Owned by Pugs

Thursday, June 28, 2012

Extra Credit


After we wrapped up Swim Camp this weekend, Henry decided that he wanted to take one more lap. At this point, we had taken the pugs out of their life jackets to keep them cool. (No sense wearing the jackets on land). So, when Henry jumped into the pool, he was in for quite a surprise. Swimming sure is a lot harder without his vest. He made it to the step as he usually does, but he pace was much slower and he had to work a lot harder for it.




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It’s so wonderful seeing them have so much fun they look great.Hugs and kisses being sent to those fun lovin"pugs.

Sue VDB and Annie


Good job Henry.  You are one sweet pug.

Minnie and Mack


Love to see water-loving puggies!  We need to come over and play and get swimmin’ lessons.

Drools and licks,
Minnie, Mack and foster Mario



I think extra treats for Henry for the extra work out you go Henry



I love these pics! I bet Henry was in a for a big surprise. What a cutie. I would’ve panicked! But looks like his brother and sister were looking after him. smile I love the picture of him getting out of the pool. His little tush looks so cute. And Luna is making sure he gets his foot out. So adorable!

Stay cool everyone!

Pug Hugs to all from Bella & me

Lucy and Pen's Mommy


I agree with sue, that effort deserves extra treats!

Lucy and Pen's Mommy


In the second picture it looks like Benny’s saying, “Dude…you gonna make it?”



I think it’s so sweet that Henry loves to swim so much.  And I am very impressed that he can swim so well without his life jacket on.

mary castagnoli


I always enjoy seeing how everyone rallies ‘round the pool for the whoever is swimming.  And I commend Henry for paddling so valiantly w/out his life vest.

I’ve heard or read before that French bulldogs have to wear life vests in the water - or they could drown as their heads are too heavy to keep them out of the water.  Wonder if that applies to English bulldogs as well - or if their weight is more evenly distributed?  I don’t have either - but thought it was good to know.



Luna and Benny seem to be coaxing Henry to the steps.
I think in the last picture, Luna is saying, “I would have thrown this life jacket in for you, Henry”.

Did Puffy get to go to swim camp?



What ADORABLE water Pugs these 3 Pug Angels are!!! smile
The look on Henry’s face seems to say BOY This is Lots HARDER than it was the last time!!! LOL!! wink
Henry you deserve an Extra Treat for the hard workout you did.
Pug hugs and kisses for all 3 of you Precious Babies from a Pug Lover in Georgia.

nice blog..

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