Owned by Pugs

Friday, March 8, 2013

Flashback Friday


The last few fridays we have gone way back to when the boys were pups. This week, I thought we could flashback to January 2006. This picture was taken about an hour after we met Luna. We drove to Miami to adopt her, hung at a pug fest that was going on for a bit and then made the drive back home.

Luna fit in very well with the boys from the start. The drive was long and shortly after we hit the road, we stopped for a late lunch. Since the pugs were with us, we just made a quick stop at McDonald's and ate in the car. We gave the boys a fry and when we offered a fry to Luna she took it and then promptly spit it out. We were shocked! What kind of pug had we just adopted? I didn't think they made pugs that didn't it everything! wink

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Did Luna ever learn to love FF?

Such a sweet face.

Drools and licks,
Minnie, Mack and Mario



What a great story about Luna.  I think in the picture Luna has her tongue stuck out, must be in anticipation of, horrors, a french fry?  Mickey D’s french fries have to be eaten fresh and hot.  Perhaps it just wasn’t up to Luna’s standards?

On the anniversary of Solsey’s journey to the Rainbow Bridge, I would like to say that when I think about it, I am still amazed that that sweet little black pug found her way to the perfect home.  One that would love her and cherish her and share her story with the now misty-eyed OBPers (if you are like me).  And because she was so special, we’ll carry her in our hearts.  And because she was so special, this is not an easy day for you and your family Corrine.  And because she was so special, our refrain, “Solsey, we love you still”.

Enjoy your weekend, kids, and move your time clocks in anticipation of Spring.



What a cute photo… I love how Luna is giving everyone a raspberry!  grin

NJ is currently getting a sprinkling of snow, which is what we were supposed to get yesterday! Hopefully, thats all it will be.

Happy weekend everybody!      Patty



Sweet Looney Tunes. So glad she was guided to the perfect pug home. Bella turned down people food but only for a short while. She has since made up for it.

God Bless Solsey.

Have a great weekend everyone and thank you Huckle, don’t forget to turn your clocks ahead. smile

Pug Hugs to everyone from Bella & me.



The Love Story of how Luna came into your home!

I would have been shocked at her spitting out the french fry, too!  Meanwhile, Benjamin and Henry were probably rejoicing when they saw that, thinking of future opportunities for them to scarf up what she spit out!

I love the picture, too ♥



Hard to believe a pug would spit food out maybe she was trying to watch her girly figure
remembering sweet Soltoday running free at the rainbow bridge Have a great weekend everyone

on behalf of Corrine


Hello OBP followers…
This is a quick follow up to today’s comments on behalf of Corrine….
Luna has not learned to enjoy the wonderfulness of McD’s french fries.  Luna is unlike Corrine and does not enjoy carbs.  Good grief!  She does, however, chow on a mcnugget or hamburger (and is still awaiting a big mac).  Luna is all about the protein.  smile

Thank you for the thoughts of Solsey today.  It has been 3 years now.  Solsey has not been forgotten.  She is remembered fondly each and every day.  She has been gone from the OBP household now twice as long as OBP had her.  That is truly hard to believe as she made such a huge impact on OBP during her short time there.

Corrine is swamped now that she does not work from home anymore and on her behalf (and with her permission) I will try to field some of these curiosities for fellow OBP fans.

Sue VDB and Annie Fannie


Little Luna has refined taste…no nasty Mickie D’s for this little princess.  The boys, however, are thoroughly engrossed in the Mickey D food.

I, too, have been thinking about our precious Solsey.  I have the date marked on my calendar. We only knew this baby for such a short time, but the stories you shared of her were fabulous, and it was love at first sight.  All of us who were privileged by your sharing lost a very special girl that day.  She lives in my heart and I am sure all those who loved her feel the same.  Solsey, I love you.  ♥♥♥

Sue VDB and Annie Fannie


Corrine, and on behalf of Corrine,

Corrine I am sorry you are so swamped, but I want to thank you and “on behalf of Corrine” keeping this blog going.  I think all of us are addicted and would be sad to no longer see this.  Some of us wondered what was going on because the blog has changed, and one of the reasons given was Corrine was swamped at work and didn’t have enough time.  I’m glad it is the swamped reason and not a health or personal problem. 

“On behalf of Corrine”, thank you from the bottom of my heart for helping Corrine keep OBP going.  You are thoroughly appreciated.

Mary M.


So sweet to see Luna when she was ‘the new kid in town’!  And so bittersweet to remember Solsie on the anniversary of her passing.  I’m also thankful that OBP keeps on going; I so like to start my day by checking in on Henry, Benny and Miss Luna!



I agree with Sue VDB and Mary M.

About Sweet Solsey and Corrine and ‘on behalf of Corrine’. smile



I am a day late reading the blog. :(
I, too, hope that this OBP blog will continue, the stories are amazing, heartfelt and sometimes tear provoking… as are the people that have tuned in.
Thank you Corrine, and thank you “on behalf of Corrine”, some days it must be hard to keep up, but I truly have enjoyed reading what everyone has to say.
Things have changed for all of us , at one time or another. I recently found full time employment after being off work for almost 9 months. OBP kept me going each day. Thank you, all of you.  Somedays I couldn’t even form a comment, but kept tuning in to read your posts smile
Solsey… such a huge part of our lives, thanks Corrine and family for sharing her with us… she was so loved.
Looking forward to more OBP!  xo

Sue VDB and Annie Fannie


Pat, congratulations on your new job.  I know it must be a huge load off your shoulders.  Best wishes on your new job.

Hellen Norton


OK!!!!! French Frys are great for some pugs….but those with refined taste buds to love the meat and cheese part of the MCD hampuger!!!!

Dakota presets wht meat with cheese on it!!!



Thanks Sue VDB & Miss Annie Fannie… As much as I enjoyed my time home, I knew I would need to get back to work full time.  I cherish the days Mr. Skittles & I spent together, and I hope he won’t be too lonely on days I am out.  So very glad he was with me thru this journey smile

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