Owned by Pugs

Monday, February 22, 2016


Benjamin, Henry, Luna and Sol

When I started this blog 11 years ago, I never thought about this day. I never thought about what it would be like to have a pug blog, with no pugs. I never thought about what it would be like to document the life of an aging pug, through all the ups and downs. When I started this blog, I was in my 20's and relatively care free. I had two young pugs, full of energy that made me laugh constantly. I loved to take pictures of them and I wanted to share those pictures in some way.

And so Owned by Pugs was born.

I had no grand ideas when I started OBP. I thought I would take pictures of Benjamin and Henry and have them online for friends and family to see. But shortly after starting, we began to get comments from other pug lovers - people we didn't even know. It was crazy to me.

Making great friends through OBP was one of the most unexpected things to me. I never imagined that OBP would have blossomed into the community it has today. Some of you I have met in person, some I have talked to over the phone and through emails. Some I know only through comments. And I know there are some lurkers out there that have been following along for years. And no matter how we may have interacted over the years, I want to say thank you for being a part of OBP.

There was a point, when I was no longer working from home, and Benjamin, Henry and Luna had begun to slow down a bit that I thought about calling it quits. Life was busy and all the fun things that Benjamin, Henry and Luna loved to do, the things that were easy to write about, seemed to be dwindling. Posts about trips to the beach and swim camps seem to fall to the wayside and all there seemed to be to write about were trips to the vet or surgeries or worries about what was to come.

I thought no one wants to read about this stuff. But, that seemed to be when the OBP community really kicked in and there was an outpouring of love and support. It was at that point, I really had to evaluate things and I realized, I didn't want to write about those things. Its easy to write a post about a fun trip to the dog park and gut wrenching to have to write about how your pug is re-learning his way around your house because he has lost his eye sight.

At that point, I wanted to live in denial and writing a daily blog didn't seem to fit with that.

I kept blogging because I knew there were OBPers out there that were invested in Benjamin, Henry, Luna and Sol. And I knew that I owed it to them to tell the full story. OBPers are not fair weather friends and it wasn't right for me to quit when the going got tough. I never really came to terms with the inevitability of the pugs aging, but I did began to see that those later in life stories are perhaps the more important ones.

I want to thank everyone who has been a part of the OBP community. Making all of the friends that I have made over the years has been one of the best things. The pugs always had a way of making friends. Wherever we went, they brought people to us and started conversations. This blog was much the same. Thank you for coming along on this journey with us. You have been a huge part of our lives!

Much like when I started this blog in 2005, I don't know what is next. I don't know when and if we will get another pug. We are just going to take it one day at time and do what feels right. I will be stopping the Daily Pug Picture and other parts of the site soon, but I will leave the OBP Pug Blog as it is. So I, and anyone else who wants to, can go back and read about 4 pugs (and a cat) that have touched and impacted my life in more ways than I ever could have imagined. Yes, there were big things, but it really was the little things that I will forever cherish. And the Pug Blog is a daily diary of all of the things that have meant the most to me over the last decade. And if you are curious, here is the post that started it all!

My Dog is Everything

Comment Page 1 of 1 pages



I have really loved being a part of the Owned By Pug community.  I’ve just loved reading each day’s blog post, and if there was a day that for some reason I was unable to, I would feel bad about it.  Because I missed something important that I cared about.  Thank you so much for creating this wonderful place called Owned By Pugs.  Where I’ve laughed and where I’ve cried.  Where I’ve gotten to know and love four special pugs.  And where I’ve met some wonderful people and great friends.

Thank you for sharing so much with us through all the years!


