Owned by Pugs

Thursday, September 26, 2013


Benjamin and Henry

Fall officially started on Sunday and while this season technically does not exist in Florida, I couldn't be more excited. The pugs and I have been noticing a certain coolness in air in the evenings and we have been able to spend more and more time outdoors. We have even been able to go to some of our favorite parks after dinner. Hooray for pug weather!

How's the weather in your neck of the woods? Are the leaves starting to turn? The beautiful Fall colors is one thing I definitely miss living in Florida.

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Hello from Northern Virginia. The trees are just starting to turn, but because it’s been dry, a lot of leaves are now covering our backyard. There is a wonderful crispness in the air mornings and afternoon.  Minnie, Mario really enjoy it.  Mack is not an outdoor type of guy.  He really only goes outside to do his business.  Being a Florida natives, we really enjoy the change of seasons, just not the freezing cold…

Enjoy the weather!
Minnie, Mack and Mario



Being a little further south of you in WPB it still hasn’t cooled down as much!!  I just can’t wait for some relief!!  Bosco just can’t take it!!  I too miss all the colors and the crispness in the air….that’s about all I miss though!!!  LOL!



Formerly from Chicago now living in Fort Lauderdale,  14 year old Meiling
can’t take the Florida heat!!!!!!  We are really looking forward to winter——-
Couldn’t say that when we lived up North!!!!

sue states


Solsie loves playing in snow-we have had snow in the very high country and expecting more this evening into Friday dropping down to 6000 feet. I love fall and the Aspen are turning as are other trees, cool evenings, cool mornings and we can get snow down here as early as mid-October-LOVE IT!! Pug hugs from pastor Sue & the Colorado 2



So glad the pugs can stay outside longer. In Omaha it’s just starting to get cooler. Some trees are turning too. Fall and Winter are my favorite time of the year. Bella enjoys laying in the sun but she usually does that from the comfort of her kitchen by the back door.



Here in North Texas, it’s still too hot for pugs.  But I have been enjoying walks myself (except for the mosquito problem—there have been several cases of West Nile here).  I keep promising Bennie that soon he’ll get to go on a walk.

sue wooding


Here in Tampa we have had a straight week of rain it is suppose to clear out by weekend I love fall weather I miss the leaves turning colors I am from New England and I do miss this time of year

pug mama


Lily and I are in Wisconsin, and our high tomorrow is predicted to be 80, so even though it’s “fall”, it doesn’t quite feel like it yet. 

This past sunday, there was a “Pug Hug” at one of the nearby dogparks.  About 30 pugs and their people ventured out, it was in the morning, so the temps in the 50s were perfect pug weather.  Lily did great, we both had a fun, and can’t wait for the next one! 

Trees are changing just a tad around here, though we’ve been dry too, so that has helped along the leaves for being ready to fall.  Lily loves a crunchy leaf for a snack, silly pug!



Mr. Skittles & I live in Nova Scotia, Canada.  The temps have been cooler making it easier for walks anytime of the day.  Leaves are starting to turn a bit, pretty this time of year smile

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