Owned by Pugs

Thursday, March 20, 2008

First Day of Spring


Well, today is the first day of Spring and I know a pug named Henry that is very happy about that.  Henry thoroughly enjoys Spring.  The weather is a touch on the warm side, yet not too hot for him.  Which means he can spend his days doing one of his favorite things - sleeping way too close to the pool’s edge.  Yesterday, he got a jump on Spring and resumed his normal position poolside.

Henry - sleeping too close to the edge

Plus, in just a short time, it will be swimming season again and then he can break out the Pug Tug and drive his brother crazy by splashing around in the pool.

Happy Spring everyone!


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Oh how I wish I was one of your pugs!!  I wanna lounge poolside!!!!  *sigh*  Until that day comes, I will live vicariously through Mr. Henry.  HAPPY SPRING TO ALL!!!



My brother and I were just talking yesterday about how cute a pug would look taking a swim!  I’ve never had my girls in a pool, but I would love to see how they would do.

I’m thinking if Mom is smart, she’ll move that pad from the bench to pool-side so Henry can lounge in comfort!



I agree with Heather, I am jealous :-(



LOL! Where’s the fruity drink with the umbrella??? And eh hem - MOM… Christina has a great idea! Could you get on that before the sun moves to the other side of the pool? hehehehe



I think Henry only appears to be lounging.  In reality, he’s on lifeguard duty!  It’s just that since nobody’s in the pool, his shift is an easy one.

Mary M.


*Sigh*  If only I could be lounging by the pool like Master Henry - what a life!!  He’s a real cutie pie!!

karen wilson


My nane is Mr Harry the pug. I live in cold wet England here i have a lovely life, full of treats and love. However I was wondering Henry if you fancied a 2 week holiday swop as i do rather like the sun and love to swim.
I could get my mum to take you to London and Windsor for the day.
Mr Harry x



WOW! The second picture of Henry is SOOOO cute!!!

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