Maytte Acosta


After reading this,there is an empty yet heavy hole where my heart and stomach are supposed to be.  I’ve started my day with your blog for the past 10+ years, eager for news and antics of the OBP pugs, and laughing and comparing them to my 3 puggy babies.  Said babies are now 17,(!) 13 and 11, so i can relate to the slowing down, the fears and sleepless nights that come along with all the love they bring. My deepest condolences to you and peep #2 for your loss, and my sincerest thanks for sharing the lives of Henry, baby Benny,Looney & Solsey with us. I’m going to miss them and the blog terribly.

sue wooding


I got filled up reading this last blog I am so use to seeing it every day made so many wonderful friends I always felt and still do we are one big family I am sending a big hug to you I hope all the best for you and Glynne and maybe some day there will be another blog from you



I barely know what to say.  Like everyone else, OBP was the first thing I opened in the morning.  There was good, funny, adorable, concern and yes the sad, but I would not have missed any of this.

Benjamin, Henry, Luna and Sol were “my” pugs.  I loved them to pieces.  I laughed, I smiled, I cried, but always eager to see what these precious lives were doing. 

Cupid, too, is always a source of entertainment, producing a range of emotions as she goes through life.

My heart is heavy that this has ended, simply because these babies are in a place we cannot enter here on earth.  I am not a crier, but tears have flowed. 

Thank you so much for everything.  I am glad to hear the OBP post will stay up.  I know there will be days I go back through the blogs.  Thank you for the final pictures on this blog.

Love you guys.




I have been away for a week or so… and this is the saddest news to return to. Henry was strong and like all your other furry friends, a much loved and important part of your family. You have gone to extraordinary lengths to provide the best care and life for the gang and they have crossed the bridge with hearts full of the love you gave them.
I dread the day this happens to me but know that when it does my furry friends will leave me with similar love that yours gave to you.



I have followed your blog since 2009.  It was the first thing I looked at every morning.  Reading about all the antics of your gang and the cute, funny, adorable pictures from everyone in this OBP community made being owned by a pug all the more wonderful.  I can’t imagine the pain of losing all four of them.  Having lost Jackie just two weeks ago, losing this blog will a giant hole in my life.  To go from being owned by a pug to reading about pugs to no pugs at all is heartbreaking.

I think reading your blog gave me the courage I needed when it was time to let her go.  I realized a lot of the emotions I was and still am feeling was four-fold for you guys. 

Being an animal lover and lover of cats in particular (hubby is a dog person and I was a cat person) I loved reading about Cupid and her cute personality, and I will miss seeing her also.  Your dedication to your furry family is inspirational. 

Good luck to you both.  I’m sure this new era will be just as great as the pug years.



Your writing about these life events in both your lives and the pugs has been inspirational.  Thank you so much for sharing this huge part of your life with such candor.  I had no idea how long you have been blogging about the foursome be I do know when I found this site I was enthralled and I too shall miss my morning starter.  Blessings and peace with whatever decisions are made.



Thank you so much for sharing your pugs with all of us—-you will really be missed.
You helped me so much with my pug Meiling—teaching me how to be a good pug parent
and how to let her go. Now with great sadness we miss let the OBP go—- take care
and lots of pugs ‘n kisses.

Joyce Joy


Thank you so much for sharing your life and your pugs with us.  I will miss my daily starter.  It was simply wonderful that you shared so much with us.  Yes, we pug lovers are something else, aren’t we?  I hope you find peace in whatever you decide to do.

Thank you for this final post and the final pictures. 

My God bless you.



Thank you so much for everything you have shared. I appreciate more then ever the energy and heart it took to continue to finish the whole journey on the blog. Wishing you all the best.

Janice Webb


I am speechless, but understand.  Your blog was the first one that I started following in 2007, I believe.  It was only Henry, Benny, Luna and of course Cupid.  I have laughed with you and cried with you.  I have two pugs of my own that are now 10 and 9, so I know that they are getting to be “seniors” and that in itself scares me.  I will continue to think of you and am so thankful that you shared your life and the lives of your babies with us.

Janice, Snuggles, Sassy, Dixie and Pearl

Sue (Pen & Lucy's Mommy)


Thank you so much, Corinne, for sharing your babies and yourself with us all these years. Coming to your blog first thing every weekday morning will be a very hard habit to break. Even my husband (who is so NOT a blog reader)knows who Henry, Benny, Luna and Sol are. Even he was so sad when I told him Henry had passed. Neither one of us even wants to think about losing Pen or Lucy. But we are better prepared for when that happens because you have shared with all of us how to handle it with grace and love. And thanks to all of the OBP family, for witty comments and lots of laughs. Take care everyone, I will miss all of you!



