Owned by Pugs

Friday, June 5, 2009

Eye Doc Visit

Luna & Sol

Yesterday, Luna & Sol visited the eye vet for their checkups. Sol's visit was just for a routine checkup. The last time we were there, they put her on drops to slow cataract growth and we have seen a great improvement in the cloudiness in her eyes. The Dr. agreed that Sol is doing well and we are going to keep the same drop plan for her.

Luna was not due for a checkup, but we brought her in with Sol because we noticed a small bump developing on her upper eye lid. Given her history, we didn't waste anytime getting her in to have it looked at. Her diagnosis was an obstructed gland in her eyelid. At this point we are hoping we will be able to clear this up with a few medications. In about 2 weeks time we will know if the medications are going to work and we will revisit the eye doc with Luna. Hopefully, things will have cleared up, otherwise, Luna will need to have a procedure to drain the clogged gland. She will not need to be put under, however. How they will drain the gland without putting her under is beyond me, but I trust that they have their ways.

The silver lining in all of this is that the blocked gland does not seem to be bothering Luna at all. They eye doc said that she would be pawing at her eye if she was experiencing any discomfort and we have not seen her messing with her eye at all.

She is a trooper. She takes all her many drops each day like a champ and has battled through all of her different eye maladies as well as anyone could expect. I feel bad for her because it seems like we never get any good news about her eyes, but overall, I think she handles her limited vision very well. She runs through the house with the rest of them and adapts very well to new situations. Over the years, we have learned her limitations and her weaknesses and that has helped a lot. It at least keeps her from doing face plants at the beach.

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Glad to hear that the checkups went well for the most part.  I will be praying that the meds work on Luna’s blocked gland so that no drainage is necessary!!

Happy weekend to all!!!!!!!!!!  Pugs and kisses!



Such sweet, sweet girls.

Sol, keep up the good work baby girl.

Luna, hoping the medications do their job and you don’t have to have your gland drained.  You have been through enough with your little eyes. Corrine you are a trooper with their eye drops/medication schedule.  I really applaud you for keeping on top of all of this.

Happy weekend to all the puggies and their mommies and daddies.



Great news for both of the babes of the house!  Isn’t it amazing how these precious little bundles of joy take whatever life throws at them with a smile and a pug kiss?  All of us humans could learn a lesson (or 10) from them.

Did the boys go in the car for the ride or did they get left at home???



great news, glad to hear all went well.
Happy Weekend to all out there in OBP land!!!



Poor thing.. I am glad the gland isn’t bothering her and I hope the meds make it go away.

Glad Sol’s checkup went well!



I’m really glad Sol had good news at the doctor.  That’s great!

But I’m sorry to hear little Looney has an obstructed gland.  I really hope the medication helps!

Did the boys mind being left behind when you took the girls out without them?



Two beautiful girls!  Even though it wasn’t perfect news for Luna at least it’s not bothering her and hopefully the meds will work!  What’s a few more drops anyway, right wink  I’m glad Sol got a wonderful report.  Keep up the good work girls!



Ohmygosh! I just read the face plant story - I can imagine how scarey that must have been - her poor eyes!! OUCH!
You take such excellent care of your Pugs - how can they be anything other than healthy, happy and in great shape? grin



My pug Jackson recently underwent surgery for his blocked eye gland on his lower lid—a ‘V’ shaped section was removed and the lid was then stitched back together. Jackson healed very nicely and has not had any difficulties from the surgery. Our vet did say the surgery was more involved than he thought it would be though.
Best wishes!

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