Wednesday, January 2, 2008
Fluff & Dry
After the holidays, the pugs seemed to be filthier than ever. Benny’s face was filled with dirty wrinkles (and his lip was still taking some time to heal.) Henry’s feet smelled of old cheese doodles. And Luna, well, she is always a mess. (Not sure how she’s always the dirtiest of the bunch when she has the least amount of fur.)
So, it was bath time again. The reason this bath time was a little different was because Santa had brought the humans of the house a nice fluffy little throw rug for their bedroom. After their bathes the pugs always rip & tear through the house. While this bath time was the norm with the rip & tear routine what was different was that eventually they settled onto the new fluffy throw rug to complete their drying cycle.
At some points it even seemed like the pugs were floating on a fluffy white cloud. While they may have been little terrors in the tub, they do look like little angels in these photos.
Janelle Woodward
Comouflage he he She’ll never find us here