I’m not sure how my mornings will be without my daily dose of ODP!!  Corrine, thank you so much for all the wonderful pictures and stories of your amazing grumble (+ Cupid). Sharing the life journey that you and the pugs embarked on was something that I know we all enjoyed and appreciated. 

My thoughts are with you and Peep #2 as you move into the next chapter of your life’s journey.  If pugs are meant to be part of that, they will be part of that.

Take care and God Bless You.

Christie Sachde


My husband was the one that happened upon your blog, he thought it was something I would enjoy so, he signed me up! Well, I more than enjoyed it…as with everyone else it immediately became a very welcome part of my day. At this point I don’t even recall when he found you since it seems like OBP has always been part of my life!

It was comforting to know I wasn’t the only loon out there when it came to my puggies, though I’ve still yet to meet anyone else with a pug shower:) There were times when it absolutely made my day and times where it broke my heart.

I will miss the pics and the stories and the videos and the love and the comments and the questions. Corrine, sorry my toilet paper question almost pushed you over the edge…BUT it could have been worse, I could have asked the undies question;)

I hope there is a pug(s) in your future when it’s time because when it comes to being owned by a pug the ride is worth the fall.

Wishing you love always…Until we meet again,




In my sadness, I totally did not mention I will miss everyone who has been a part of this wonderful blog.  We truly have been a fantastic family.  I will see some of you on face book and I have some contact information, but I want each of you to know how much I appreciate all of you and wish you the very best.  Give your puggies some extra love from me and in honor of OBP.



It’s not only the pugs, pics and stories, but all the posting members of the community that we will miss. We have some characters and very funny people here. It has often been the comments that have made us laugh the most. Is there some way to leave part of the site open to comments and conversion?

We will miss each and every creature, and the feeling of community. I love that there has been a place where there is unconditional love, much like a dog gives, where people are just supportive of each other. That had warmed my heart as much as Henry, Benny, Luna, Sol and QP’s antics—well, almost.

Much love to all,
Jim and Heidi



We all knew this day was coming and it is heartbreaking. For years, so many of us started our day by reading about the OBP pugs and it will truly be a hard habit to break. We all felt like we knew them. We loved them from afar and to watch how they aged and you dealt with that reality was a lesson for all of us who are owned by pugs, so thank you for sharing…even when you didn’t want to.

I do sincerely hope that when the time is right, you will again be owned by rescue pugs who need a loving home, because they couldn’t ask for better pug parents. And I do selfishly hope that you’ll one day restart your blog and let us all know…so that we can again laugh and follow along…and reminisce about Henry and his peeps.

Thank you and all the best.



I’d like to thank you for starting your blog and bringing us all on your journey.  The pug community is a strong, supportive one and I, like many followers have, have found such support, strength, joy, courage and many laughs through your posts.  As strange as it sounds, the blog (you and the pugs) feel like family, you were part of my daily routine, I thought about the pugs and prayed for you all in tough times. 

I wish you so much luck in your future endeavors and hope that we (you guys and the OBP followers) all cross paths again in the future!  I’m sure we’ll all be checking in from time to time wink  And thank you for leaving the blog as-is, I’m sure many of us will flip through it for smiles!

Take care, and once again, thank you!

Roberta and coco


Coco, beau, luccia the Frenchi and I have followed from the start….. I won the raffle you had for sol that Grammy painted and I have it hanging and cherish it very much. I have laughed and cried along just like everyone else. I doubted myself sometimes in the care of my babies when I saw how much others do but in my own way mine are just as spoiled and cared for. For all out there I am not on Facebook but I am on Instagram….. Robertasanto…... If you followed Corrine we followed each other….. Please find me!! And I will forever look for this blog every morning….. Even when there was a qlitch and I was not included I went looking to fix the issue…...nooooooo don’t take me off the list!!!! Yes you had us hook line and sinker…. I believe you will foster or adopt soon…... It’s in our hearts and soul to do it!!! Love to all….. Roberta



I know you need time,i too was wondering if i should get a whole other kind of dog…(still got 1 wonderful princess pug)but all i can think of now is:you have so much experience now,it has helped me sooo much reading about their health-problems,being in that same rocky boat,
There are enough pretty pug-pictures on the internet,but telling about the real life with so much positive energy is the thing we also need to know, so…......



