Owned by Pugs

Friday, June 14, 2013

Flashback Friday

Benjamin and Henry

This flashback is from June 2005.

Benjamin and Henry are 3 years old in this shot and they are quite tuckered out. When this photo was taken, we had lived in Florida for about 3 months. With everything being so new in FL and so many new parks to visit and explore there were lots of nights like this for the pugs.

One of the other things that struck me about this picture is the dog bed. We got rid of this dog bed about a year ago, but when I looked at the picture I was surprised at how clean it is. Let's just say it did not look that shade of white when we threw it out last year.

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I want to thank you all for your kind words and prayers.

It was quite a day yesterday. After getting home from the hospital and my procedure, I was laying with the boys on the couch and out of nowhere, Baxter had a seizure.

Went to the vet and he’s ok now. Bloodwork was sent out. Thank God he came out of it quickly and there were no more.

Keep those prayers coming for us both if you don’t mind!

Love this pic…the guys are in the shape of an L for love…or lazy lol



It looks to me as if Benny is standing on his nose while Henry is dreaming of the time when Luna will join them. You REALLY through out a pet bed once?  That must have hurt.

Oh Heather, how unsettling these times are for you.  We pray for only the best for you and Baxter, of course, and for your ability to handle this all.  It doesn’t seem fair but you’ve got OBP to stand with you and for you.  Give us a shout whenever you need to.  Prayers



cracks me up how pugs love to sleep with their heads hanging off the bed.

Pen & Lucy's Mommy


Sleighbelle, me too. But if they’re laying on the floor they like to have a stuffed toy for a chin rest! Heather, we’ll be thinking about you and Baxter and sending prayers.



nice picture of the boys they look very tuckered out
Heather glad to hear Baxter is ok now will be thinking of you and him I have always felt obp is one big family and know we are always here for you



Love this pic. The boys look so relaxed.

Heather~sending lots of love and prayers for you and Baxter. We definitely are a big family here and support each other 100%. Know that you are not alone in this. God Bless and definitely keep us posted.

Sue VDB and Annie Fannie


I love this picture as well. 

Heather, tough day yesterday.  Praying for good results on you and also praying to St. Francis for Baxter.  You know we are here for you.



Thank you all so much.

It’s interesting…one of my friends has always said how Baxter is so in time with me…on a level of connection that’s hard to describe. Interesting how our events coincided.

pug mama


Sacked out pugtatoes, there’s a sight I’ve never seen before smile

Sending prayers your way Heather! 

Lily has been sick this week too, but she is on the mend after a couple trips to her least favorite person.



How cute are they?  I always loved looking at sleepy puggies.  Boy, I sure miss that.  This past Saturday has been a whole year, that I’ve lost my Angel.  I surprised myself-  even though I’ve been sad, there have been no tears.  I still miss her like crazy, but I know that I’ll see her again someday.

Heather, sorry to hear about your troubles.  Prayers that you and your puggy are ok.

Hellen Norton


Oh My!!!! Got Rid of a dog bed?????? I would have loved to see that!!!! At our house it would be my hospital bed and both Dakota and I would be on the curb with it!!!

Heather know we are all with you!



“Pugtatoes”! Lol!! Good one, pug mama!

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