Owned by Pugs

Friday, March 1, 2013

Flashback Friday

Benjamin and Henry

November 2003: Two tired pugs at Lake Needwood in MD.

The boys were always up for weekend hikes along the trails at Lake Needwood. In the Fall, it was a perfect place for the boys to plow through piles of leaves. There were a few different trails so we could mix things up each walk.

Henry, being the adventurer that he is, always wanted to go off trail. He once came across a whole peanut butter and jelly sandwich on one of his off trail excursions. He was very pleased with his find, but not very pleased with us when we wouldn't let him eat it.

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Hey mom, ever hear of “finders keepers”?



Oh, my, what a terrific picture.  Henry’s gaze certainly seems to be trying to make you feel guilty over the pb find, “But ma, it’s PEANUT BUTTER!”

Have a great weekend, kids.



Those are a couple of handsome boys! Time has been very good to both of them! You are aging well boys!

My first baby turns 7 on Sunday! Can I still call her my baby?! Talk about feeling old. smile

Pug Hugs to everyone from Bella & me.



These two are still just as handsome!



two really handsome boys even now with the gray fur have a great weekend everyone

Hellen Norton


Oh My!  the guys look a little worn out….BUT beautiful!

sue states


These two are so adorable-then & now. The PB story is so sad-i mean, just look at poor ,sad Henry. Pug hugs & happy week-end! pastor Sue & the Colorado 2

Sue VDB and Annie Fannie


What a great flashback.  Those two were and are so handsome.  A whole PB&J just laying there?  What a great find, but there could have been something wrong with it, so you were being well taken care of.



Awesome flashback pic of two very handsome “young” men!!!  xoxo

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