Not leaving.  Just can’t deal with it.  Will now work my way backwards through the 11 year blog, day by day, and Henry, Benjamin, Luna, Sol, Cupid and I will all grow young again together.

Christie Sachde


Sue VDB and Chuckie…I didn’t mention this wonderful and wacky community either…my bad:( I will miss it terribly too! For anyone interested you can find me on face book…Christie Scarpello Sachde.



Much love to you both!  Happy journey ahead!

Darci and Abbey the Pug (she passed on last year)


Thank you for the years, the tears, the smiles, and the miles. I loved reading all your adventures! Much love from Nebraska!



I think you are amazing to have committed the time and energy to the blog for our benefit and in addition to taking care of your babies through sickness and health. I am so appreciative of your daily gift to us. I’m sure some days it was oh goodie I can’t wait to post this on the blog and some days it was what am I going to post on the effin blog. Either way you never let us down and for that I am truly grateful.  It was a joy having you share all this with us.  I wish you the best in the future! Thanks again XXOO

Teresa A


Thank you so much for sharing the lives of your precious fur babies. I have followed your blog since it was just Henry, Benny, and Luna. You have helped to teach me so much about caring for my own senior Pugs.

I hope that one day you will again be rescued by a Pug…or two! I also hope that when that happens you will at least send a blog post to let us all know how you are doing.



I also opened your email first thing in the morning and then shared the pug picture with my kids in Alaska who took one of our rescued pugs. I will miss you and the gang very much I have learned so much and cried so much with each pugs passing. Thank you for all your help and taking such good care of your pugs.



Thank you so, so much. I have loved reading this blog everyday. Thank you for leaving it up so that we can still enjoy it.
You should be so proud of everything you have done - both with this blog and taking such amazing, excellent care of your pugs.

My sincere thanks- Kerry, Dicky pug and Elle pug
Best wishes-



I just want to say as a reader for the past few years: thank you so, so much for giving us a glimpse into your family’s lives and your amazing stories with your pugs. It means a lot to me and obviously a lot of others.

I am so, so sorry to hear of Henry’s passing.



Thank you for sharing your lives with us. OBP was the first blog I checked everyday.  I also wanted to say thanks because your blog helped me to heal when I lost my precious Angel in 2012. Reading stories about your puggies, lessenend the pain of losing mine.

I hope sometime in the future you get more pugs. They are the best, arent they?!  grin  Take care of yourselves and Cupid. 

xoxo Patty



I found it interesting that many of us readers followed you first thing in the morning.  This site was ALWAYS one of my first stops.  Thanks for that and all of your hard work maintaining this blog.  It’s selfish but I hope you choose to have more pugs in your life again.  I will still check in from time to time and wish you only the best!!



Your site was one that inspired me to start my own pug blog and I loved reading about each pug. I even got lucky and my girls appeared in the calendar in the past. Thank you for sharing so much with us.



Thank you for sharing your life with all of us. Owned By Pugs will live forever, inside all of us.



I found you years ago when I first started to blog and followed faithfully even if i didn’t comment. It was heartbreaking to see you lose your babies one by one and as much as it hurts i am glad you shared with us.




I have been incredibly sad all day after discovering Henry’s passing and with no doubt the effect that this has had on you and your loved ones. I cannot imagine what you’ve been through the past year and a half or so.

I already left one comment earlier: please don’t feel the need to post this publicly.

I guess I just wanted to add something: Thank you so much for taking in these ‘kids’ and giving them such a full, wonderful life that just brimmed with love in each and every post you spent discussing them. They were incredibly lucky to have had the lives that they did.

