Owned by Pugs

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Fashion Forward


Sporty Luna!  I include this harness as part of Luna’s wardrobe because it has Velcro closures and I would never take her out in a harness that velcros shut.  So, like the rest of her clothes, its just for show.

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Again, pretty little Luna pretty in pink, ready for a day of fun.

I didn’t know they made harnesses with velcro.  That can’t be very safe, so I can see why this is simply for show in her beautiful wardrobe.



I love fashion forward Sundays!!  I just got back from my run and Miss Luna looks like she could have joined right in…or jut sat looking beautiful on the sidelines!



Geez Mom, that is just silly for you to think I’d want to go for a walk in this lovely pink number!  My hair’s all done, I’m looking fab, why would I want to go out in the elements and risk getting messy?  Silly, Silly Mom!!!

Ivy M. Andrews


Luna always looks so cute in her fashions. Only my black pug, Charlie, likes his sweaters when it’s cold. I agree that a velcro harness is not safe. When my pugs get excited, I need strength in their harnesses to hold them back.



What an adorable harness.

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