Owned by Pugs

Saturday, February 7, 2009


This week’s flashback: Sock Thief

Because a sock mysteriously went missing this week.

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What is it about socks?  Henry does look like he is saying to Benny “This is my sock and you can’t have it”.  They both look so cute.



Sleighbelle has been known to snack on a sock too.  But her fav?  The hose-like trouser socks…evidently those are more tasty than a cotton sock, or maybe it just feels silkier in her mouth?  I have done my share of chasing her around the house to reclaim socks.  She thinks it is hysterical and a game…not so funny to mom when I’m trying to go out the door, and end up having to put on a slightly damp sock! ick!



So funny that you posted this b/c we were just reminiscing about when the boys were younger and loved to play with socks…they’ve outgrown their sock fetish.  lol



What babies they were then! lol.  Our guys are normally good about socks, but every now and then, Rascal is the one that seems to have a need to take a sock to the bed. lol They are also good about shoes, but every now and then Biscuit seems to be the shoe thief.  Rascal just likes to take the liners out of the shoes.

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