Hopefully, one day when you are ready, I do have faith that you can once again allow more pugs to enter your heart and have the experiences Henry, Sol, Benny and Luna did.

Gina Marie Wake


Thank you, thank you, thank you, for sharing your pugs and your lives with us all these years.  I found your blog in one one of my first searches in December 2009 when I very accidentally got my first pug, a neglected mistreated 2 year old boy.  I was clueless as a dog-owner, much less a pug-owner.  Solsey had passed by then but I read every single past post up to that point, and from that point forward.  You taught me so much and gave hours of entertainment, and I fell in love with all of your babies.  Vito Marino has been with me for over 6 years now, is the love of my life, and now has a rescued pug brother named Vinny, and I have fostered 19 dogs in that time.  Vito had a blog for several years, much inspired by yours, and I know how hard it is to keep it up.  I gave it up and wish I hadn’t.  Your babies’ stories will live forever and you will have this to look back on when you are ready.  It’s a long, beautiful story.  Thank you for keeping on when it would have been so much easier to just not post anymore.  You have shared your joys and your heartbreaks and we have felt them along with you, and I know I’m not the only one who has learned so much from you.  Run free, Henry, Looney, Benny and Solsey.  Take care of yourselves, and again, thank you.

lee and faye


So very heartbreaking. We have followed your blog from the beginning and it makes me so sad, as I know one day we will be faced with the same circumstances as you. Believe me, we feel your pain first hand. So very sorry for your great losses…

    Lee and Faye



My deepest condolences ... such a sad time indeed.  My heart goes out to you Corinne and your family. You are all thought of so very much.
I cannot remember if I found your blog just before I got Mr. Skittles or after.  He will be 10 this fall. I very much enjoyed the funny antics you wrota, how sometimes my guy mimicked things your pugs did, or acted like some of the other OBP readers babies… when you shared sad news, I sat at the computer and cried, like now. I often wished I lived closer, I would have liked to have met the OBP family, sending my condolences jsut doesn’t seem enough.  I hope we will hear from you very soon.  Take Care xoxo

Jennifer Davis


I’ve started each of my work days with you for so long, that I simply cannot imagine a world without OBP.  Just like it is hard to imagine a world without Sol, Luna, Benny and Henry.  I love that you have shared their journeys, the ups and the downs, as they encouraged me to start my own grumble, led me into fun adventures with two of my most favorite Florida friends and opened up a world of fun every morning for so long.  As I sat here reading this though, I felt such a feeling of dread.  I don’t want to lose my morning pug delight.  I will miss lurking in the comments.  And though I will still visit my two Florida friends, my heart breaks for their empty-of-pugs home and their broken hearts.

This blog has made such a difference in my life.  I will miss it, as my heart already misses Sol, Luna, Benny and the Hankster.

All my love,

Lori V


I’ll miss this blog.  As many have stated - I started my mornings by reading about the antics of your four babies.  I hope some day to see an update in my inbox from OBP. 

Thanks for sharing.  smile



I’m one of those lurkers who has followed your blog from the very beginning, but rarely (if ever) commented.  I am crying my eyes out right now over all of your losses, but also over my own loss of your blog to start my day.  I wish you Godspeed, and I pray you will find it in your hearts to be owned by more Pugs in the future, and to share their antics with us.

Pug mama - Jen C


This post breaks my heart. This community has been so valuable to me. When I lost my first pug Abby in 2011, so many people here reached out to me and sent sympathy cards. I really cherish the friends I have made through OBP. So grateful for each and every one of you. I secretly hope there will be another pug, but understand if it is not meant to be. All my love.



I keep checking everyday to see if there are any new updates from anyone/everyone.
I hope you are doing ok Corinne and so is your family.
I have been thinking of you, just wanted your to know ((hugs))  xo



Pat, it is not the same but there is still a Daily Picture, and it helps a little.

Roberta and coco


I’m not getting the daily pic?? I did for a couple days and then it stopped!! Please bring me back! This has happened before!! Thank you!!

