Owned by Pugs

Monday, May 7, 2012

FL Weather

Benjamin and Luna

Our 1000 pugs shoot was fantastic and our trip to Miami was so much fun that we really would like to do it again. The only thing we didn't get to do was meet Puglet while we were in Miami. Puglet was in town, but he was having a little trouble handling the south Florida weather. Word was that he was melting in the FL heat, so we didn't get to meet the original pug super model.

I guess the heat and humidity of FL is quite a shock to someone that is used to the weather on the left coast. I talked to several other FL pug owners there for the shoot and we were quite pleased that it was as cool as it was. Our shoot time was at 1pm so I was super worried about how hot it would be for Benjamin, Henry & Luna. It was hot, but luckily it wasn't as bad as it could have been .

Fingers crossed that if I ever cross paths with Amanda again that we will get to meet Puglet.

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Minnie and Mack


Puglet has mentioned Pug Melting Weather before. I guess he can say he has experienced it first hand!

Hu-mom and hu-dad are from Florida and hu-mom is always talking about moving back.  I don’t know if Mack and I can handle PMW (Pug melting weather). 

We enjoyed your photos from taking part in 1000 pugs since we won’t be able too.

Drools and licks,
Minnie and Mack

Sue VDB and Annie


What a bummer you didn’t get to meet Puglet, but what an experience to be part of the 1000 Pugs. 

I had Amy from FetchFido who took what turned out to be the last picture taken of Romeo at Sweetheart Pugs
February 12, 2012, make a 16x20 print for me.  I took it to a framer and picked it up Sunday.  I now have that sweet boy on the wall above my computer forever immortalized.  I cried, smiled and laughed.  I love Annie dearly, but I surely do miss my sweet Romeo. 

If any of you on fb know Frankie DaFace Gray-Weed, her daddy Johnny Gray died from a heart attack early Sunday.  He was a sweet, gentle man.  He and Vickie were preparing to move from the harshness of Alaska to Louisiana.  Alaska had not been kind to them in the last year.  Please say a prayer for Johnny and his wife Vickie. R.I.P. Johnny.

Chris Matthews


I was fortunate enough to meet him on Friday in Fort Lauderdale!  He’s adorable and really is attached to Amanda.  I had the job of Puglet-sitting while she worked all morning.  You just wanted to snuggle with him!



Even though Benny Henry and Luna didn’t get to meet Puglet I know they had a blast Chris I envy you getting to meet and even watching him that must have been exciting

Sue will say a prayer for Johnny and his wife may he rest in piece

Sue VDB and Annie


Chris, how lucky for you, not only to meet, but to watvh Puglet while his human was working. I think Puglet is adorable.  He has the most expressive eyes.



They are seasoned pugs! Hot weather has nothin’ on them! Well, sort of. Too bad they didn’t get to meet puglet. He sure is a cutie!

Sue VDB ~ So sorry to hear about Johnny Gray. Thoughts and prayers are with them!!

Happy Monday everyone!

Pug hugs from Bella & me



Asking all my pug friends to say a prayer for little P who’s in his second day of intensive care suffering from some still unknown malady!

Sue VDB and Annie


Tessa, your baby is in the loving arms of St. Francis. I have asked him to take care of your little P.  Please keep us posted.

Southern Fried Pugs


Poor Puglet, couldn’t take the heat. You really do have to acclimate yourself to it!

We are so excited that we will be part of 1000 Pugs in New Jersey! We are driving all the way from southeastern Virginia to be part of it. Hopefully, October in New York will be more seasonable and we will get to meet Puglet!



Oh you guys…I’m so jealous that so many of you got to be photographed/meet Puglet.  What a great experience.  Can’t wait until 1,000 Pugs is published.  That should sell like a million copies. It will be so fun to go through that book.  Dutch will probably get the first copy and spend his time trying to see if he ever got photographed in it.

Tessa - Little P is in my prayers.  I trust you will keep us up to date.  We wish only the best for him.  Also for Johnny and Vickie.

Georgie to the vet today.  He was leaking!  I kept smelling a strong urine smell.  We had just cleaned the carpet and I couldn’t exactly smell where (I guess I could have gotten down on my knees to smell first hand but that would require me to get up from the kneeling position and even with new knees I couldn’t do that). I’m sitting mystified because I couldn’t nail in on where.  I think it was because of Georgie and found the two throws awful (we’re talking MAJOR Reek).  Georgie had to be the culprit and then I thought UTI (Georgie is so good, except for the marking factor, about using the outdoors for his business).  Called the vet, took him in and he is now on antibiotics.  Oh goodie….one more pill twice a day.

Talked to him about the collapsing trachea business and he said he felt that Georgie was in the moderate range. And surgery sooner rather than later was advised..We may be mortgaging the house!  How much is too much when the health of a pet is in question?  There’s nothing to decide, we’d take him down to Ohio State in a heartbeat, hang the expense.  For right now, he’s okay.

Sorry to be so long. Just had a need to share.



Oh nuts, forgot to comment on the photo.  They looked determined to get where they are going.  And Henry is where?



Prayers Tessa for little P!

Huckle! prayers for Georgie too! And you’re right, doesn’t matter how much it costs, we just do it right?! Poor Georgie was leaking?! What a sweetheart.



Oh my goodness… thinking of all of you, sending prayers and warm wishes your way!

Too bad you didn’t meet Puglet.  I just tuned in a few weeks ago to his blog.. such a cutie!  1000 pugs, what an idea!  Cannot wait to see the end product.
Glad to hear you all had a wonderful family outing!!

Hellen Norton


Three very wet but proud puggies! Picture taking is over NOW for the finished pictures!
Know these three did great and would proble love a warmed up, soft large towel!



Please tell me more about “1000 pugs in New Jersey”.
Thank you and best to ALL pugs and pug parents.

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