Owned by Pugs

Monday, November 28, 2011


We recently had company visiting from Maryland (an old college buddy). Dogless, we went on a little human only adventure. We attended the "Flamingo Follies" in New Smyrna Beach. New Smyrna is a quaint little town that offers a street lined with shops offering an array of wonders. Well, during the Follies, they closed the street to traffic and had load of vendors selling their arts and crafts and other accoutrement.

As we made our way down the avenue, we crossed paths with another friend! It was Mary! Mary is the grandmother to Jade. Jade is a black pug we met shortly after Solsey passed away. Jade’s mom is, and I say with the utmost affection as we love her dearly and truly miss her visits, a blog stalker but only occasional commenter, "Jennifer Moulton used to be Davis".

Recently married, Jennifer had her pug Jade in her wedding. Jade, of course, is also in this OBP 2012 calendar. The photo of Jade shows her in all of her divaness at her mama’s wedding.


It was great to see Mary and we hope to Mary, Jennifer and Corey with Jade down here again soon.

Luna, Benjamin and Henry

I actually had a double bonus to see Mary again when I dropped off the OBP calendar to her. At that meeting she generously gave me a loaf of pumpkin bread to bring to the pugs. I will have a follow up to this story with pumpkin bread eating pug photos soon. So, we just wanted to give a ruff ruff (i.e. pug shout out) to our old buds!

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Minnie and Mack


Yum, yum!  Can’t wait to see the pug eating photos!
And Jade is adorable! 

Happy Thanksgiving!
Minnie and Mack

Jennifer Moulton (Used to be Davis)


Our family has a ridiculous amount of love for your family!!!  I’m so glad mom got you the pumpkin bread, I gave her a gentle reminder!

Happy Holidays to our favorite Southern Pugs and Pug People!!!  Jade sends barks and smooches!



Jade, you look stunning…don’t you know you’re not supposed to steal the show from the bride! wink  I’m so jealous that Jade and her humans get to hang with the OBP crew in real life!!  How wonderfully delightful they gift pugkin bread…now those are great friends!  Enjoy gang!



Jade you are beautiful I bet Henry Benny and Luna are saying can we eat the pugkin bread now mom



I bet you’re right sue.  In fact, I’m amazed that they aren’t standing in the middle of the table slurping it up.

Abby, our resident curmudgeon (although my husband swears it’s really me), has declared war (well, more like a passive/aggressive strike) on Georgie and Gracie.  Cooper she just ignores.

She was sitting on my lap while I was trying to read and I turned the page and looked up to see Gracie on the floor wanting to come up the doggie stairs.  Abby had been half asleep (I thought) but she got up from my lap and blantantly moved oversat at the top of the doggie stairs effectively preventing Gracie’s use of them by plopping her little fanny right down in Gracie’s way at the top of the stair.  Gracie has the ability to jump straight up three feet or so if she’s a mind to so I just let Abby’s antic go and left Gracie to her own devices.  Now had that been Georgie (who needs a cane to get up even one stair alone), I would have intervened but it wasn’t and I didn’t.  Gracie’s a happy-go-lucky dog so her psychie wasn’t damaged and Abby feels she got away with something. Ahhhhhh, Pugs!



I really ought to proofread before I send, however I don’t.  “Oversat” should have been, of course, “over at”.  :(



Jade, you do look lovely my dear. And how exciting to meet Corrine in real life! Thats like meeting a celebrity! smile

Huckle ~ I love your stories. Pugs are so funny aren’t they!!!

Pip had a great weekend. Well he did throw up yesterday morning but I think he just ate too much. My fault. I was giving him his meds and I think it was a combo of too many meds at once and too much food. He was shaking and moaning. It was terrible. I called the vet’s emergency number and we just took it easy and then in about an hour, he had recovered. phew. Phew! I thought everything was getting of whack again! He is back at the vet again today and they are going to call me with ‘numbers’ and we will see where we are.

Ok…How is everyone else’s pugs doing? Sending prayers for all.

Pug Hugs to all from Gina & Pip



I’m having some real weird stuff going on with OBP…anyone else?  I am getting posts from July coming in as new ones?  Perhaps it’s just because we have been having computer troubles, but I don’t know.  Technician is coming again today so I’ll ask him.

Sue VDB - just read your post of Saturday about Romeo.  Hope things are going better for him today.  This trachea stuff is scary, isn’t it?  Georgie coughed yesterday and I about freaked.  It’s the sound that’s scary and brings all sorts of bad things to mind so I try to concentrate on more positive thoughts but it isn’t always easy.

Gina, so happy that you and Pip are doing better.  One step at a time, eh?  Let us know about his latest vet visit asap.

Huckle &
the Swamp Pugs



Wow, all kinds of fun!  Seeing old friends (Dogless and Jade!) and pugkin bread!  Great times!!

Huckle, I think Abby’s strategy is both brilliant and hilarious!  I can picture it so well!!