Christie Sachde


I’m not getting the daily pic either:(

sue wooding


I am not getting it either



You have to log on to ownedbypugsdotcom.

Corrine - OBP


Hey Guys,

I am no longer sending out the Daily Pug Picture email.  With OBP drawing to a close, the Daily Pug pictures will no longer continue.  New daily pug pictures have been posted, but that is only because those were previously scheduled.

Mary M.


I’ve so enjoyed the fact that there was still a Daily Pug Picture these last few days; will so miss these when they’re gone!!  Thanks for letting us ease gently out of OBP, Corrine! :-(



Your “Fin” post showed up on my FB feed and I have been waiting to comment.  Trying to find the right words is surely difficult.  Blogging has so changed over the years.  I too started “way back when” you were still living in the cold north with just the boys!  I’ve followed your antics and even got to make some Halloween outfits for your gang!  Time marches on and things change, that is one thing we can be very sure of.  You have been an inspiration as a Pug (pet) owner and blogger.  Never doubt that for sure!  I hope some day soon you can find what your heart needs and we can hear from you again!!!!  Hugs xoxo Punchy

Sandra B.


Dear OBP,
I have been out of the loop lately due to a cross country move. I just wanted to express my
Love and appreciation to peeps 1 & 2 for sharing your wonderful family with us through
The years. I will miss you very much. I hope you guys and Cupid have a blessed rest of the year.

Here’s to the Fab Four puggies.  ❤️

Emily W


Hello! I’ve been reading your blog for about 6 years now. I found your blog when I first started dating my boyfriend (now husband) who had a pug and I wanted to learn about the breed. I got really attached to reading your stories and fell in love with your furry children. I’ve learned a lot from reading this blog and appreciate the detail you’ve put into it, especially with the pugs’ health issues. I’m sorry that was so hard for you to express, but it was really enlightening and helpful to me who also owns a pug. When Luna and Benjamin passed away, it broke my heart. My grandpa had just passed away and it was the first close family member I’ve ever lost. When I saw that Luna and Benny were gone, it broke my heart even more. I can’t imagine what you have all gone through, having such a large family and losing them all so close together.

I just wanted to send you love and appreciation for taking time to write all of these entries. I hope you all are doing well and healing.
Thanks! Emily and Chloe, the pug

Kelly & Her Pug Crew


I don’t even know how many years that I’ve been following OBP.  I had hoped it would never end.  (I still hope you will come upon an adorable pair of pugs in rescue and start the ride all over.)  I know that I will never not have a pug (or pug mix) in my life.  I have 7 now - 3 of them rescues.  They are my friends, confidants, solace, entertainment and comfort.
I wish you peace and well-being and hope to hear from you again.
Love and Pugs,
Kelly and the Pugs (Baxter, Mollee, Bentlee, Taz, Henree, Chloee & HoneeBear)



Hello Everyone!!!  I’ve been thinking of you all , hope all is well.
My husband took Mr. Skittles to our vet today, we noticed his left eye was looking a bit different, he has a cataract.  We were given a cream to put in his eye… hope it works smile



Pat, give your Mr. Skittles pug hugs and kisses from Annie Fannie and myself.  Best wishes for him and your family.



Thanks Sue, gave him pug hugs and kisses from Annie and you!!  Thanks for thinking of us smile



I have two pugs myself, one is fawn and her name is Amber. The other one’s name is Guinness and he is black. We rescued them from a lady who was living in an unheated garage and couldn’t afford to take care of them. But now they are happy and in a good home smile



Started following your blog 6 years ago after our pug, Sophie, arrived home; found many helpful bits among your stories.  My heart hurts at the loss of your grumble. 

Wishing you peace.



I am so sorry for your loss!  Henry was an amazing boy and he was lucky to have chosen such an amazing family to spend his life with. 
I have been ‘lurking’ and posting occasionally for many years and I have loved reading about the highs, lows and regular daily happenings of your family.  Thank you for sharing Henry, Benny, Luna, Sol and of course Cupid too, with all of us. Some of your posts have been the best part of my day!
Whatever happens next in your lives, I wish you all the best. When you’re ready, maybe Henry, Benny, Luna and Sol will send you another puppy to love.

