Owned by Pugs

Friday, December 17, 2010



Last weekend, we finally got the house decorated and full of holiday cheer. Which means we have been able to relax and enjoy the decorations this week.

The pugs generally do a good job with the tree, although this year Henry keeps bumping into the lower branches and knocking off some of the lower ornaments. He is usually high tailing it to the door to bark at someone, so I think he is just distracted and not really paying attention.

Cupid likes to hide out under the tree and lucky for us she has no interest in climbing the tree or poking around in the branches.

Benjamin and Luna are pretty much oblivious to the big, fake tree now sitting in their living room. But, the stockings and Benjamin are a completely different story. We can't put any of Benjamin's Christmas treats in the stockings otherwise Benny will sit and whine at the stockings from now until Christmas morning.

Have a great weekend!

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Great chuckle, Corrine.  I can just picture (and hear) dear little Bennie.



Awwwww I LOVE this pic, Corrine!!!  So beautiful and serene…Henry, you look spectacular amongst the holiday cheer.

Love to all the gang and everyone in OBP Land!  Enjoy the last weekend before the big day!



I love this picture. It should be a Christmas card. Very peaceful.

And yes, I can see Henry ‘hightailing it’ to bark at someone. I love it!

Have a great weekend everyone!

Pug Hugs from Gina & Pip



Gina, I totally agree.  This is a magnificent Christmas card picture of Henry.

Benny, you are just too funny, but by golly, why should those goodies just hang there when you are right there to enjoy them NOW.

Cupid you are a good little cat.  I am lucky too that Jassy and Frankie don’t want to climb my tree.

Hope everyone can enjoy this weekend and not be stressed out about last minute preparations.



What a nice picture.  Seems to me I remember another similar picture with one of the pugs in front of the tree.. it was one of my favs. (but of course, they are all my favs!!)
Tis the last weekend before “Santa Paws” comes to visit, be safe and have a good weekend everyone!



It’s so funny how a pug can have such a little “no nose”, but boy can that thing sniff out yummys!!!



This picture is so pretty with Henry in focus and the tree a beautiful blur of color!

And I’m not surprised Henry won’t let a “little thing” like a great big tree interfer with his charge to the door.  He has so much determination!



I have to agree with Gina this should be a xmas card its a beautiful picture but then all the pictures you take Corrine come out beautiful I hope everybody has a great weekend

Karen B.


Looks beautiful Corrine!

Oh, Bennyman, you are hilarious!

Yay, it’s Friday!!  Supposed to rain here for a week, we can surely use it!  Christmas shopping is done, just need to wrap, wrap, wrap!  Hoping my 2 year old grandson doesn’t try to unwrap everything like he did at his house!  LOL!

Have a wonderful weekend all y’all out there in OBP land!



The Nose Knows…

Hellen Norton


Oh Benny what a beautiful Christmas Puggie you are!! And so well behaved!!! Have a great weekend everyone!!

Julia took a lot of packages and cards to the Post Office today. Made a lots of scarves and hats sets! Most to mailed today.

In case anyone is interestd we mailed out over 50 Christmas cards from Santa today. Really pretty!! In each one we pup a beatiful, large gold raindeer for them to hang on their trees. Really glad this is done…but really enjoyed doing them!!




Hellen that sounds so wonderful. I’m sure the children will be so happy. How exciting!

I wanted to tell everyone that Pip is liking his new food! I’m so happy. Today is the official first day that he isn’t getting his wet food and his cheese or a bite of this or a bite of that. I am so hopeful this will help his allergies and help him to lose weight.

He was looking at his new food and I picked a piece up and told him I would hand feed him if it helped. He took me seriously and I had to hand feed him. Of course I did it…but he is just too cute…I couldn’t not hand feed him especially after I told him I would!

Pug Hugs to all!



Gina - that is so cute.  Abby demanded that I feed her off a fork, which I did for awhile.  It was the only way she would eat her dog food and I was afraid she’d starve to death.  Yeah, right.

Cooper has had two whole days of not pooing in the house.  He still pees, but I feel we are making headway.  Guess he didn’t like the crate training so decided to cooperate.

Hope everyone’s weekend is super.



Oh Huckle~the things we will do for our babies right?!!!! I’m so worried that Pip won’t eat his dog food so I sit with him. Like you said, “as if he’d starve to death”!!!

My husband of course adores Pip but he isn’t like me… meaning a bit crazy and wouldn’t hand feed him. He’s all about not giving Pip any scraps and just dog food. Well…I went to a Christmas party tonight and my husband and our girls had “daddy/daughter” night. They pop popcorn and watch a movie. Well, Pip CANNOT have popcorn but Sean said, “he had some popcorn. I couldn’t leave him upstairs by himself. He is too cute.” uh-huh…guess it’s not just me. smile

Pug Hugs!!!



Huckle~ I forgot to add that I’m happy that Cooper hasn’t pooed in the house!!!! Sounds like he is getting the message. Now just work on the peeing. Have you considered a ‘belly band’ for him? Just a thought. smile



love the photo the tree is very nice theres nothing like a decorated tree and pugs.Enjoy your holiday one and all.

Katarina Thorsen


Thank you for sharing!  Pugs take our hearts so deeply.  My friend is still in deep mourning after losing his one year old pug.  He asked me to make him a sock pug and it has helped a little.  Love and a fantastic Xmas.



Katarina, please give your friend my very heartfelt sympathy on the loss of his precious pug.  It is always very difficult to lose one of our precious babies, but a one year old has to be more devastating.  May the sweet memories sustain him.

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