Owned by Pugs

Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Fashion Show Rehearsal

Luna at the fashion show rehearsal

Last Saturday, a local Doggie Bakery held a fashion show.  Luna, of course, wanted to take part and who were we to say no.  To make sure everything went smoothly they held a rehearsal the night before the big event.  We brought along Benjamin & Henry to cheer on their li’ sis even though they were not participating.

The boys got caught up in all the excitement and before I knew it they were participating in the fashion show as well.  Luckily, they had a couple of outfits to choose from.

For the rehearsal, each participant practiced their walk down the catwalk.  Luna went first and took to it like a complete natural.  She did her walk and then she practiced her sit in the middle of the stage.

Luna on the catwalk

Henry was up next and he did a good job as well.

Henry on the catwalk

Benjamin finished up for the group, and while he was having a little bit of sewer anxiety (more to come on that) he did a wonderful job too.  Instead of sitting though, he opted for a masculine pose.

Benjamin on the catwalk

After his turn on the catwalk, Henry decided to grab a front row seat in the audience.

Henry in the audience

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They look like pros!!  Hope we get to see some footage from their big debut!

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