Kim Counts


I am so sorry. I just looked in on you after being away for awhile. I have referred so many people to your blog over the years that I worked with pug rescue. Your page was the way I started every day for a very long time when I was struggling to get through some difficult times. I am just a mess reading that Henry is now gone too and you’re done.I am heartbroken for you. Prayers for comfort.



Dear Corinne and family,
I keep checking everyday to see if anyone has added anything new to the posts, and to see if you have posted an update.  Keeping you in my thoughts and prayers that you are all well, and your fur babies are working on sending you someone precious to love. xo



Dear Corinne and family,
I keep checking back to see if there are any updates. As I looked at the photos of the pugs today, I got all teary. And I only met them through the internet. I can only imagine your pain. Thinking of you and sending prayers. Hoping to hear from you all again one day (soon?).
Thanks for sharing your lives and the pug’s lives with us all. I feel like part of the family.



Corrine “Marley and me"is not a patch on your lot. Write it down and make a movie.

I only sort of survived the loss of my Mr Harry by loving and rescuing more.
Take care.



Hi , I thought you guys would like this pug art !



Thanks for everything.  Even all the tears.  Hugs!

Jug Dog


Absolutely gorgeous Pugs smile



I miss this page!  Just popping on to read the comments again and flip through pictures and posts.  Hope you are all doing well.

Sue States


Dear OBP Family & Friends-It is with a sad & heavy heart to let you know our sweet girl Daisey Doodle Girl has crossed over the Rainbow Bridge. She was a Boston terrier and lived to be 15 years old. RIP my sweet baby girl We love you and will miss you greatly!



Sue I am so sorry you lost your little girl Daisey Doodle Girl. I lost my Missy Girl, powder puff Chinese Crested on May 12.  She was 13.  We had a thunder storm yesterday, and at the first clap of thunder I looked for Missy to pick her up and hold her, but she is at peace and no longer afraid. I’m sure you still look for your Daisey.

Sue States


Thank you Sue VDB-Sorry to hear of your loosing your sweet little Missy Girl. It hurts when we have to let them go-we know as much as that hurts we just can’t live without our loyal companions. I believe your sweet Missy met my sweet Daisey at the Rainbow Bridge and are watching over us and comforting each other as they watch us go through our grieving. Solsie our pug misses her friend and we are a comfort for each other. Our daughter who has had Beauty our black pug & Solsie’s mommy will be bringing Beauty back to us-she didn’t get along with Daisey-so before long we will be the Colorado 3 again.Peace & Pug hugs from pastor sue & the Colorado 2(for now).

Mary M.


Oh, Sue States and Sue VDB, I am so sorry to hear about the loss of your fur babies.  They are at peace now, and playing with Henry, Bennie, Luna and Sol at the Rainbow Bridge.  Sending hugs.



Thank you Mary M.  The look on Missy’s face when she was gone was pure peace and contentment…almost a smile. That is a memory I will treasure.

Sue States


Thank you Mary M. Daisey is back home (her remains) with us again, this has brought me a lot of comfort. Beauty is also back with us for at least a week till we see if she can adapt to being with us and her daughter Solsie. Beauty spent most of her time outdoors but we don’t have a fenced area(per where we live)so going potty in the house has happened. Working on getting Beauty to ask to go out. Again thank you for your kind thoughts! Pug Hugs from pastor sue & the Colorado 3



Corinne & family ~ I think of you daily, and still check the site to see if there is any new updates.
Keeping you in my prayers and hoping you are all ok.

Christie Sachde


Big beautiful moon here last night…couldn’t help but think of Luna:) Hope all is well.



It’s sad when they go. So sad when they’re not around anymore. Hope you feel like owning a pug again soon.

sue states


Still miss my daily dose of OBP happy. Beauty Solsie’s mommy has adopted to living back with us like she never left. My lap is up for grabs each time one of them gets down. I still so miss my Daisey Doodle Girl I know she is happy,healthy and waiting for me. Hope you all are well and I know we will continue to visit this blog site in the hope that a new pug(s) story will unfold and just staying in touch. Pug Hugs from pastor sue & the Colorado 3



Just popping in to say hi. Missing this page today. Hope everyone is doing well!  Happy fall!



