Owned by Pugs

Friday, September 13, 2013

Flashback Friday

You would never know it in Florida, but Fall is just around the corner and the pugs love Fall because it means it is pumpkin bread season. Today's flashback is Benjamin, Henry & Luna's ode to pumpkin bread.

Sol also loved pumpkin bread. Here is a shot from September 2009. Solsey thought she could get the bread from underneath the glass table.

Benjamin, Henry, Luna and Sol

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Mary M


OMG, that video is too cute!  It’s unbelievable how patient the three of them are.  And I love how Benny licks the glass table top to make sure he didn’t miss any crumbs!!



Loved this video———-what well behaved pugs!!!!!



I think Luna thinks that because she is the smallest, she should have another piece just to make her grow. LOL

Solsey would have had quite a treat had she managed to get to the whole loaf.

sue wooding


I love this video thanks for my friday smile
Happy weekend everyone



I love the pic of Sol.  She had a good thought… just unfortunate that it wouldn’t work the way she was hoping.



I remember that video from it’s first appearance!  I loved it then and I love it now!

The picture with Sol under the table just melts my heart.  ♥ Solsey ♥



There are so many things I love about the video and the picture. Sweet sweet Solsey.

The video is wonderful. How do you make them wait? Such patience! And the concerned look on their faces and how little Looney is and you can only see her eyes and my absolute favorite part is that she is wagging her tail. I love it so much!!!

pug mama


Love it!  You can see the anticipation!  What well behaved pugs smile

Sue VDB and Annie Fannie


Thanks for the rerun.  I recognized it immediately because I was so impressed by Henry, Luna and Benjamin and Sweet Solsey under the table.  This is a very beautiful memory.



Lilly Rose crossed the Rainbow Bridge this morning.  I am so heartbroken.

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