Wednesday, February 7, 2007
The boys and Luna got their first taste of a Flossie on Christmas. Santa was kind enough to leave them each one in their stocking. Needless, to say they loved them.
So we decided to stock up on a few. They keep them very busy and they are a great distraction for the pugs at night when we are trying to make it through about an hour of TV with no distractions. If it wasn’t for Tivo and bones I don’t think I would ever be able to catch any TV time.
Patty Bellovin
Flossies are so cool! This is the first time I’ve seen them and the puggies seem to just love them. They look adorable chewing their Flossies. I have two pugs and was wondering which size to buy for them - the standard 6”-8” or the jumbo size. What do Benjaminm, Henry and Luna prefer?