Friday, June 14, 2013
Flashback Friday
This flashback is from June 2005.
Benjamin and Henry are 3 years old in this shot and they are quite tuckered out. When this photo was taken, we had lived in Florida for about 3 months. With everything being so new in FL and so many new parks to visit and explore there were lots of nights like this for the pugs.
One of the other things that struck me about this picture is the dog bed. We got rid of this dog bed about a year ago, but when I looked at the picture I was surprised at how clean it is. Let's just say it did not look that shade of white when we threw it out last year.
I want to thank you all for your kind words and prayers.
It was quite a day yesterday. After getting home from the hospital and my procedure, I was laying with the boys on the couch and out of nowhere, Baxter had a seizure.
Went to the vet and he’s ok now. Bloodwork was sent out. Thank God he came out of it quickly and there were no more.
Keep those prayers coming for us both if you don’t mind!
Love this pic…the guys are in the shape of an L for love…or lazy lol