry to be so blunt) and we all know how good the relief of a quality pee feels lol!

Hellen we continue to keep you in our thoughts and prayers that your new little partner will find you soon.



Lilo (although I guess I should call you Gwen smile  ) I’m sorry I’m just seeing this. I’m so glad your baby is doing better. Isn’t it just amazing how the body works?! I love doing research like that! I love how you ‘sacrificed’ a ladle though! Brilliant! Again, so glad Lilo is doing better! God Bless!

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