I think about you all of the time. When I lost my Bentley a little over three years ago, a little part of me died inside. I have his sister, Sofie, still and as she ages, I find it more and more heart wrenching knowing she will also one day be gone.
I had to stop reading your blog after Bentley passed, because I couldn’t do it without crying my eyes out. And today is no different. I come back from time to time just to see the old photos and check in on you.
Always in my thoughts and prayers. I, like you, have so much love for my fur babies. As much as I do my son. And life without them just isn’t the same.



Checking in.  I want to know how all you and your babies are doing.2016 has not been a kind year for me either. After I lost Missy I brought home a sweet Papillion I named Ellie, was told she was 8, and turned out to be 10. I had her a total of 71 days when she passed in my arms from continuous seizures probably due to a brain tumor. On October 19 my son, my only child, killed himself at the age of 47.  Annie has been wonderful knowing her mama is heartbroken and has been very worried about me.

I truly miss OBP, and think of all of you often.


Sue (Pen and Lucy's Mommy)


Oh, Sue VDB, I’m so sorry for your loss. I too have an “only” and I can not fathom the depth of grief you must be feeling. Losing a fur baby is heart breaking but losing your only child… There aren’t words. I will pray that God will bless you with some measure of peace and comfort, especially through the holiday season. I hope 2017 is kinder to you. Please know that us OBPers out here will be thinking of you.

Mary M.


Oh, Sue VDB, what a tragic loss; my heart aches for you.  I do so miss OBP and all of the wonderful people who visit here.  I particularly missed it this past Halloween, not seeing pictures of Henry and his siblings in their wonderful costumes.
    I pray that 2017 will be a kinder year for all of us.

Christie Sachde


Heard Heart of Hanky Doo on my way to work this morning! Turned it up so that Henry could hear it…pictured him with his head hanging out the window, ears flapping in the wind…



Just popping in to wish everyone a Merry Christmas and all the best for 2017!

Sue States


Greetings All! Stopping n to wish you all a Blessed Christmas/Holiday time. SueVDB, I am sorry to hear of your loss, my prayers and thoughts are with you as I know this time of year is difficult when a loved one has passed. Beauty is a joy to have back with us, she talks-in pug of course, when she needs treats, water dish re-fills and to go out. SOmetimes her and her daughter have fights, what mother hasn’t had disagreement with her child, eauty has a flemmy kind of cough she has been on prednisone and theophyline when I stop the prednisone she starts coughing again, usually at night. Would appreciate if anyone has had this experience with their pug. Blessings & Peace to you all! Pug hugs from pastor sue & the Colorado3



my little coco went to sleep for the last time on Saturday 💔 this pain is so very hard😓
11/1/05-1/14/17 RIP my sweet little 👼🏻



I am so sorry to hear about your Coco. Losing furbabies is one of the hardest things to deal with. Focus on all the sweet memories and find some comfort

Mary M.


Oh Roberta, I’m so very sorry for the loss of your sweet Coco.  Sending pug hugs to you.

Sue States


Hi Roberta just want to express my condolsences on sweet CoCo’s passing. It is so hard to say good bye even though we know it’s the greatest act of love we give when our sweet fur babies suffer no more. Pug hugs from pastor sue & the Colorado 3

Christie Sachde


A year has come and gone…still miss you Hanky Doo:(

Roberta and coco


Thank you all for condolences on my sweet coco😓 it’s been 4 weeks and I miss her so much…... We did get a new pug puppy over the past weekend 🐾🐶 Gina ...... She is soooooo full of life and crazy wild!!!! Sometimes when she’s sleeping she looks just like my coco😓 Lu is adjusting pretty well and maybe some puppy is coming out of Lu as well!! Please follow me on Instagram robertasanto.  And see my fur babies. I have tons of pics of coco Lu beau and now Gina

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