Owned by Pugs

Thursday, June 7, 2012

Following You

I took a quick burst of pictures of Luna and I noticed that she was tracking something behind me in her gaze. Even Luna has mastered completely ignoring me and the camera. Only took her about 6 years, but she did it!

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Minnie and Mack


Squirrel, kitty? What other varmints to you all have in your part of the world, that would get her attention?

Drools and licks,
Minnie, Mack and foster Mario



oh luna you are just too precious for words hugs and kisses my sweet babe.



Sweet Looney tunes. I just love you.

Busy week for us. Bible school and swimming lessons. Both for my human girls. smile

Still have Susie Dog the pooper. She must know Cooper, Huckle.

Pug Hugs to all from Bella & me

Jenna Moulton


A pugs ability to ignore the person trying to get their attention just reinforces my belief that Pugs are just cats in dog costumes!



Is this a two second burst?  If not, I’m not getting it right.  But even two seconds of Luna is worth not seeing her at all.  Precious Looney Tunes.

OK Gina, the secret’s out…Cooper got on his secret email account and told Susie what to do to get the most attention from the humans.  He’s laughing but I’m not.



oh sweet Luna you are a angel

Sue VDB and Annie


Looney Tunes you have the look down perfect.  You want to be careful about ignoring Mamma though…she might have something special for you, but if you ignore her it might just disappear.

Hellen Norton


Oh Luna, you are one special girl. Watching what Mom is doing is really a great PUGGIE Trick!



I believe it Huckle! Thanks a lot Cooper! smile

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