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Friday, June 7, 2013

Favorite Brother

Luna and Henry

Have you ever noticed that if I post a shot of Luna hanging out with one of brothers, it is always Henry?

Don't get me wrong. Luna likes Benny, but she simply adores Henry. If a human lap is not available, she will always seek out Henry and lay next to him. If a lap is available, she will totally ditch him. wink

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Ha ha ha!  A girl’s prerogative!

Drools and licks,
Minnie, Mack and Mario

Pen & Lucy's Mommy


Well, you know, “Handsome Hank.”



That is so sweet. Isn’t that so funny to think about? What is she thinking? Oh there’s Henry, I’ll lay by him. So sweet.

Sue VDB and Annie Fannie


No.1 priority?  A lap, of course.  No. 2 priority?  Hank, of course.  Maybe Benny has given off messages he prefers to have alone time?

Whatever it is, this is a sweet picture.



nice picture of Luna and Henry brother and sister love

Hellen Norton


Dear Luna and big brother Henry!!! Love both of you.



Ah yes, love can be fickled when a arm lap is in the picture.

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