And Gina, continued prayers for Pip!  With the exception of yesterday morning, I’m happy he’s doing well!

sue states


Happy after Thanksgiving! We had Beauty spayed did not want her to go through another pregnancy like the last one and there are plenty of rescue puggies needing a forever home. She had some bleeding under the skin but she finished meds and is her cranky butt self again. She still seems to have a deep hate for Daisey any ideas to try? Prayers for Pip that all goes much better than expected at the vet. Jade what a lovely lady you are and nice to see the gang seated so patiently waiting for their pumpkin bread. Pug hugs to all from the colorado 4

Mary Davis


Love, Love, Love the picture of the pugs with the pumpkin bread and .....they were being so good to not dive in until their pictures were taken. It was so great to see you both at the art show and you Corrine again when I picked up the calanders. We will see each other again soon. Just love the calander…..it rocks!
Jade’s Grandmaw…...aka Mary, Mary



Sue states, if this is recent antagonism toward Daisey, I would wonder if it is in relation to her being spayed and perhaps will go away on it’s own as time passes.  If she’s always been miffed at Daisey, I guess that wouldn’t be it.  Who’s older?  Could that have something to do with it.  I think I wouldn’t worry about it until more time passes.  Beauty’s been through a lot lately and perhaps it’s hormone related?  Wish I could think of something concrete to try but perhaps someone will have a good idea.



Sue VDB - Belated birthday smooch to Romeo!!  How has his breathing been over the weekend?  I know he had great birthday treats that put his nervous memories of the vet in the past!



What a cute addition to any bridal party!
Pugkin bread..yum!  they are so well behaved, my guy would have had all 3 pieces gobbled up by the time I got the camera in focus!!  heehee

Hellen Norton


WOW!!! What a beautiful addition to any party…especially a wedding!!!!

OK Guys,
WILL NEVER BE ALLOWED TO ADOPT A YOUNGER PUG! I can have all I want of older older ones FREE from most rescues. My daughter (just hit 51) was turned down two years ago for the same reason!!!!

NOW I love and would love to have an older put but it hurts so bad when they pass. I do have two 20 plus living here and they would be able to bond along with me.



Hellen ~ I’m sorry :( That doesn’t seem right since you have two 20 somethings living in your home! Maybe you could try to get the youngest of the oldest. They would appreciate it I’m sure. God Bless.



Helen I am so sorry about adopting a younger pug I don’t understand those rescues but I do have to say working with a pug rescue there are so many loving older pugs who need homes they are passed over so many times and they have so much love to give I know its hard to lose them but the love they will give you I hope it works out that you have a puggy real soon no matter what the age is



What is it with these rescues.  I thought their main problem centered on finding pugs in need of a forever home.  But they pass over someone who has a large heart and a lot to give a pug.  Of course the older pugs have a real need but I’m with you on the fear of them quickly passing especially after your heart has opened up to them and they’ve become part of your family.

I worry so about my three and the possibility that I may not last as long as they do so like Hellen, that is a real concern.  Puppies are so darn cute but they have 14+ years and we never know how long we’ll be around.

Good luck to you Hellen.  Have you contacted rescues that are not in your state and explain your predicament and ask if they would accept the puppy being passed in an “underground” way as Sue VBP suggested (I think it was Sue VBP)?



This is really long but it’s a good Pip update!

He was back at the vet today and they ran his numbers again. Our main concern is his white blood cell count. That tells us how bad the infection is and if the IV anti-biotics are working. Normal range is below 50,000 and last week it was at 72,000. They got it down to 50,000 before and then took him off the anti-biotics and then the infection got worse. It was then that they switched to a more powerful anti-biotic and different fluids. That is what he has been on for a week now. Well, as of tonight, his white blood cell count is…...52,000!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Hooray! That is what we want to hear!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! We are keeping him on these anti-biotics at least through Wednesday where they will run his numbers again to see where they are. Hopefully, they will be even lower!!!!!!!! So this means he has to go back to the vet again tomorrow and Wednesday and he was there all day today too.

The vet called with an update today and said that Pip was feeling much better b/c he was “feisty”. And I said “feisty? what do you mean feisty?” Well evidently, Pip snapped at one of the techs while they were drawing blood today! They were laughing and thought it was funny b/c he isn’t the most ferocious thing in the world and they had expected him to do this way before now! If you think about it, this is his third week of being there all day where he gets blood drawn twice a day ~ thats a needle in the front of his lower neck ~ he has a catheter in his front leg which is taped on and stays in all week. It is taken out before he comes home for the weekend (or Thanksgiving day). His front legs have to be so sore from that. That is where he gets his anti biotics three times a day and then three times a day he is getting sub-q fluids which is basically, a needle stuck in between his shoulder blades and fluid is pumped right under his skin from an IV bag. And on top of all that, he is getting two shots a day of his insulin. (good news there-his diabetes seems to be predictable now and somewhat regulated ) So I would’ve snapped long before today. He is such a good boy and the techs tell me that they just adore him and he is their favorite. I can see why they think that. smile The doc was making fun of Pip’s underbite saying “he may have an underbite but he can still ‘get ya’ when he wants to.” All in good fun of course! And as of today, he is down to 17 pounds! Too skinny! He is a different dog! The vet said it was good that he was chunky when he got sick b/c it allowed him to lose the weight and not be a concern. I said I’m totally going with that for me. I’m a bit chunky ‘just in case’ I get sick. smile

All the prayers are working and I can’t thank everyone enough! Hugs to you all!!!



Gina I am so happy to hear Pip is doing better he has had to go through so much its understandable if he gets fiesty will keep saying prayers and sending good thoughts yours and Pips way



Thank you Sue! smile



Mary, you know all of us are jealous to be able to see Corrine and the OBP pugs in person.  How delightful that must be.

Jade, you are adorable, and a lovely addition to your mom’s wedding.

Hellen, even though it would be hard to not have a pug for a very long time, please consider adopting an older pug…they need love too.  Plus you have a history of pugs living a long time. 

Gina, I pray this is the last week that Pip has to go through all he has had to.  St. Francis, please heal this baby.

sue, give Beauty some time.  Her hormones are still at work, but will subside after a while, and that may be all it is.

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