Owned by Pugs

Friday, May 30, 2014

Flashback Friday


This picture was taken in March 2006

Last week's flashback sparked some discussion about Luna and how different she looked in her younger years. Here is a shot of Luna a few months after we adopted her in 2006. I can't quite remember when she went silver in her face, but it wasn't long after we adopted her. Every time I look back at old pictures of Luna I am shocked at just how dark her face used to be.

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Patricia spano


I’ve been reading about your fur family for a few years,since shortly after Sol was added. I know she’s still missed.  Today’s picture reminds me of all my past pugs turning gray.  Like us, it’s a visible reminder of time passing.  They become even more precious.



Meiling—-who could be Luna’s twin— is completely silver except for one black wrinkle on her forehead!!!!  I am really glad we have our pug girls living to be little old ladies!!!!

Sue States


Patricia how true! Solsie our pug is still in her youth but our Boston Daisey has gone gray and yet she is still our baby girl-much like our adult children are still our kids.Happy Friday to all! Pug hugs from pastor sue & the Colorado 2

brenda in texas


Exactly how I feel. I just have Genevieve now. She will be 13 in Aug. I would love to get another pug but we have decided to give her all the pug love az long as we can.

Sue VDB and Annnie Fannie


Black face, silver face, still a beautiful Luna.

I took a picture of BoPeep on her last day, which I didn’t know at the time.  She passed very suddenly.  When I looked at that picture I was shocked how gray she was.  I didn’t see it before.



Still beautiful. I see a few gray hairs in Bella’s face. She will be 9 in July. Pip would’ve been 10 years old now and I know his black hair would be very gray now. He would like quite dapper I’m just sure. smile

sue wooding


my gang are all gray now Toby my black pug he will be 10 in August I call him panda bear as his face is white so is his paws

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