Owned by Pugs

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Fresh Water

Cupid and Luna

The cat is super particular about her water. She used to only drink out of the swimming pool, but recently she has set her sights on the pugs' water bowl. That strikes me as odd because Cupid is the type of kitty to steer as far away from dog germs as possible.

However, Cupid will not drink out of the pugs' water bowl any old time. She will only drink from their bowl when we change the water. Only the freshest water for Cupid.

The other day she took it a step farther and started drinking from the bowl before I could even put it back on the mat.


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Such a pretty kitty!!  Luna looks a bit perturbed at the intrusion into pugger territory though, lol



My sis-in-law has a shitzshu, who likes to drink from fresh bowls.  We call it “Diva Water”.
Looks like Cupid is displaying the Divaness with water bowls.  Enjoy your drink Cupid.
Luna, looking appalled that Cupid dare to drink from her water bowl!  Too cute!

Sue VDB and Annie


I love the look on Luna’s face.  It is now her turn to think about CAT germs.

This really made me laugh out loud.  Miss Annie Fannie recently decided she did not like to drink water from the community bowl. I put fresh water in another bowl and she drank like crazy.  Ok.  The next time she wanted water she stood by “her” bowl, but would not drink. She now has mer trained to give her nothing but fresh water each time in “her” bowl.

Yesterday she had her first visit with Dr. Rowe as she needed heartworm medicine.  He trimmed her nails and he said she screamed like a stabbed pig.  She also had a little infected bump between her toes on one foot which was probably caused by a cut walking on our dry, crunchy, brown grass.  Dr. Rowe lanced it and because it bled a little he bandaged the foot.  Miss Annie came back in thr room, he put her down and she limped as if her foot had been amputated, and then began to continually walk arouhd in circles.  What a dram queen, and what a first impression she made with Dr. Rowe, but he thinks she is hilarious.



tell her save some for miss luna i know luna kitt germs’lol.Darla always has to have fresh water at all times that’s all she will drink so i have to keep it fresh.

mary castagnoli


I have to keep a pitcher of filtered water in the frig for Bella - it seems to help ward off the bladder infections.

SUE VDB:  Bella, too, had a nasty swelling on her foot this summer and the vet thought it was started by the needle sharpness of the dry grass around here.  He had to lance it and bandaged it up to her “elbow” joint.  We went through some amazing screaming fits everytime I had to change it and put on fresh.  (it was a large mass of infection - so it took a bit) But the kicker was, I started bringing her water to her if she was up on the ottoman so she wouldn’t jump down.  She LIKED it!  Now she will stand up on the ottoman - look in the direction of her water dish and bark for it to “come to her”!  It’s become a total “thing” now as I found it cute and funny the first 20 times.  But - what the hay - I get a little needed exercise step and fetching for her.  (It’s a good thing it’s just the 2 of us!)



These are great stories today. Cupid, you are so beautiful! My kitty Henry, used to drink straight from the tap! Talk about fresh water. And I love Luna sitting there looking at QP! Hurry up Miss. Kitty!

The things we do for our pug babies (and kitty babies!). Annie Fannie sounds like a sweetheart and Mary, I can just see Bella standing and ‘demanding’ her water. Maybe you should get her a bell she can ring. wink

Pug Hugs to all from Bella & me!

Lucy and Pen's Mommy


It looks like Cupid is exacting a little revenge for Luna laying on her rug! (Caption this #252)
Great stories, Mary and Sue VDB! I’m not going to share them with Lucy and Pen-it might give them ideas wink !

Huckle + Swamp Pugs, Abby, Gracie + Georgie


Great stories and don’t we all recognize the lengths we go to to keep our babies pampered and happy!  Cats, especially, seem to have the “I’m waiting…” thing down to a science.

Abby has a different tact.  Yesterday Georgie was at the water bowl quenching his thirst when Abby decided she was thirsty as well.  We have water bowls in each room so it shouldn’t have been a problem.  However, Abby just HAD to drink out of the bowl Georgie was using, walked over to him and the bowl, shouldered him aside and drank her fill - a little longer than probably she needed.  I guess in her defense, she didn’t stand tapping her paw, waiting for me to put fresh water in the bowl.

Mary, cold filtered water for bladder infections?  I had not heard that.  That’s a tidbit to hang on to.



Luna does look a little perturbed at Cupid drinking from the pug bowls
Mary and Sue VDB loved your stories this mourning brought a chuckle



Cupid is such a beautiful cat!  I think she wants everyone to know that in addition to you being “Owned by Pugs”, you are “Owned by Cupid”!

Oh Sue VBD, little Miss Annie Fannie is a darling, funny girl!  I hope you catered to her every wish and whim during her “recuperation” from her “surgery”!!

Mary, yes, you’re Owned by Pug!  I laughed at the picture of Bella barking for the water dish to “come to her”!  Smart little girl, that Bella!

I have one to add about Bennie.  My husband does such a good job of scratching him when his back is itchy, that now Bennie will jump up beside him, stare meaningfully at the place he wants itched, and give this specific, demanding little bark that says, “Scratch me. Now.”

Mr Harrypug uk


Yes cats are boss. No matter what sort of new dog bed i buy or where its put the cat is the first to try!
Definatly done for badness. My fat cat rules all pugs.

Hellen Norton


I love cats…...there I have said it! The colors on Cupid are really beautiful!

Poor pug looks like Oh Mom…NOT AGAIN????? I might get cat germs!!

I keep a very small metal water bowl down for Dakota….she wants it fresh! We use bottled water for her.

Sue VDB and Annie


Mary, I had to laugh at your Bella story.  QP brought out a lot of “telling stories” today, all funny and all telling how we cater to our “owners”. 

I am getting ready to give Annie’s paw an epsom salt bath per Dr. Rowe…oh my.  My plan is to place the epsom salt bath in a plastic cup, place it in the sink, pick up Annie and place her paw in the cup the same time I put the rest of her in the sink…yeah right.  Wish me luck.



Leave it to a calico

mary castagnoli


SUE VdB:  Hope you met with success with the Epsom Salt soak.  My vet had me use as a “sitz bath” - even before she hurt her paw.  I pour a shallow bath and Miss B sits in it and soaks all 4 feet and her little behind as well.  It seems to calm down some of her foot chewing - I get her good and rinsed - but she sits in the tub and I sit on the “commode” and with just chat.  But she’s not the “go-er” that your A-Fay appears to be so a “spa day” experience may not be what you are she is looking for.  At any rate - hope her little foot heals quickly and you can go on to the next Annie Fannie Adventure!

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